Part 4: Released

It was the next day at 10 in the morning they let me out of the hospital. I wasn't too excited because I still had to go to school, but hey I'm out of the hospital and the school's annual spring dance was coming up so I'm pretty excited for that. "So since you're out of the hospital I'll take you to the Mexican place like I promised." "Cool thanks." On the way there I looked out the window and saw Moonstone Lake. It was the place me and my brother used to go to get away from the world's problems and we would just chill there for days. "We should start going back to Moonstone Lake." "I would, but haven't you heard they found a body there yesterday it's closed down and it's not opening up anytime soon." "Oh who was it?" "I don't know the person some girl named Maddy Hemlock." "Oh… I don't know her." "Yeah they found her in the bushes she had been raped. They are still looking for who did it." "Oh that's sad." "Yeah she was your age." "Oh….." Just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse and that it was about to get better I'm hit with that news. I don't know the girl, but it's still sad and she was only 15. We pulled up to the place. "La Casa de los Sabores, the best restaurant in town." "That's a little exaggerated." "Not to me this place is great." La Casa de los Sabores is the Mexican restaurant I love. The outside had very vivid colors of red, blue, green, and yellow. The was an immense Mexican statue of a man playing the guitar. "Are you done staring at the statue yet? Can we finally go in?" "Oh yeah right ha." You can tell this place is expensive. The inside had a vast chandelier made with real diamonds on it hanging up and all the food is made in front of you. "Hello welcome to La Casa de los Sabores what will you be having today?" "I'll have the special with extra hot sauce." "I'll just have tacos." "Ok it will be out soon." We we're waiting on our food, but we weren't saying anything. We were just sitting there not talking and avoiding eye contact. It was awkward. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. It felt like eternity, but eventually our food came out. "Here's the special, and here's the tacos." "Thank you." The silence continued and I could tell he was awkward too. I just thought "Why isn't he saying anything?" and "Say something!" I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say...I had so many things to say, but I didn't know how. But then I got it, I understood why we weren't saying anything. After all that happened we just wanted to sit in each others presence and not have to talk. We got done eating and he paid and on the way out the door, he stopped. He was just standing there he was going to say something, but he didn't. He just stood there then moved to me and gave me a hug. It was the kind of hug Trinity gave me before she said that awful thing to me. But this time he didn't say anything and he just hugged me. I was confused at first, but then I got it. He wanted to say everything, but didn't know how to. Actions speak louder than words, and that hug said everything I needed it to. I didn't even realize I was hugging him back until he pulled away. I wanted to ask, "what was that for," but I didn't have to, I already knew. We walked to the car and drove back to his house.