Chapter 17

Bam Furious at seeing that mask he crushed it with his Bare fist.. (Boom)(Crush).. Bam was angry.. Bam began to power up... (Ahhhhhh)(Booom) Bam was glowing white.. Bam used his Fug smash to open the doors.. "Fug Smash"!! (Booooom) Both doors flew off there hinges and landed far from the building.. Bam stepped into the light.. Suddenly a Warpship began to rise and take off.. The side door opened.. Bam saw the Masked Man holding on to Alice's neck.. Bam quickly Ran and jumped way up in the air almost about to enter the side door.. Bam tried to use Fug smash to stop the ship from leaving.. "Fug Smash"!! The masked Man only used a finger.. And with that single flick of the finger.. It sent Bam flying to the ground... (Boooooom) (Crasssh) Alice yelled for Bam... "Bam please help me"!! Bam was to weak.. He began to lose focus and slowly pass out.. But before he did.. He watched as the Masked Man and Alice warpship warped away... Bam Blacked out... When Bam awoke several low level Fug members was carrying him away... Bam angery at what had just happened he powered up to white and brought out the double swords.. With a quick two slashes.. (Booom)(Bang)!!! The Fug members were dead.. Bam began to walk away and one Fug member began to mumble.. Bam quickly realized he was still alive.. Bam grabbed him and spoke.. "Where did he take her"..! The Man spoke.. "I don't know please don't hurt me".. Bam yelled this time.. "WHERE DID HE TAKE HER"!!! The Man finally gave in to Bams demands.. "He took her to Death Mountain".. Bam let go of the man and he fell.. Bam walked away and now knew his next destination.. Death Mountain..!