Chapter 138: Refreshing Night

I looked to Ingrid as Hillary hung with her body still twitching from the chains and my look at her made her shiver. "Mistress?" She asked as I gazed upon her body, and I grinned.

"You know, Ingrid, it has been a long time since I got to play with your body," I told her; my tone, without realizing it, held anticipation on what I was about to do to her. I looked forward to playing with her, and I looked her up and down. I wasn't about to do the same thing I did to Hillary. Hillary, although she tried to deny it to herself, loved what I just did to her as even now pussy juices dripped from her pussy. I paid her not more attention, though, as I stepped to the side.

"Too long, Mistress," Ingrid replied, but I could hear the quiver in her voice after what I had done to her friend in front of her.

"Yes, Too long," I replied, and my hand grabbed a vibrator from my cart as I moved around the chains, and I could see the mixed expression on Ingrid's face. She didn't know whether she wanted what would happen or not. Her indecision didn't matter as I closed to her, and I grinned. My hand reached down, and I sent my form of mana through the strapless strap on, and it jumped to life inside her, and Ingrid moaned with sudden pleasure as my other hand reached out to her.

I flushed my body with hers and felt cravings like I had with Hillary still inside me. One orgasm wasn't about to sate my lust, and I had toys to play with tonight. I wrapped my arm around her waist that had a toy in hand while the other stroked her cheek, and I felt her shiver again. My smile was bright, and my hand slowly snaked down her back, caressing her ass lightly as I heard a soft muffled moan behind me.

"Ingrid," I said, my voice soft as I stroked her cheek in the almost silent room as soft buzzing with low moans continued, "I am going to enjoy your moans, cries, and screams tonight. You have dedicated this body to me, and I will enjoy it like a fine wine tonight." I told her, and I moved my hand up into her hair as my other hand stroked her ass. My fingers curled in her hair, and I felt the soft sigh from her mouth as our lips almost met. My other hand moved between her ass cheeks, slowly invading, and a small vibrator buzzed loudly in the silence as Ingrid moaned as my fingers pressed it against her ass.

"Mistress, Please," Ingrid said, and I could see her mind whirling, and she brought her lips to mine. I could feel her need as she kissed me, and I stopped myself from returning the kiss right away. I pushed with my fingers as Ingrid took my lips, and I stood there. I felt her lips part, and I deepened the kiss as I pushed the vibrator deep into her undefended rectum and felt it buzz deep inside her.

I broke the kiss, and I grinned a second later my smile dark. "Well, I guess you wanted to be naughty too," I said, and I felt anticipation in myself soar, and I felt Ingrid shiver again.

"Mistress, I-. I want-" Ingrid stumbled over her words, and I pressed a finger on her lips as I decided what to do with her. My mind raced as there were so many things I would love to do to her, from the painful to the pleasurable. Ingrid had been a helpful toy, though. I didn't want to go too far and temporally scare her off.

"You are mine for the night, Ingrid," I told her almost softly, and she moaned lightly as I pushed up the vibrator deeper inside her. I pulled back and withdrew my finger from both her hair and rectum. I then began to strip myself. Her eyes attached to me as I removed the leather shirt, and I allowed my pants to hit the floor as I allowed Ingrid to look at me naked. "Tell me, Ingrid," I said as I laid my toned body bare to her eyes. "Do you like what you're looking at?" I asked.

Ingrid swallowed as she looked at my body. Without realizing it, my body was full of flexible muscles that kept me looking soft, but I also looked hard. It was an interesting combination, and I saw Ingrid reaching out seemingly without thought, and her hand touched my abs. "How do you look so hard with so much muscle, but your body is so soft?" Her voice asked as she took in my visage.

"Because I am so flexible," I replied as I took that hand in mine, and I pulled her body flush with mine and Ingrid moaned as the dildo pressed against my thigh, and I could feel the vibrations, and I grinned. "Now we are going to have some fun, Slut," I finished.

I reached down, and I pulled the half of the dildo out of her, and she moaned with the sudden vacancy, and I brought it up to her vision. I showed the side that had entered her friend's ass, and I grinned wickedly. "Open your slut lips," I ordered, and Ingrid seemed disgusted slightly, but I didn't care as my hands moved and pressed her cheeks till she opened her mouth.

I pushed the strapless dildo into her mouth, and I shoved it down her throat slightly. "Wet it and clean it up slut," I told her, "After your friend and your lips, I will fuck you until you scream," I told her, and I saw her eyes soften from complete disgust with those words to excitement. I could see her want and need now, and I grinned in recognition of this woman. She was acting slightly differently, but she wanted what was about to happen to her underneath it all. She wanted me inside her, and I felt her hands as I pushed the vibrator dildo into her mouth. Fucking those lips, I felt her hands on my hips, her grip tightening as I cleaned off the dildo with her mouth and saliva.

The control I had over her was intoxicating, and it was something in this life I loved. I had control over life and death in my last world. I could say something, and people would die without someone even questioning me. The control I had in this world was another level, though. I could do much, if not with as much control as I did with my previous life. But I could do things to others that would make my previous life associates pause. No, they would not give me this much direct control over their personal lives as the women here did.

I pulled the vibrator out, and my pussy was dripping as Ingrid gave me a wanting look with her mouth open. My fingers still pressed on her cheeks, and I gathered saliva in my mouth. I spat into her open mouth, and I saw her eyes widen before I reinserted the dildo with simple words, "I want it spotless slut," I told her, giving an unneeded justification. I didn't need to justify anything I did to her, but that was the power in it. I saw the humiliation in her eyes even as I continued, "Use that fucking tongue slut. I don't want any of your friend's anal juices on it." I told her and her disgust and humiliation. A blush painted her cheeks, but I saw that tongue started to lick all over, and her blush deepened.

Her tongue moved in my vision, licking up the edges tasting some of her juices along with the last remnants of her friend's anal juices. Then I pulled the vibrating dildo out of her mouth, and I grinned. I brought the vibrating strapless dildo, and as it reached my wet pussy I inserted it on a smaller side into me, and I lightly moaned as I pushed it into place. Even as I did that, I held a grip on her cheeks with her mouth open.

I spat into her mouth again as I felt those vibrations go up through my spine. Pleasure made my smile only more significant, and I pulled Ingrid towards me. Ingrid stumbled towards me, and I felt her body against my own. "Get on your knees, Sow!" I announced, and I wasn't kind about my next movement as I forced her down to her knees.

I heard her a cry of pain as she fell to her knees, and I pulled her head onto my metal cock. "Suck it, Slut," I told her again.

I let go of her face, and she was blushing deeply as I felt her hands touch my thighs after I pulled her forward. Ingrid looked up only for a second, her blush deep, then started to suck on the vibrator, and I felt her mouth push the vibrating cock deeper in me, and I moaned lightly while taking the pleasure.

She started to suck on the dildo as if it was my cock and light pleasure went straight up my spine. I didn't care for this too long. I was only doing this to make her feel more humiliated, and I put my hands in her hair. I pulled her head back, and I heard her gasp in the air before I tossed her onto the floor. The sudden eruption of violent movement and I pulled her ass up into the air. Her juicy pussy and asshole twitched with a light gap in her asshole.

I saw that little pucker as I heard the slight buzz coming from inside her. I pulled her ass cheeks apart looked down at her while her hands began to get control of themselves. "Ple-" Ingrid was about to start to say something when I squatted behind my toy, and I pushed inside her. Her mouth remained open, and I moved my foot to press her face to the ground as she slid forward. I pushed as deep as I could, and I began to fuck her pussy hard.

The angle was difficult as I pressed my dirty feet to her face into the floor. Her sudden cry of pleasure as I rocked my hips into her pussy fucking her tight pussy bringing both of us pleasure. My hand came down on her ass, making her cry out, "Mistress!" I spanked her ass while I fucked her pussy harder and harder, sending shots of pleasure as the other side of the vibrator rumbled and moved inside me, sending shivers of pleasure through me with every thrust.

I didn't care as I brought myself closer and closer to orgasm as I heard Ingrid cry out as I pressed her face to the ground. I heard a spray of fluids hit the ground as some of them hit my leg. All of that didn't matter as I dominated her ass with a thrust into her pussy and my hand loudly spanked her ass as I drove my metal cock deep inside of her without remorse, sending another spike of pleasure through my body as I took her hard.

I took so much pleasure, and I heard her screams and cry's as I thrust into her with a hard slap to her ass as I pulled out. I would push right back in as I pushed her head to the floor as I fucked her pussy, and spanked her ass. Juices flowed down to the floor as she squirted on my metal cock.

I reached the edge of what my body I could take before I reached the edge. The combination of each thrust into her pussy sent shivers of pleasure up through my pussy straight to my brain along with the domination, and those screams and cries of pain mixed with pleasure took me to the edge and easily crossed it.

I shivered, and my body twitched, and I heard a slight groan of pain as my feet pushed Ingrid's face even more into the ground. Her pain filled me as I shivered, and I came hard, squirting lightly over Ingrid's ass as pleasure blanked my head out.

For a couple of moments, nothing in the world mattered but the pleasure going through me. Shivers went up and down my spine, and I moaned even louder, and my orgasm rippled through me a second time as I dominated Ingrid hard.

I rode my orgasm out and smiled with pleasure evident on my face as I pulled out. I brought myself up, and I stood on Ingrid's face before I finally stepped off her. I stretched a little as I heard her moan behind me as I turned.

"Don't worry, Hillary," I said nonchalantly as Ingrid moaned and groaned on the floor. "I am not done with either of you," I promised as I moved to the cart picking up another vibrator turning to the woman that seemed to have recovered slightly, hanging over a large puddle of urine. "Yet!" I told her before taking a step closer, even as my legs had a slight tremble from my orgasm.

It was an excellent refreshing night of pleasure.