Part 1: Insanity Starts

Hello, my name is Autumn Fordale and this is my story. I was like any orgianary girl, I had ordinary friends and an ordinary family. The only thing is I didn't know my real family. I was adopted when I was 10 months old. I went to an ordinary school in Greensburgh, Nebraska. My older brother's name is Jackson Fordale. My story starts about 2 weeks ago.... "AUTUMN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" "WHAT DO YOU WANT MOM I'M TRYING TO GET A SHOWER" "A SHOWER CAN WAIT I FOUND HEROIN BEHIND THE COUCH AND I KNOW IT'S YOURS BECAUSE YOUR BROTHER DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE!" "MOM I AM ONLY 15 HAVE YOU ASKED YOUR FUCKING HUSBAND" "DON'T USE THAT LANGUAGE AT ME GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" I muttered a few words and thundered down the stairs. Only to see my mom there with a blood stained butcher knife and my dead dad lying on the floor. "Oh there was no heroin I just wanted to get you down here" "....what the hell did you do to dad" "Oh sweetheart he never liked me or you so he deserved it, and now it's time to finish the job." She started crawling towards me. Her hands red, her back hunched, her feet dragging. It felt like an eternity until I glanced to the right and saw the home phone hanging. I bolted to it and she ran after me as a frantically punched in 911. "911 what's the emergency?" "HELP MY MO…..ahhhhh get off me." My mom has tackled me to the ground about to slice my throat open. I did the only thing I could. "Hello ma'am?" It took all my strength to get words. She was choking my with her bare hands while raising her knife when I finally broke my hand free and pride her hand off my throat and just screamed a blood curdling scream. "AHHHHHHHH MY MOM IS TRYING TO KILL ME! THE LOCATION IS 2565 HAZEL STREET, GREENSBURGH NE, 13157!" "Ok ma'am back up is on the way I just need you to keep talking to me what's your name?" "GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU PSYCOPATH!" I had one arm pinned under her leg one hand holding her arm in the air so she wouldn't stabbed me and she was sitting on my legs and was pushing my head into the ground. I couldn't move. I was kicking my legs, dinging my nails in her wrist, and even biting on her thumb and she wasn't moving. Just when I was going to give up I heard a loud bang that sounded like thunder. "WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED PUT THE KNIFE DOWN AND STAND UP" "The lord has called me to rid these demons of this world and I shall do whatever the lord tells me." She removed her hand from my head, ripped my hand off her wrists and swung down with the knife and pushed it into my chest. BANG was the last thing I heard before I blacked out