
Aura is a sort of energy field that surrounds humans, animals, plants and all living beings. It is emitted by the body of living things. It exists in every living things but it lays at its dormant state. To activate it is not a simple task. Hence, not everyone can have an Aura. Most people in their lives don't even have the chance to activate their Aura.

Usually, warriors, knights and such are the ones that could successfully activate their Aura. The activation difficulty usually differs from person per person. But one thing for sure, Aura can only be activated after a certain age has passed in a living creature. For humans, Aura can only be activated after a person has reached 12 years of age.

But that doesn't mean that everyone activates their Aura at 12 years old. As it is said before, activating Aura is not as simple as drinking water. Most people who have their Aura activated usually activates them around 18 years old to their twenties. Only those who are either very talented or extremely lucky are able to activate their Aura after a couple of months or years after they turn 12.

Finn and all the kids in the carriages are all around 11 to 12 years old. Finn is included as one of the youngest people there since it has only been three weeks after he turns 11. The younger the kid is, the more chances that they could enter the Academies in the city of Wyrnir.

All the noble families sent their kids there usually because those kids won't inherit the family head position. But some kids go there for some entirely different reason. Either they are extremely talented or that they have a goal to fulfil. Their parents know that the road there is filled with danger but danger is a way to grow. If they don't grow, how are they going to survive in the world on their own.

"Everyone! The break is over! We're about to resume the Journey"

Finn got awakened from his memory searching by the loud shout. It seems that the shout comes from one of the warriors guarding the carriage. He sees all the other kids running back to the carriage.

"Alright! I'll start learning the . I'm looking forward to being able to wield Aura. And I'll also use the to increase my endurance. This body is way too weak!"

"But the third stage of the doesn't really explain too much about how to activate and control the Aura. It only shows some weird stances and what should be done during those stances. It seems that these stances are what allows the Froun Members to activate their Aura? I definitely need more information about Aura."

"That Silver Armoured man probably used Aura to do that punch because that is just inhumane. I remembered that the Family Head, First Elder and Finn's dad, who is the Second Elder chipped in a huge sum of money to have that Silver Armoured man come for whatever reason they have."

While going back to his carriage, Finn is broken from his train of thought by a couple of snickers and scornful laughs from a distance. It seems that those sounds are going nearer to his direction. Form their steps, it sounds like there are five male kids. He hears one of the boy speaks while eating an apple.

"HAHAHA! This blind fool probably doesn't know who is speaking right now! Can you even walk in a straight line? I pity you so bad that I'm think I'm going to cry. Crying from laughter that is! HAHAHA"

"Everyone knows it is you, Krow, who is speaking right now. That voice of yours is way too high pitched that it is too obvious. But this blind monkey probably doesn't even know it if I didn't tell him. what can you do if you can't see? How can one be a powerful warrior then? Your road ahead has pretty much ended."

"Shut it Greem, my voice is not that high pitched! And Blind Finn! Or should I say Blinn, you know, Blind Finn being shortened, you should just forget it about getting into any of the academies there. They definitely won't accept a blind student such as you! They also definitely won't accept you even if you are not blind because you are WEAK! The warriors here won't even care if anything happens to any of the kids here as long as none are missing."

Finn heard all their taunts and just smiles to them. He's definitely glad when he heard that the warriors won't even care if anything happens to any of the kids. He's going to lay low for a while and build his strength first because as they had said, he is currently very weak. He is very excited and can't wait learning the so he can't even bother to mess around with those pitiful kids. After having more than enough strength, collecting debt is a must.

Finn then proceeds to go back to his carriage while humming a melodious tune. Greem, Krow and the other three kids just laughs out loud looking at Finn walking away. They just don't realise that something is going to happen to them, it is going to happen soon.