Part 8: The Rush

I woke up instantly and threw on my clothes. Faye looked at me wondering why I was in a hurry. I ran out of my room to eat breakfast. "Woah why the rush?" "I can't wait till the end of the school day for the dance." "Well you running around isn't going to make the day go any faster. Slow down and eat." "Can't stop won't stop got to go, bye." "What am I going to do with you?" I ran out the door as fast as I could. I wanted the day to be over so I could go to dance with Dexter. The bus finally came and I walked on it and sat down. Alina came and sat next to me. "So are you excited for the dance?" "It's all I can think about I just want the day to be over so I can go to the dance! It's driving me insane!" "Calm down girl. You need to take a deep breath." As much as I hated to admit it I knew she was right, I needed to calm down. "Ok, ok you're right. I'm calm." "Good." I sat there the whole bus ride, my mind going wild from all the possibilities that could happen at the dance. We got to the school where I walked out and went to first period. The day was just like yesterday I didn't really pay much attention and before I knew it I was at lunch. Dexter walked over to me and sat down at the table. "So are you ready for the dance?" I couldn't help but smile. The guy I had a crush on for 3 years asked me to the dance. "Yeah, are you?" "Yeah I'm pretty excited." "You still got the tickets right?" "Yeah I got them." I thought it was a dream that I couldn't wake up from, I loved it. "I'm sorry I have to ask, why did you choose me?" He sat in silence for a while then spoke. "You are actually my friend because for who I am. Not just because I have nice stuff. You actually put up with my bull crap. You're pretty and you've been through hell this past week. I actually didn't know it, until you weren't at school a few days ago and Trinity told everyone that you're mom tried killing you, that I actually liked you. I got so scared when she told everyone that. I just wanted one chance to tell you how I felt, because if you left I would have regretted it. When you came back I knew it was my chance to tell you how I felt. So, I asked you to the dance. I didn't expect you to say yes, but you did. You are smart, pretty, kind, caring, and everything I want in a girl. So I'm going to try my best to make it a fun night for you." I didn't know what to say. That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I realized how great of a person he was. I could feel my whole face turning red from blushing. "I wasn't expecting that… I thought you were just going to say, 'because it was a dare,' or something stupid like that. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me…. thank you." I was still blushing and smiling. I didn't know what I did to deserve this. He put his hand on top of my mine gently. I jumped and pulled away for a second then put my hand back down towards his hand. Alina was just smiling at us, but we just forgot she was there for a while. We got dismissed to the next class. "Told you that you guys make a cute couple." "We still aren't dating…" "if that didn't confirm that you guys are a thing I don't know what does." "Yeah yeah ok maybe we are." I walked to the next class and was still smiling from what he did. The day went by quickly I got on the bus to go home. Alina sat next to me again. "So it's ok that I'm going to be a third-wheel to you guys." "Ha I guess you are, I still need to ask him if this means we are dating." "It pretty much does, you guess held hands for a little bit." "Yeah I guess so." The bus stopped at my stop. "I'll see you at the dance." "Yeah see you then." I got off the bus smiling still as I walked back to the house. "Someone looks happy, what happened?" "I'm pretty much dating someone. He held my hand!" "Oh wow, big day for you then." "Yeah." "Go get ready so I can drive you to the dance." I went and got on my dress and shoes, luckily the dress covers up all my scars because they were above the knee. Faye came in and sniffed me all around. I bent down and petted her and went in the bathroom. I brushed my hair and made it wavy. I walked into the living room ready to go. "Ok get in the car, let's go." I went to the car and he drove me there where I waited for Dexter. Dexter showed up in a suit and tie. "You look nice Autumn." "You also look nice." We went into the dance together holding hands.