Part 3: Wake Up

I woke up with a bright gleaming light in my eyes. For once in what seemed like forever but really was like a day I saw something other than darkness or myself. I was laying down and the light went down and I could see I was in a hospital. "Thank God you're awake!" "Jackson I could hear you I heard everything you said…" "I knew you could...I knew you were still in there." "Hey girl how are you feeling?" "Hey Trinity, how are you?" " the question is how are you doing?" "I feel fine I don't know it's weird." Then Trinity came and gave me a big hug but it wasn't tight. It was a nice light hug ...the type of hug that you can truly tell that they missed you and it lasted a while. She silently whispered something in my ear something that scared me that'll I'll never forget….. "I hope you fucking die and burn in hell." All this time I thought she was ride or die….. and she's telling me to go rot in hell. She let go and kept lying saying how she missed me. I wasn't really paying attention. I was just trying to cope with what she just told me.. it felt like someone stabbed me in the gut. "GET OUT OF MY HOSPITAL ROOM NOW!" "What! Autumn what has gotten into you?" "Jackson she told me she wanted me to die." "I would never you're like a sister to me." "YOU WHISPERED IT IN MY EAR WHEN YOU GAVE ME A HUG!" "Trinity…. get out." "Jackson you believe her!" "Yes now just get out." Trinity's face was burnt red from anger but just as she was about to explode she stopped and gave this evil grin out of pure hate. It was something I have only seen in movies. "Well if you want me to go I will go I just wanted you to know that I wish you're mom would've killed you with that stab." She walked out and wasn't even sorry. It made my blood boil… seeing her walk out and play the victim and not even care.. she was a disgusting human being. Just then the doctor walked in. "Hey Autumn how are you feeling?" "Fine." "That's good. We did some testing while you were in a coma and everything looks normal. If all goes well, you should be out of here by tomorrow." "Thank God!" The doctor left when the thought hit me.. who am I going to live with I don't want to go to foster care. "Can I live with you Jackson?" "Oh….uhh" "Please I'm only 15 and can't live by myself and I don't want to be put in foster care." "Of course you can I'm always here when you need me." "Thank you."