Part 7: Shopping

We got to the mall and we went into Macey's and I saw this dress I loved. It was red and had lace on the top half, the bottom half was flowy, it went to a little above the knees, it had lace on the side and you could see my sides. It looked perfect. I walked out of the dressing room to my brother. "It looks nice on you." "I know, can I get this one?" "Yeah, let's go look for shoes that go with it." We walked out after I got dressed back into my clothes. I just got a pair of plain black high heels to go with it. We continued shopping and I got 20 pairs of clothes. My brother spent a total of like $300 on the clothes. We went home where I was once again greeted at the door by Faye. I went into the room and put on my dress and shoes and sent a picture of what I was wearing to Alina. "OMG you look so good! Anyone would be lucky to have you as a date. You'll be the prettiest one there." "Really I don't think so, but ok." "You do look good. Trinity is going to be so jealous!" "She's already jealous that Dexter asks me to dance." "Yeah ha, I'm going to go eat dinner. See ya tomorrow bye." "Ok, bye." I took off the dress and hung it up in the closet and put my shoes under it. I put my other clothes on and went to the living room for dinner. "Hey what is for dinner?" "Burgers or hotdogs, choose one." "Burgers." "Ok then burgers it is." I sat down while I waited for dinner. Faye jumped on me a cuddled next to me. I turned on the TV and decided to watch "The Office." I sat there for a while waiting for dinner. My stomach was growling. "Dinner is done." "Ok." I went and got a burger and sat down. I ate the burger and went to bed early. I couldn't wait till tomorrow.