Part 10: After Math

I woke up I was still in the bathroom, but no one was in there with me and I had a pillow and blanket. I got up and walked out of the bathroom and there were police outside. Alina and Dexter were talking to them. The dance was over, I must've been asleep for at least two hours. I also noticed my brother was out there with them. I didn't know where Zayden went, but then Zayden came up behind me and scared me. "You know you liked it." "Go to hell." I walked outside to them and he followed me. "Go away Zayden!" "Oh come on we can work this out you know you love me." "Like hell I do!" Dexter saw me and ran over to me. "Did I not beat the crap out of you enough? You want me to do it again?" "Oh look at that Prince Charming coming to save her. Listen you just took advantage of her after she almost died. She doesn't know if she likes you or not. So why not let her decide for herself?" Just then Dexter punched him in the face. "Do I have to put you in your place again?" "No. Ok I get it I'll go." He walked back in the school. "Are you ok?" "Yeah it's whatever almost being killed and being raped in the same week." "I'm so sorry today was supposed to be a good day after a hell of a week, but it just ended up being even worse." "Hey it's ok I had a good time other than Zayden." "I'm still so sorry I'm a horrible boyfriend." "No you're not you're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for." "Thanks…. you look cold." "Yeah it's cold out here because it is in the middle of January and I don't have a coat." He took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders. "Hope this keeps you warmer." "Thanks, but won't you get cold?" "No I'm fine." We started walking over to my Alina, my brother, and the police. "Hey, Jackson." "Hey, I heard what happened, are you ok? I'm sorry that happened." "Yeah I'm alright I guess….." "Ok let's go home." "Yeah…..ok, here's your jacket back." "Thanks…. text me when you get home." "Yeah I will." I walked back to the car with Jackson. "I'm so sorry that douche bag rapped you. That's horrible and disgusting I'm so sorry." "It's ok." I got in the car and he drove me home. When we got home I went in and took my dress off in my room where I was all the marks he made by digging his nails into my side. As if my legs weren't bruised and scarred enough. I got into pjs and went to bed. Faye came up and cuddled next to me and I fell asleep.