Chapter 139:

I slowly rose to into waking up with pleasure going up from my pussy as an enthusiastic tongue moved along my clit. I moaned lightly and felt another shiver of pleasure up my spine as I reached the edge and came quickly. My hips bucked as I squirted lightly into that mouth that continued to suck on me. I rode out the orgasm, and I smiled with remembered pleasure as I brought my hands down and tugged the hair of the one sucking on my pussy.

I was in a great mood when I saw it was Freya, who smiled back up at me. "Good morning, Mistress," Freya said quickly.

My smile was enough, and I surveyed my surroundings. The slave I needed to train was still in the corner, sleeping now bound, and Hillary was on the bed, as was Stacy, who was in the fetal position. Her Chastity belt was still on, and I could see her plugging her ears. That made my smile even more radiant as I knew that she was suffering. That belt must be just dripping wet with fluids with the punishment I assigned to her. She would never forget her orders after this.

Her suffering made me wet but not enough to get Freya back between my legs. I was more than Satisfied right now, and I stood seeing Ingrid now too on my other side as Freya moved out of the way. Kitty was in her cage, and I recognized that the bedroom was packed. There was very little room to maneuver, but I just stepped on the slave boy waking him up.

I didn't care as I left the room, making my way to the kitchen with Freya in my wake. I looked down at my cute Tigers, and I nodded to myself. Although I was woken up, Freya had done it at a pretty early time. I was in a good mood too, and I decided to take my Tigers on a walk. They had not had enough time outside, and it was as good of a time as ever to do so.

Freya moved to the kitchen, and I got my tigers up. They had been lazing around too long, and I heard cute growls and calls out to me. "Come on; We are going to get you out of the house for a bit," I reassured them. They all happily got up with the thought and started to patter around the apartment. They hadn't been moving as much as they liked nor as much as I wanted. I had been here longer than I planned, and they had been putting up with it. "I will get dressed; then we can go," I announced.

I did just that, and in a couple of minutes, I was out with my three cute tigers behind me, heading towards the park nearby. I told Freya to cook breakfast for all of us in an hour before heading out. Today was going to be a good day; I thought as I watched now with my Zara and my other cuties running around. I could see how happy they were getting out of the house instead of Freya and Stacy cleaning up after them. They moved with a speed of their species, and even now, they almost seemed surreal to look at. It was easy to forget they were there, and even as they played on the streets in excitement, the few others on the street barely seemed to realize.

That was fine, though, and when we made it to the park, I began to give orders to them for practice and play. They loved the attention and ran around in the small park inside the city. I was still astonished that a city would keep one in the walls, and as I told them to stalk a man, they obediently obeyed, taking it as a game.

It was so good to watch, and I smiled as it continued. I was so relaxed for the first time in days. I had increasingly let myself get more and more pent up while training the mother and son. I had no idea what day of the week it was anymore. However, that didn't matter to me since although this world worked on seven-day weeks, the weekend was more tentative for people working in this world.

I shook my head as I whistled back my cute tigers, and they came back from the prowl, and I told them they could play. They immediately began to tackle each other and cute growls at each other as they began to play fight. Zara easily pinned her brother, and I was impressed with the fact of how easily she had done it. I watched them as the sun rose, and I enjoyed their play. I needed to do this more often, and I felt so free.

Then I moved as I felt someone sneaking up on me. I rolled, and I turned and saw Cassandra. I almost growled in anger, and I saw her approach me. I looked around immediately, and I whistled out an order to my cuties. They immediately moved out into the park to seek anyone that could overhear our conversation.

I waited for a moment as Cassandra looked around like I did, then hopped down to the lowest branch of her tree. It took more time, and I realized that she was not natural at this. Still, she finished sitting and was still relatively concealed in the branches. I stepped up to the tree, and I stood facing away.

"Mistress," I heard Cassandra say from above me, "I didn't want to come to talk to you in the light, especially where someone might overhear. In fact, I was going to the apartment when I saw you leaving." The unneeded qualifier was added, and I made a speed it up motion. "Sorry," Cassandra said quickly, and I wanted to growl at the woman. I knew that she couldn't feel apologetic, but I also knew that she had something important to say that she knew she would be punished if she didn't immediately bring it to my attention.

"I talked to the Necromancer guild last night. They have said that they will be willing only to do a meeting tonight in the warehouse of Pecking street in the docks district just outside our territory. IT wasn't the one you went to last time, but they are unwilling to compromise." Cassandra paused for a moment. "They will be there tonight at dusk, and if you are not there by the time the sun has set, they will no longer work with us."

I frowned but nodded. I waited for only a couple of minutes longer before I moved. "Okay, time to go," I said before whistling, leaving Cassandra in the tree, and my lovely tigers came bounding over. I moved back to the apartment deep in thought as my adorable tigers played around me. They released energy that they had pent up, and I could hear happy growls as I moved back. I decided that I would need to do this more often but not make it a habit in the back of my mind.

My mind raced as I came back into the apartment, followed by my three little tigers happily bounding in behind me.