Chapter 159: Release

I neared the warehouse entrance, moving slowly; my smile turned to a frown as I moved. I quickly began to arm the enchantments, following my instincts as I felt my skin start to crawl. Still, I couldn't figure out what was setting me off. This was the first time I felt something like this inside my own territory. A snarl split my lips before I even knew it, and I had my whip out as I armed the warehouse completely before stepping outside.

I felt the tension in every part of my body as I stepped outside and tried to calm my expression. The good mood from capturing Missa was already gone, and I felt my body loosen up as I felt a battle coming on.

"Be calm, kitty," I heard suddenly, and I whipped my head toward the man sitting on a box near another warehouse.

"Who are you?" I asked as I tried to keep calm while my instincts told me the man sitting on that box was dangerous.

"I am the boss of that woman you took, and I would like her back." The man said, and my mind whirled.

Alex told me that Missa was the boss, but obviously, she had someone stronger protecting them. It made more sense than they had someone of B rank running them. "I don't know who you are talking about," I replied with a sly grin, and the man chuckled.

"We both know that is a lie, Kitty," The man said. Just as he continued, I looked him over and tried to size him up. He was wearing a cloak, and I couldn't see his feet or his face as I wished I could do at this moment. "Don't insult my intelligence, kitty. Although our client didn't tell us that you are a B rank slave trainer, I know you are the only one strong enough to take my crew so viciously after we tried to capture you." The man paused, inviting me to talk.

The man was going to wait as I looked around, letting my eyes take in the surroundings and check for possible getaway spots and how I would like to fight in an emergency. "Not talking, kitty?" HE asked with a small chuckle, "We don't have to fight; just give me my people back." His tone spoke with threat, and I didn't want to lose Missa, so I frowned at him as I did not want to broadcast my strength or ability so close to my warehouse.

"I don't have this, Missa. She killed herself with a pill that she had in her pants." I told him plainly, "I do have someone who claims their name is Alex, though." I told him, ensuring my voice sounded annoyed that she escaped.

"How could a slave trainer like you fail to keep a slave for training alive. I am not sure I believe you," He said before asking, "Where is the body?"

I grinned, showing him teeth viciously as I decided to take a chance. "I have a friend tied with the Necromancers guild," I told him, "I thought the best outcome for a slaver slut that decided to kill herself was eternal servitude to a Necromancer. Poetic, isn't it?" I asked him.

I felt my skin crawl, but the man never moved. He gazed at me supremely pissed off, it seemed, but I continued to watch him in silence as he seemed to be thinking. "Your a fucking bad kitty," He said, the anger in his tone obvious to anyone who heard it. "I think I should kill you myself and sell you to my contacts in the Necromancer guild." The man said, and I felt my skin calming. "You still have one of my lackeys, though, and I intend to take him from your care. Your enchantments on the warehouse are intriguing, and I don't intend on testing them. So kitty," He said slowly and deliberately, "I am not fully convinced that Missa killed herself. I also believe you when you say you have contacts with the Necromancer guild, and they would purchase her for a pretty penny. So I will say this, For my man Alex I will take him back, and I will not kill you if you hand him to me; personally. I will then put up this offer," He paused for effect, and I raised an eyebrow, "I will tell you the name of the client if you release Missa to me. We can both go our own directions and never interact again."

I was tempted. Seriously tempted, but that kitty bullshit was pissing me off. The only respect I got from this man while talking was because I could fight him along with the armed enchantments on the warehouse. I hated his attitude, and I already had Missa tell me who knew what so I could keep her and get a new slave that I could sell in a new city on the road out of here while having some fun collecting that information. I only had a day or two, but I could make Missa crack before then.

The other option was to give in to this condescending asshole that was just a little stronger than me. There was no question in the end as my mind took no more than a second to think it through, "I have no more need for Alex, but I told you already that Missa's corpse is probably being reanimated now, and I cannot help you with that. But I do want to know the client's name," I told him, my voice suddenly turning serious. "I might not even release Alex if you don't at least give me a hint about who hired him, as I only have you to ask now."

I felt his surprise before I felt my skin crawl again. This man was egotistical, but so was I, and I grinned as he stood. A short sword appeared from his cloak, and I saw a slight curve on the blade. I could feel his battle intent, and my skin tingled as I got ready to fight with him.

Our wills clashed, and I felt a smile cross my face as I faced an opponent around my level. I would rather not fight him, and I could feel that my will clashed against his, but I felt the same hesitance from his will. We both didn't want to fight, but neither of us was going to back down, and I felt my smile turn sadistic.

Suddenly my skin crawled, and I moved just as the man lunged at me. His short sword was coming at me with remarkable speed as I instantly moved energy through my body and his sword came at me hard. His attack was at my head, and I used my bladed whip to block it and felt the strength of the man.

I stepped back, releasing some of the strength from the strike, stumbling a distance as he followed it up. I only stumbled back a couple of feet as he closed the distance with his sword coming at me again. I jumped toward a wall, firmly changing his attack as he slid a couple of feet as I jumped off the wall and onto a roof, rolling to slow myself down and turning as he leaped onto the roof after me. I recovered and turned, unlocked my whip, and sent it toward him just as he was about to land on the roof.

I heard an audible grunt as he used his sword to block my whip, but I could see the small trail of blood on his hand as the whip wrapped all the way down, lightly hitting his hand. The enchantments sent agony through them into the man, and I saw him pause. I used this moment to use my energy and recover my whip, making my whip unravel from his sword.

Only moments passed, but now we were standing on the roofs of nearby warehouses. We both stood ready to attack, waiting in silence before the man tucked his sword into his cloak. "Fine, if Missa is dead, then neither of us will be able to bring her back to the useful tool she used to be for me." The man slowly said, "I have no reason to fight you since it's already been bad for business. I will tell you your hint, and you don't have to believe me," The man said, and I could tell it was with a smile. "The person is someone from the ruling family of this city. I don't know what you did to piss the ruling family off, but one of them offered a great price to see you collared and brought to them."

I frowned deeply, and anger swelled inside of me as I felt an old tick through me of betrayal. I nodded to the man; he could have said that to piss me off, so I needed to get rid of this man and make Missa Talk soon. "I will be looking into that," I told the man sheathing my bladed whip.

I watched him and didn't feel that he was lying to me. I still wasn't going to take my feeling as fact, and I watched him come down from being on edge. Walking slowly, never showing the man my back, I leaped off the roof and landed without a noise. On the other hand, the man jumped off, and I heard him land.

I was frowning as I knew there were two reasons for him 'giving up.' One reason was that if Missa was, in fact, dead, then there was no reason for him to fight me as he would be casing good money after bad money. The second was that if he followed me into the warehouse, he could inspect the place to see if Missa was there.

"You can follow me in," I told him, nearing the warehouse again, "That way, you can satisfy your curiosity on if Missa is here," I told him.

I felt that he might have frowned at me allowing him inside, and I turned off the enchantments but not fully. Not all the enchantments were for battle, and not all were mundane, like the hose inside the showers or the showers themselves. There was no reason to keep enchantment active with Jackie and waste shelf life. I did not need to be on guard against someone I could kill with a flick of my wrist. The last reason was perfect for people trying to break into the warehouse; There would be no way to enter the secret room with those enchantments still up.

On the other hand, this unknown man would be walking into my territory with some extra traps I could activate if he decided to fight. Alex, I wouldn't nor did give a fuck about, but Missa was someone I wouldn't give up at this moment. I needed that information even more with what he said tonight.

I turned off all the most active enchantments and left the traps, but it looked the same as if I had turned all of them off. I stepped in and showed him into the warehouse's only entrance. "Your enchantments on your slavers are ingenious," I told him honestly as I showed him inside as he followed me from a distance. Intelligent and stupid as I would win in a sneak attack, but he was far enough away I would notice the attack beforehand.

I watched him warily as I felt him doing the same as we passed my office and into the cells. "Where is he?" The man asked, and I couldn't help the sadistic chuckle that escaped my lips.

"Training," I told him, and I could feel a frown from him. I couldn't help the smile as I opened up to the first training room, and he looked around at the various devices he saw. This man owned slavers, so he knew what they were about, and I was on the other side of the business where its products went. "Been in a slave trainers place?" I asked him.

"Shut up, kitty, show me where he is," He said instead, almost growling it out as I reached the door to the second training room.

"This is it," I told him and opened the door.

"PLEASE! SAVE ME, MISTRESS! SAVE ME, YOU BEAST! IT HURTS! I NEED TO CUM, PLEASE! I'M SCARED!" Alex was in the middle of screaming out.

I stepped towards him and heard the faint buzzing, and the man following behind me stiffened, looking around. He saw Alex as I crossed the distance toward Alex. "I will let him off," I told the man as I picked up the knife near Alex, "But I don't want to be attacked by you again either. If it happens a second time," I let my voice trail off, and the man came closer.

He didn't say anything, and I moved to remove the mask on Alex's head. A second later, after I took off the mask, Alex turned to me, "PLEASE!" He screamed in my face, "SAVE ME! I NEED TO CUM, PLEASE! IT HURTS SO MUCH! MAKE IT STOP!" He continued to scream, begging.

I grinned, showing a sadist's smile, and I reached down and deactivated the enchantment and pulled the sounding rod from his cock. A second later, a large eruption of semen erupted as his balls pulsed, and he cried out, his voice hoarse from all the screaming. Rope after rope of semen erupted from his cock before slowly leaking out of his dick after his balls no longer could push it out.

I reached to unshackle him, and it only took moments for me to release Alex. "He is yours now," I told him, "But I am sure that you want to look around to see if you can find Missa," I told him, and I heard the man grunt. "I will give you five minutes to look for her, then fuck off. If I see you again then," I shrugged before I showed him a sharp smile and extended my claws, "We will fight to the death," My declaration hung in the air.

The man paused, not moving, the silence only broken from Alex's broken sobs as he finally had released. His boss left him there moaning and groaning for minutes before he nodded.

Instead of helping Alex, he looked around the room, checked the showers, and opened several cabinets. I followed him from a distance as he entered the other training room before the storage room and went back passed the cells toward the office. He looked around, seeking out any place I could have hidden her, and found nothing. He moved back toward Alex and checked around, and I could feel his ranger grow slightly upon seeing Alex again but found nothing. He looked around and checked things over. I stopped a smile as he checked the cabinet where I would open the secret training room and found nothing. I watched until the fifth minute as he looked everything over.

"She isn't here, and you have looked everywhere in my training rooms and warehouse. I have been more than accommodating for someone who has attacked me for gold." I said, "Leave," This time, my tone spoke with authority making sure that I meant it, and I pulled out my Sadist's bladed whip again.

The man watched me for a couple of seconds, "Fine, Kitty," He said.

"Call me kitty again, and I will kill you and your minion," I told him, patience from this interaction gone, "I have put up with your insults long enough, scum. I will tolerate it no longer." I said, feeling my anger peak, "You will shut the fuck up and leave with your piece of shit, slaver minion, and will leave my warehouse and pray you never see me again."

I felt the hairs on my fur rise as his battle intent rose with mine, and I saw movement under his cloak before he stopped.

"Very well, Sally," He said. He turned and moved to pick up Alex, tossing the naked man over his shoulder.

He walked out of the training room, and I walked behind him at a distance till he exited the warehouse, "We shall pray to the gods that neither of us will see the other again, Sally," The man said as he exited and walked away with a groaning Alex over his shoulder.

I watched him go with a frown and activate the enchantments before heading toward the apartment.

He knew who I was, which meant he knew where I lived, whereas I didn't know who he was except that he was a slaver hired to capture me. The battle would have been close, and I couldn't have guaranteed my life nor his, or even running, making my anger swell in me.

Tomorrow I would make Missa spill who hired them. Tonight I would double-check the enchantments on the house and get some sleep. I would be busy breaking Missa, and if it took me working every hour of the day doing it. Then I would do it.

I moved through the streets with the moon setting in the sky and began running back.

As I ran back, my anger burned cold as I thought about the most likely suspect if his hint was correct.


Sorry for the late Chapter. I just came back from Vacation and still getting my things together. Please enjoy the chapter and continue to enjoy my Works of Kink!