Monkey Leader

The monkey leader is a Forest Vine Monkey with the size doubling the other monkeys. It has an armour of vines covering his whole body. Holding a wooden staff, it observes the three people in front of it.

The three people in front it are the the apprentices from the carriage. They have been waiting for the monkey to make its move before appearing before it. They let the guards and kids as bait to lure the leader of the monkeys.

It turns out that after hours of waiting, the bait finally works as planned. These greedy monkeys fell for the bait. A little bit longer, they would probably appear and finish off all the monkeys before leaving in frustration. If there are too many loss, they wouldn't be able to finish the mission assigned to them and collect the reward.

The monkey leader is at the grey stage which is the middle stage apprentice. While the humans have one grey stage and two peak yellow stage. Beast apprentice at the same stage is stronger than humans. Hence, after comparing both parties, it could be said that both parties have similar strength.

Seeing that both parties are equal. The monkey leader won't have to fear them. If they are stronger and he has no chance of winning, he would definitely leave at the blink of an eye.

It directly attacks them, swinging its staff at them. Dodging its attack and splitting off to different sides, the grey stage apprentice and the peak yellow stage will attack close range while the last one will attack form a distance with her bow.

Drawing the arrow with the boost of Aura, the arrow that has been released moves through the air really fast. But even so, it got blocked by the armour of the monkey leader, failing to pierce through it. Enraged, the monkey leader got even more aggressive with its attack.

The grey stage apprentice, using his shield to block the incoming attack, gives an opportunity for the sword wielding apprentice to strike. But even so, the monkey king has quick reflexes. It quickly dodges the incoming stab from the sword by twisting its body.

The fight keeps on going with both teams having no signs of advantage. If this keeps on going, it will be a battle of durability and stamina. Which will resulted in the monkey king winning since it has a tougher body. But the table suddenly turns when a dagger appears and aims for the neck of the monkey.

Realising the danger, the monkey leader could barely dodge it, resulting in it grazing its neck. Blood leaks out of it. But not only that, a purplish liquid substance could be seen along with its blood on its neck. It seems that the dagger has been coated with poison.

Since it has already been poisoned, if the battle is a drawn out battle, it will definitely lose since its body will weaken to the point where it won't be able to defend anymore. Trying to escape, it sees that its path of escape has been blocked by a new threat.

Turns out, there's another hidden apprentice amongst the humans which hasn't shown himself from the start. Moreover, that apprentice is a grey stage apprentice. The monkey leader is outnumbered and is already weakened.

Enraged, knowing that he needs to go all out, its eyes' turn red and a loud roar could be heard coming from it. Hearing the roar, the other monkeys' eyes also turn red. The attacks of the monkeys got even stronger and deadlier. The guards and kids are shocked on what is currently happening. They don't know what made these monkeys go wild.

The monkey leader attacks the apprentices with its full strength. Its speed and strength increases a lot. The grey stage apprentice, failing to estimate the attacking power of the monkey leader, got his shield destroyed and his body pushed back, crashing into a tree. His arm is injured but not to the point of it being broken yet.

Looking at this sudden increase in danger, the other apprentices got even more serious and attack the monkey leader at their full strength too. They need to finish this as soon as possible or else they won't be able to leave with minimal injury.

Their battle sends shockwave everywhere. Debris could be seen flying everywhere. Finn and Dran who are observing from far away could no stay in their location. The human apprentices and monkey leader are moving their battle towards their location. They need to go back to their battlefield. If they don't leave in time, they might be caught up in the battle.

They leave as fast as possible, going back to near the carriages. The wild monkeys are running around everywhere, charging at nearby humans. Along the way, they are constantly surrounded by monkeys with red eyes. They feel that these monkeys' attacks are stronger that before. They connect it with the monkey king, being in a tight spot, it activate some sort of ability which could buff all monkeys.

"I didn't know that an apprentice could do this Dran."

"Well, only beast apprentice could do this. They have something called as a bloodline activation. Doing so will decrease their lifespan but in turn substantially increase their strength. The leader of a pack who has activated their Aura could also boost the strength of its pack member by activating their bloodline Aura. But, these monkeys who have yet activate their Aura will have their lifespan decreased much faster."

"Anyways Finn, I need to go first. I don't think that those kids could survive if this keeps on going."

After saying so, Finn sees Dran move faster, breaking through all the monkeys. While he is still going at a constant pace, sensing the changes in the monkeys.

'These monkeys have a hint of Aura surrounding them. Although it is shallow, it is still amazing that the pack leader could forcefully activate their bloodline which resulted in them having a bit of Aura and using it as a boost of strength.'

Finn is still amazed at the things happening around him. While sensing the changes on the monkeys, he moves in the direction back to where the carriage is located at.