
Blaze city was ruined in just a single night and all the people in charge were dumbfounded by the letter.

He could see the formation and its level and even though he is not confident to understand it, he is confident that he can break it, but now that the magma is filling up inside the formation, he is having a hard time because just as what Sam said, the whole city has to be moved in order to control the loses and even then, the mine will be closed and rest of the farmers' lands will be ruined completely.

But would convincing the farmers be easy? Absolutely not. Evacuating the city, because the farmers are the citizens with lands, houses, and other property, they wouldn't leave it, when they knew that there is a chance that they can retain them.

So, all he can do is report the letter to the Duke.

Deputy General came to the Marquis city at the same time as the in charge of the Blaze city to the southern star city.