Part 2: Blackout

I woke up in a black empty room ...or at least I thought I woke up until I saw another me standing in front of me. "Hello? Who are you?" "Why I thought that would be obvious." "I am I can see that you are me but like where am I and like really like who are you?" "I'm your conscious and right now you're in a coma." "Oh…" A loud gunshot sound came ringing in and it made my head hurt. "I know that sound…." "I know you do it's the sound of the police man shooting your mom in the head after she stabbed you." "Oh right so is my physical body in a hospital?" "Yes…. and the doctors said if you don't wake up in 2 days on your own they are pronouncing you brain dead." "Then I gotta wake up." " It doesn't just work like that you got to rest because you were hurt so badly." Then all of a sudden a loud voice came over use from above it sounded echoey like God was talking to us but it wasn't God. "Hey I know you're in there….. I know you can fight threw after all you're my little sister, the one that never gives up even when all seems bad. I can't lose you… were the only friend I have. I promise that when you get up we will go to that Mexican place you really like that I don't like taking you to because it's so expensive. You have to wake're only 15 you have your whole life ahead of you. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most, but I'll make it up to you just wake up please…. congratulations you're making a 26 year old guy cry ha…" "Jackson… do I give a signal saying that I can hear him?" "You can't he's just going to have to assume you can hear him." "Ugh fine…. Jackson I can hear you. It's nice to hear a voice other than my offense." "Non taken." Then I stopped and just laid on the ground and just cried…. it's overwhelming to think that one minute you're on top of the world and everything is really ok and then the next your mom and dad are dead and you're in a comma not able to talk to your brother which is the only family you have left…. "Haha look at the cute butterfly hehe." "Yeah it's full of color…" I sat up to see my conscious was playing one of memories of my and my brother when I was five. "When you grow up you're going to be just like a butterfly. You're still growing now but soon enough you're going to spread your wings and fly…" It was one of my favorite memories of him. I loved how even when he was 16 and a depressed teenager he still smiled around me and made me laugh. "I know life can be hard to understand at times and it's ok to sit and just cry...when life gets you down, think about all the happiness there is in it." "I guess you're right, I mean this isn't all bad, at least I'm not dead yet." Then I lay on the ground and fell asleep.