Glowing Gem

Finn wraps the green glowing gem in his fist. He felt power inside of it which he could not describe. He could feel an energy that is being locked inside the gem. The energy feels a bit like the surrounding energy which is extremely faint.

After reading through the manuals that Finn finally realise that the surrounding energy is the energy to activate his Aura. He could feel this energy ever since the first time he got to this world but he could not describe nor explain what it is. This energy didn't exist back in Earth.

But the energy inside the small green glowing gem, around the size of half his fist, felt a hundred more dense than the surrounding energy.

I have no idea what it is but I'm sure that it is important for the Aura. I'll ask Dran when I get back then.

Dran could be said his only friend back in his hometown. He knows Dran's personality very well. He is a pure and stubborn kid who loves to mess around and could sometimes be a bit naughty. But he is very loyal. After not being together for a couple of years. Even though he has his gang of friends, he still chooses to be friends with Finn even though Finn is very weak.

He knows that showing this precious object to Dran won't make him greedy. Since this object could be in the hands of Krow, then Dran probably has it too. And he surely knows more about it than Finn or Krow do.

Going back, he visits Dran's carriage finding that he is not in the carriage. He then goes back to his carriage, thinking to visit again later.

While on his way to his carriage, he senses Dran chatting with some friends of his. Their eyes met and Dran says farewell to his friends and go meet Finn.

"Finn! I looked for you earlier in the morning. Where were you? Practicing again in the woods? Dude, you have just beaten those bastards. Let's celebrate! I'll take out my wine. Hehehe, this is a special occasion you know."

Finn laughs at Dran's comment. He is currently in a good mood. He agrees to go with Dran to celebrate even though he knows that Dran is just looking for an excuse to drink wine. He appreciates this thoughtful friend of his very much.

"HAHAHA Dran! I didn't go out to train just now! I was going through my spoils of war!"

"Spoils of war? You mean the one you stole from that bastards? I heard that you barge into their carriages and also beaten one person while doing so! You looks just like a bandit! HAHAHA."

"Shut it Dran! Do you want to know what I got from them? Hehehe"

"Of course I do! Come on! Show it to me! Come on man!"

"Sure! Let's go to a more secluded place first."

With that, they both go to.the distance and search for a secluded place. After they are quite far from the carriages, Finn took out his spoils of war.

"WOAH! There are a lot of manuals! And these are their family manuals! If those families knew that you have this, you are pretty much doomed. But, good thing that we are far away! HAHAHAHA!"

Looking through the manual, Dran sees in amazement. Looking at new manuals sure is interesting.

"But these manuals are not as good as mine! The ! HAHAHA!"

"Yeah yeah right. How can these manuals compare to the great Dran Draven, the wine stealer."

"Of course, these manuals sure will come in handy for Finn, the manual bandit."

Both of them laugh at their comments. This is the first time Finn laughs in this world and this will be the start of his journey.

"And Dran, I also got this glowing looking gem. I wonder if you know this thing."

"Whoah! An energy gem! This is a huge profit! Did you get this from Greem or Krow?"

"I got it from Krow. And what's an energy gem?"

"Dangg! You sure are lucky. This energy gem is used to fasten the absorption of energy and condensed the Aura even more! I only brought 4 of these small gems."

"So it is not used to activate the Aura? I thought that we could connect to the surroundings with this too?"

"The process of activating the Aura could only be done naturally. It couldn't be influenced by outside objects. Since you don't know much about this topic, let I, the master of wisdom, Dran Draven, educate you on this subject."

"Please do so wise Dran."

Dran knows so much because he is from a high noble family. The family he comes from is one of the top-tiered noble family back in his hometown. Although they are one of the top-tiered, they aren't really that influential in the area because they only care much about strength. Almost all the kids there go out to the academies to learn and probably never came back. The only one who stays are usually not the ones who are talented and gifted, but rather the normal ones.

They both then sits at the nearby boulder and Dran starts to speak.

"To start off, first, let me tell you about this green glowing gem. This type of gem is called an energy gem. It can be classified into four types; the low-class gem, mid-class gem, high-class gem and supreme gem. Maybe there are more? I don't know but these classifications are the ones that are usually used. Personally, I've never seen high-class gem and supreme gem before."

"Ten low-class gem is the same as one mid-class gem. Ten mid-class gem is the same as one high-class gem. While the supreme gem, I'm not so sure about that one. I'm not taught that by my family or maybe I dozed of. HAHAHAHA"

Finn just shakes his head hearing that. With the help of Dran, he at least won't be lost later in the future or won't get scammed.

"How about the Aura and Warriors, wise Dran, please educate me with you vast knowledge."

"HAHAHA! Let's continue after we drink some wine! I'll go back and fetch a bottle of wine!"

Dran then scurries back to the carriage as fast as possible. Finn just stares into the distance and just sighs helplessly and then smiles. It sure is good to be young.