Aqua Crystal

Sam and the gang are now inside the dimension and the crystal is hidden underground by the Drunkard.

As the guys are having a meal, Sam is going through the bestiary, to see what kind of Porpoise beast is that came after them and the only clues that he has are the crystalline wall that stopped them in their tracks and the unclear view of the creature itself.

It took more than two days and a revision of the data of both minerals and the beasts.

They are called Grey Fin Porpoises and they live in large communities and the crystal that is forming a wall is actually an active material just like the rubies he got from Maya. I.t is called Aqua crystal

But the energy it emits is not pure and the water around it will be contaminated by this, it was all too coincidental that the Grey Fin porpoises don't like these crystals as they would numb their senses gradually of, they stay in that region.