Part 9: The Dance

We went into the dance and went to the dance floor. I saw Alina there wearing a blue dress and blue high heels. "Let me go get you a drink." Then a boy came up to us his name was Zayden. "No I'll go get you guys drinks you guys continue dancing together." "Umm ok thanks." We were dancing and they put on a slow dance song. Dear took a bow and lifted his hand. "May I have this dance ma-lady?" "Oh shut up." I took his hand and he twirled me around and brought me closer. "So does this mean we are dating? I mean you did hold my hand." "Yeah I thought that was obvious." "Yeah ok, so this is my first ever dating someone so yeah I don't really know what to do." "This is my first time to. Just don't cheat and we should be good." "Yeah true ok. Give me your phone." "Can't we enjoy this dance first?" "Ok fine, but then give me your phone so I can put my number into it." "Ok." If someone would've told me three years ago that today I would be slow dancing with Dexter and be his girlfriend I wouldn't have believed them. But here I am, in the arms of Dexter, my arms wrapped around his neck, him swaying me back and forth. Tonight was gonna be the best night of my life. After one hell of a week I deserve to be happy, even just for one day. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes and just thought "What did I do to deserve this?" The song ended and we broke apart. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and gave it to me. "Oh right. I forgot ha." I took it and punched in my number. Then Zayden came back with the drinks. "Here you guys go." "Thanks Zayden." I remember seeing white specks in my drink but shrugging it off thinking it was just the lights from the disco balls. I took a big sip of the Pepsi. "So you're a good dancer, Autumn." "Oh thanks it's my first time. I thought you were a better dancer than me."

"Not really ha." I didn't realize how much I drank because I went to take a sip and it was gone. I began not feeling very well. I got dizzy like I was going to pass out but I wasn't going to let that ruin my evening. Then one of Dexter friends came running to Dexter. "Dexter, your brother is getting into a fight outside!" "What? I'll be right back, Autumn." He ran outside and I was out of it everything got blurry. Zayden came and put his arm around me helping me to walk. I was so out of it I thought it was Dexter. He took me to the bathroom and put a sign on the door saying that it was closed. He sat me down on the ground and I was weak I couldn't say anything. I was just uncomfortably moving. He ripped off my underwear and took off his pants. He started rapping me right there and no one knew because I couldn't scream and everyone thought this bathroom was out of order. It was ten minutes in maybe when Alina and Dexter burst through the door. Dexter pushed him off me and Alina came to comfort me. Dexter started beating up Zayden punching him in the face, kicking him. Zayden didn't have a chance to fight back. I just laid there and I tried talking, but it came out as a mumbled mess. "Dexdfnfoter, Zahsjkebehj rapped mmmmaaaaaaaa.." Alina just looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. "Shush I know just rest." Alina continue stroking my hair until Dexter was done with Zayden. Zayden blacked out by how much Dexter hit him. "Dexter, go get Autumn some water." Dexter ran out the door to get water. "Autumn I'm so sorry he did that to you. He's a disgusting human being." "Itttzzzzzzzzzzz allllllrrrrrriiiiiitttttttrssssss." Dexter came back with water and poured it into my mouth. "I'm sorry Autumn I should've taken you with me. My brother wasn't even fighting anyone. You didn't look too good, but I thought you were just tired I'm so sorry I should've protected you." I fell asleep in Alina's lap.