Part 6: School

I woke up to a loud beeping noise. My vision was blurry, but then I realized it was just my alarm going off for school. Faye was still right beside me the whole night. She looked so comfy and I didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to. Then I saw my brother peek his head in my door. "Hey you up?" "Yeah, sadly." "Breakfast is ready when you come out." I leaned up and looked at the time. It was 6:30 am, I had an hour to get ready. I stood up, still being half asleep, and stumbled over to the dresser. I was getting on my clothes when I realized that they weren't the ones that I was wearing before, but they also weren't my brothers. I finished getting dressed in the black tank-top that said you complete me, the red flannel that went over it, short light jean shorts with spikes on them, the ripped leggings that go under the shorts, the black boots that went just above my ankle, and the gray beanie. It was a nice outfit and something I would wear, I just don't know where they came from. The clothes fit well too. I walked out to the dining room where my brother was sitting eating a waffle. "So I see the clothes I went out and bought you fit." "You bought me these? You didn't have to." "I know, but you've been wearing the other outfit for so long. I thought I'd give you something else to wear to school." "Well thanks." I sat down and started eating my waffle. "Is it good?" "Yeah it's good." I finished eating and waited outside for the bus. The bus came around 5 minutes after I went out there. I knew that everyone knew already what had happened because of Trinity. I hesitated then I stepped on the bus and as soon as I got one everyone shut up and started staring at me. I just looked down, I didn't really know what to do. I just sat in a seat wanting the day to be over already. Then a girl came up to me she had red hair, pale skin, and icy blue eyes. I never saw her before. "Hi I'm Alina, yesterday was my first day. Everyone already knows what happened, are you ok?" "Yeah...yeah I'm alright." "Do you mine if I sit next to you?" "No go ahead." She sat down and slid next to me. "Ok like I know what happened, but I don't know the whole story. Do you mind telling me, if you don't want to that's fine it's non of my business I understand." "What exactly do you know?" "I know your mom tried killing you after she killed your dad. I also know you kick a girl out of your hospital room for no reason." "It wasn't for no reason…. when she gave me a hug she told me that she wished my mom would've killed me." "Oh I'm so sorry." "I thought she was my friend too. She was my only friend….. now I have no friends." "Well let's change that. I'm tired of people talking crap about people behind their backs. I want a good friend for once. I'll be your friend." "You don't have to…." "I want to." "Ok fine let's be friends." "You know tomorrow is the dance…. are you going?" "Yeah, are you?" "Yeah, I also heard some guy plans on asking you to it. I don't know if it's true or not." "Oh….. do you know who?" "I forget his name, but he's tall, dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and he's popular." "Dexter…. no it can't be him he doesn't like me…." "Dexter yeah that's his name." Dexter is the most popular guy in school. We were friends, but not really close. I always thought he was into Trinity not me. I mean I did always like him. "Will you say yes if he asked you?" "Oh why not I only live once." "You guys would make a cute couple." "Ha yeah thanks." The bus pulled to the school. "I'm not looking forward to this." "Why?" "One, it's school. Two, everyone knows what happened. I hate getting all the attention." "Well if you get crowded I'll just tell some people to go away and to mind their own damn business." "Ha thanks." "My pleasure." We walked off the bus and into the school and everyone was just staring at me. Their glares said it all, they knew what happened, and they believed what Trinity told them. Trinity started walking towards me. She had this strut like she owned the place. "You going to say sorry for kicking me out of the hospital?" "Me…..apologize? No you're the one who needs to apologize for telling me that I should've died!" "So making up lies now. Wow that's low, even for you." I was going to say something before Alina gave her a right hook and knocked her straight out. "Damn she was annoying." "Uhhh how about damn you're strong." The teachers didn't even notice and the students were too shocked to even speak. "We can just play it off as she passed out." "Yeah we can, I'm just surprised you didn't leave a mark. She was just out." "Ok then we will play it off as she past out." We walked to the next class and the students didn't say anything. "Alright class take a seat…." I didn't pay much attention to rest of the classes they seemed to go by quickly. Before I knew it I was at lunch. I was going to sit down when Dexter walked over to me. "Hey Autumn." "Oh hey Dexter." "S-so I'm just going to be blunt.... W-will you go to the dance with me?" I couldn't believe it he actually asked me. I could sense Alina behind me smiling, but I could also sense Trinity's hatred from the table across from us. I knew Trinity liked him, and so did I. I told her she could have him, but that was before she said to go die. I have no sympathy for her. "Yes I would love to go to the dance with you." "Wait really oh ok I will pay for your ticket." "Oh you don't have to I got it. Let me…" "No I insist." "Oh ok…. do you believe Trinity and what she said about me?" "No, I believe that you had a reason to kick her out after she told you to go die. She has always been a bitch. She deserved to get knocked out today." "Ok thanks for believing me." "Yeah no problem." He walked off to go buy us our tickets. Alina ran up to me smiling. "You guys make a cute couple." "We are not a couple yet…. he just asked to the dance." "Yet, you said yet." "Has anyone ever told you that you can be annoying?" "Yes, myself everyday." "I was kidding." "I know." We ate our lunch and Dexter came and sat next to me while we were eating. We got dismissed to our classes. Dexter got caught up with his friends behind me. "What are you going to wear?" "Ummm a dress." "I want a picture of the dress when you get it." "Ok put your number in my phone." I gave her my phone so she could put it in. She gave it back and I went to my next class. Once again I wasn't paying attention, but this time I was worrying about the dance and what I was going to wear. Luckily I was going shopping after school. I was writing when I realized I got a note. "Stay the hell away from my man!" -Trinity. That bitch really did that. I had to respond "He asked me out not you bitch, can't help it I'm better than you." -Autumn. I passed it back to her and her face turned red from anger. The bell rang for school to be out. I walked to the parking lot since he was picking me up. I walked to his car and got in. "Hey how was school?" "Good, someone asked me to the dance." "Really who would ask your ugly ass out?" "Yeah I know right ha. My friend Dexter did." "Oh I'm guess you need something to wear?" "Noooooooo…. I'm going naked." "Ok you smart ass what are you planning on wearing?" "A dress." "Oh ok let's get going then." We left the school and went to the mall.