Part 11: Skipping

I woke up to my was finally Friday. I don't know why my school decided to have the dance on a Thursday, but they did. I got up and got my clothes on and did the same things I always did and headed out to the bus stop. I got on the bus and sat down and as always Alina joined me. "Hey, how are you holding up?" "I'm fine, why is always asking me that?" "You were rapped yesterday I just wanted to know if you were ok." I knew I was lying by saying that I was fine…. I wasn't, I was hurting both emotionally and physically. I kept saying I was fine because I didn't want anyone to worry, but I just wanted to cry. I was strong though and toughed it out. We got to the school and Trinity came up to me. "Looks like Zayden likes you, which is perfect because you can't have Zayden and I can have Dexter." "He rapped me you sick psycho!" "Oh you know you liked it. You were always such a slut and fantasized about being pinned to the bathroom floor." I had enough I blacked out and attacked her. It was horrible… I could've killed her before Alina pulled me off her. Just then I realized that I had punched her face to the point she had a black eye and broken nose. The teachers didn't ever care. "Hey I know she hurt you, but don't kill her." Alina helped me up. "Come on we should be getting to class." We walked to class and took a seat. All the periods passed and it was now lunch, where Dexter came and sat down next to me. "Hey I know what you did to Trinity are you ok?" I wanted to say something to scream I'm fine, but I couldn't. Instead I broke down crying about everything. Dext pulled me into his arms. "Hey I know I'm sorry. I could only imagine what you have gone through." "D-Dexter it fucking hurts…. sometimes I just wish my mom killed me that day. Sometimes I wish I didn't wake up from the coma and that they pronounced me brain dead… Am I just a waste of space?" "No you're not a waste of space and I'm so sorry for Zayden being a fucking duche and that Trinity is a bitch…. I wish I could stop them from saying those things, but I can't….. I'm sorry." I just sat there crying into Dexter's shoulder. They dismissed us to the next class. I didn't want to move, but I knew I had to. I got up and wiped my tears and dried my eyes. Dexter and I walked to the next class holding hands and Alina gave us our space. "I don't want to go to the next class." "Then don't…." "I have to." "No come with me let's ditch school and we can go hang out somewhere else." "Wait what, that's crazy." "After the hell you've been through you need some crazy.. It'll just be you and me." It was crazy, but I didn't care I wanted to. "Ok yeah let's go." He took my hand and we went out the exit to the school and no one saw us. "Where are we going?" "I have a place I like to go to clear my head. We can hang out there for the rest of today." "Ok I'm going to text my brother that I'm hanging out with you so he doesn't send a whole search party." I texted my brother and continued walking with him.