Froun Snake Steps

It is currently late at night, beads of sweats are flowing out of Finn's whole body. If you look closely, his body is much more muscular than before. Even though it has just been a little over one week, the difference is just astonishing. His height has even grow by a little bit. He no longer looks like the frail old Finn but a much more muscular Finn.

His muscles are currently contracting and relaxing rapidly. His breathing is controlled and consistent. After doing so for about an hour and half, his whole being felt empowered. He then breathes a relaxing sigh of breath.

"The sure is amazing. I could never get tired of the feeling of being empowered. This is definitely the best technique for increasing my muscles and endurance fast."

He then proceeds to check his body. He now has the stamina of a 18 year old teen with the strength a bit greater than most of the kids here. He could currently be said as one of the strongest kids here. With his previous worlds skills, he could easily beat all the kids at once.

"I could now focus my time more on learning the . I couldn't wait to activate my aura! I wonder what kinds of creative things I could do with it. But first, I should start off with the first stage of the , the gliding stage."

Last week, Finn tried to learn the when he directly got back into the carriage. But turns out that he doesn't have the muscles and stamina to do so. One round of using the steps in the gliding stage really tires his body. His previously stiff body wasn't able to handle the flexibility and control of the manual. Now, with more muscles and stamina, he could then proceed into learning the first stage of the .

The first stage of the , the gliding stage, focuses on the footwork needed to move around the battlefield with precise control of the body. It needs one to be reflexive enough to dodge attacks while moving through the battlefield.

Most kids in the Froun Family are usually stuck on this stage for a couple years. They usually meet the requirement to pass this stage at around the age of 17. Probably, The fastest kid in Finn's generation to finish this stage is The second son of the Family Head of the Froun. He passed this stage at the age of 14.

Reading through the basic footwork and their explanation, Finn then smiles. With years of experience and with his talent to sense his body and feel his body to the extreme, this basic footwork is not that hard for Finn to master. It is easier than when he needs to learn on how to walk after he got blind.

"I'm estimating that I'll master the whole gliding stage in 5 days. After that, I'll move on with the second stage, the slippery stage. But first, I need to get back so that no one suspects me of training. I'll give them a big surprise next week. hehehe"

Finn then proceeds to go to the lake to clean his body. He is currently reeks of sweat. People are going to guess what he is doing if he goes back in a state like this.

While cleaning his body with water, he then hears a gushing wind in a distance. He could hear and make out the surrounding 100 meters with just his ear and nose. He knows that there's is a person 90 meters of him south-west from his position. He previously determined that person to be a warrior.

Those wind gushes got stronger and stronger. And there are cracking sounds all over the place. From tree branches being broken and leaves being split in pieces. It seems that the warrior is practicing his sword.

"From the sound of it, there is a distance of 1 meter from the warrior to his surroundings. I guess that the warrior makes some sort of shooting slash like that how that silver armoured man in the memory punches the air and breaks the wall of stone. It looks like most warriors are able to use Aura. I wonder how one determine the power of one's Aura."

"And I know that there are three warriors in total from the dozens of guards escorting the carriage based on how the other guards treats them. But I've never got the chance to observe any of the warriors using their skills. It looks like that the warrior doesn't like showing off their skills in front of little kids. And I know for sure that they could care less about those kids. I wonder why they took the task of escorting us. I think I better get going lest he founds out that someone is spying on him even though I don't really mean to do so."

"I can't wait to go to the academies to learn more about this world! hehehe, things are about to get wild!"

Finn then goes back to his carriage and wait for tomorrow to learn the .