Chapter 18

... Bam now knew his next destination.. Death Mountain..! Bam began walking for several miles.. The Forest seemed like it would never end.. Bam thought to himself along the way.. "Why did The Masked Man take Alice, and better yet why my Master"..? "What was that back there"..? "He's Power is unbelievably strong"..! Bam stopped walking.. The Forest finally ended.. Bam could now see Death Mountain.. The Hero's quest to Death Mountain would be most difficult.. There was only one trail on the Mountain and it was strongly reinforced.. Without a Warpship it would be almost impossible.. Almost.. Bam approached the first gate.. Suddenly two warpships appeared.. (Vroom) Several Fug members jumped out.. They began to fight with the Hero.. They clash.. (Booom) Bam had made quick work with his blue energy.. Shortly after the Fug members were dead.. Bam proceed to the 2nd gate.. The second gate was guarded by Two Fug members.. They were know as Fug Guardian's.. They both spawn staffs and their power level was unknown.. Bams summoned his blue energy sword.. The guardians didn't speak.. They began to charge Bam.. They then both swung at Bam at once.. (Booom) (Booom)... Bam only had the one sword.. Bam dodge the first but not the second..(Bang).. Bam smashed into the gate..(SMASHHH) Bam knew he had to change forms.. Bam quickly changed to white.. Bam summoned the double swords.. (Boom)(Booom) The weapons all collided.. Bam began to find a weakness in the guardians.. They were strong but slow.. Bam quickly raced to the first Guardian.. Bam used both swords with Hero Slash.."Hero Slash"..! (Boom) The guardian fell.. Bam sprang off the ground backwards over the second guardians head... Bam strikes again.. "Hero Slash"..! (Boooom)... Bam had defeated the guardians.. All that remains was the third Gate... The gate The Masked Man would be.. Bam then walked threw the second Gate....