Ancient one

The following days were peaceful for Percy. Taking of much needed break from the constant training and fighting, Percy spent some time with his family and friends. Just like that a month passed in a flash. Come back to his room from lunch Percy was surprised when there was someone sitting at his desk. "And who might you be?" Percy asks. "I am wondering that about you myself. I am called the ancient one by my friends and colleagues, and you are Percy I assume?" The ancient one replies.

"I am, and what do I owe the honor of receiving a visit from the sorcerer supreme?" Percy asks in turn." "Oh you already know who I am so this should make this easier then. I have come to see if you would want to receive some magical training. Using a certain spell I can usually see through just about anyone, but you Percy I can not see through at all. And judging from your recent heroics I can judge that you are a friend to earth so I believe I can trust you with training you." She replies. "Very well I accept, however I only have a few months free for training" Percy says as he runs downstairs to tell his parents he is leaving for training for a few months.

Stepping through the portal Percy arrives at Kamar-Taj. "welcome to your home for the next few months. I will have one of the masters give you a tour before giving you a sling ring. After if you would come visit me I will personally over see your training" She says calling Wong over to give Percy his tour. As Percy follows Wong around on the tour he recognizes Kaecilius and Mordo. Finishing the tour and receiving his sling ring Percy makes his way to the ancient ones study to start his training. "Now Percy before we start I must ask just what exactly will you do with magic once you learn?" The ancient one asks giving Percy a cup of tea. "Probably the same as I have been, saving people and stopping aliens from invading should they come back" Percy answers sipping his tea. "Very well Percy let us start training right away with how to use a sling ring" The ancient one says demonstrating how to use the sling ring. The month went by quickly as Percy absorbed all of the knowledge the ancient one had to give like a sponge. "Percy you have learned well all that is left to learn is self taught." The ancient one says "Thank you ancient one I have enjoyed the training." Percy replies. "Percy if you will follow me to the treasury and lets pick you out a relic to accompany you in your journey." The ancient one says leading Percy to the treasury before letting him loose to pick a relic. As Percy walks around he suddenly feels something pulling him into the corner of the treasury.

As he gets closer to the the corner he notices a sword resting on the wall. As he puts his hand on the handle he feels a connection to the sword making it feel like it was a part of him. "Ancient on just what is this?" Percy asks. "That is dragonfang, As the name suggests it was forged from the fang of a inter dimensional dragon." The ancient one replies. Wanting to test something out Percy transforms into his half dragon form shocking the ancient one. Upon completing his transformation Percy notices the dragonfang begging to absorb some of his internal energy. After absorbing half of Percy's current store of energy the dragonfang begins to glow before it gets absorbed into Percys' body. Shocked by what just happened. Percy sits down into a meditative state to inspect his body. Noticing something different about his foundation Percy finds the dragonfang absorbing a small portion of his internal energy slowly strengthening itself. Standing up Percy summons forth dragonfang when he notices it has changed slightly. The blade now has a fiercer aura about it as well as the blade itself seeming stronger in general. Bidding the ancient one goodbye Percy uses his sling ring to portal himself home to test what else the new and improved dragonfang can do.

After spending a week playing around with dragonfang Percy has figured out a few things he can do with it. If he coats the blade in his energy he can send a wave of his energy out dealing a more damage than he can with the same amount of energy consume if he were to just fire off a energy blast. If he has the blade inside his body, the dragonfang boost his dragonclaw technique making them into a almost material form rather than the spectral form the usually have further boosting their attack power. Before he could experiment further with it he received a phone call from Natasha telling him that Tony's house had been blown up, and to report to what was left of Tony's house immediately. Arriving on scene the the damage was more than he anticipated. seeing a iron man suit laying on the ground and a strange woman next to it Percy assuming it was Tony runs up to it to see if he is ok only to be shocked when it is Pepper Potts instead. "Ms. Potts if your in the suit where is Tony?" Percy asks helping Pepper out of the iron man suit. "He threw me out of the way of the explosion into a this suit, that was the last time I saw him" Pepper says still in shock of what just happened. "I will go scout the surrounding area someone like Tony will not die that easily" Percy says trying to comfort Pepper before activating his half dragon form and scouting the area. After searching the area for a hour Percy returns to a sobbing Pepper Potts who assumes he is dead since Percy was unable to find him. Calling Natasha to take Pepper somewhere safe Percy returns home in a attempt to rack his brain to try and remember where it was Tony went after his house exploded so that he can provided Tony with backup for the battles he will fight during the events of Iron man 3.