Chapter 160: Cover Slave

Freya had left something for me to eat before going to bed, and I had devoured it. All my cute Tigers were on high alert before I pet them, letting them settle down. As I looked at them, I knew I needed to train them. They all needed experience in fights together to train their instincts. Since coming to this city, it was something I hadn't been able to provide for them.

I moved to leave those thoughts behind me as I knew they were a distraction from my real thoughts. If what that man said was true. Suppose the City lords family put out a price to capture me. That would mean one of a couple of things that I could think of off the top of my head.

First was that it was Sherry which was probably one of the better scenarios where I could escape after killing her and taking things from her to make up for the losses I might incur. The second was that it was a family member that wanted me out of the picture since I was her major help in this to train her family. This would be a bad situation, but I could probably make up for my losses by talking to them and leaving. That would depend on how vindictive they were, and that wasn't a good thing to bank on when they sent someone to enslave me.

There were other possibilities, but I didn't really count them as viable, not without more information.

I sighed as I finished the food and scratched the ears of my cute tigers, showing them a bit of love. "We will be leaving soon. You will get to run around and play more often soon; put up with this for just a little longer," I said to each of them before checking the enchantments of the apartment. With a good look, I found nothing out of place, so I started heading to the bedroom.

I found Stacy and Freya in bed, and Stacy was grinning ear to ear in her sleep. "Mistress, Harder," I heard her say sleepily, and I looked at the pervert. She was having a wet dream, and I could smell the pheromones coming off of her.

I shook my head, and I got in bed after stripping. I lay in bed and passed out quickly, knowing I would have my work cut out for me when I awoke.

Awaking, I felt much more refreshed for the first moment before the memories of the day before hit like a truck. My expression grew dark, and I sat up. My pussy was wet with saliva, and I felt a little refreshed. It seemed that Freya had a little fun and got me off a little, which told me that I enjoyed it but didn't remember. I didn't feel that tired, but a lot had happened, and the body sometimes handled things weirdly. I sighed but knew I would ask Freya if it was here. Suppose it was my other lovely little pervert.

I smiled sadistically at the thought as I got out of bed. I felt my muscles were a little less tight than last night, and I knew it was from cumming a little while sleeping. Freya was becoming an expert at giving my pussy head, which was perfect for my little noble sissy slave.

I stretched, but I no longer allowed my head to wander, and I thought about Missa. Tonight nobody attacked, but that didn't mean that others couldn't. Since coming to this city, I found myself the least safe I had felt in a long time. It would be time to at least figure out who my assailant was so that I could make preparations moving forward.

I moved and worked on my usual clothes and put on my weapons. I didn't care for the state of my cleanliness, but I could always clean up at the warehouse. I frowned as I realized I had no slaves to train in the warehouse, which meant I had no cover for the man if he was watching me. I did not know if he already knew of the warehouse or if he had followed me back.

Thinking more, I doubted that he followed me as he would have known that I still had Missa and would have been much more pressuring upon me to return her. No, I would probably notice if he started watching me, but it was the same in the past life with the Federal Bureau of Investigations. I would use countermeasures if I had any reason to believe they were watching me.

I left the bedroom and heard a cute "Nyah!" as I exited. Kitty's face was dripping with water, and the water bowl not far from her food showed that she had been eating. She looked cute, but I walked toward the table. Freya was cleaning in the kitchen while Stacy was still eating as I approached. Freya had set a plate of food out, and I looked over both of them. "Something came up last night," The statement made both women and even Kitty pause.

"I was attacked, and we might need to leave in a hurry," I continued after pausing, and both soaked in the new information. "How is Zee's training?" I asked, turning to Stacy, who had a much more serious expression.

"She is learning but will take some months before she is able to take on all the responsibility, in my opinion, Mistress," Stacy replied, and I shrugged.

"That sounds too bad," I said, "We might not be able to give her that training. How are the other employees?" I asked.

"They are all trained and can take over for me and Freya, no problem. It is the issue that is keeping them and Zee keeping on top of them. Will they stay if we leave?" Stacy finished, and I nodded.

I thought about it as I dug into some food and wondered if I should bring Cassandra into it. It was a drastic move, but if I put plausible deniability into it, I might be able to trick Zee into thinking Stacy or Freya were the masterminds, as neither had collars around their necks. I felt troubled and decided, "Tell Zee that she needs to step up her game if she wants to be a manager. Keep some liquid funds here in a place that she knows. I will talk to Cassandra and have her keep an eye on the place. I will tell her not to be a part of the business unless she feels she must intervene. If I find her reason shaky later, then I will punish her appropriately."

Stacy nodded, and so did Freya. "Freya," I said, turning to her, "You will continue to train the little sissy, but we might have to dispose of him. Don't get too attached but also do not ruin him. We may have to leave quickly, so I would also like you two when you have time to start packing up some of our more important things that cannot be abandoned, like the accounting books."

Freya nodded, and I could see her thinking about things. I ate, thinking about what I wanted to do, ignoring Stacy and Freya as I did so. I saw in the corner of my eye that Kitty also thought as she leaned her head down to lap up some more water.

It didn't take long for me to finish my food and decide what I would be doing for the day, so I got up from the chair. "I will be gone until I finish a task today. I may or may not be coming back today." My statement hung in the air before I heard Stacy and Freya acknowledge what I said.

With that, I left the apartment, moving toward the warehouse but with a slight detour. There was no way I would risk Missa, and so I would need someone else to train in the meantime. I had some gold on me for just this purpose, and I soon found myself at the slave market.

Misery lived in this market, and I looked around, seeing many kids that owners couldn't afford or want. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the children of their masters who were not wanted. It was typical, especially among favored sex slaves. I moved through the market set aside for slaves and didn't find much to suit my eyes.

Various humans were being sold or resold in cages, and some were free on collars. Some were in shackles, but as I looked through some stores, I didn't find much. I was frowning as I saw a lack of anything interesting in the slave market. I didn't want to pay a lot for a slave, but I also had standards, and most of the slaves outside were either too young or too old. They would be a terrible cover, so I had to go into the stores.

I quickly entered a store that was predicated around untrained slaves. Entering, I saw an older man, probably in his early fifties, that had a small trace of mana on him. Probably D rank or lower with the strength that he was showing, but I didn't really care that much. "Oh, Interesting, A tiger-kin coming into my shop," The man said with a lecherous grin. "How may I help a young woman such as yourself?" He asked while looking over my body with a gaze that was calculating risks and profits.

"I am here to purchase a slave. I will be training them for pleasure. Please show me your attractive untrained slaves," I replied, looking at the man.

I didn't care if he weighed the gains and losses of trying to collar me. That didn't mean I would be eating anything from this man as I shopped in his store. I looked him over as he nodded, "Very well, will you come with me?" He asked.

I looked at him but didn't feel my instincts flare up. I followed him, and we entered another room with a one-way window into another room. "Here is the viewing room," He said, "It is dark in this room, so the Slaves cannot see us." The man said before reaching over to some tube on the wall. "Bring in the attractive slaves, Dan." The man said before turning to me. "Would you like any refreshments?" The man asked.

"No," I replied coldly, and I saw him frown.

As he was frowning, the guard brought in five slaves. Each looked much cleaner than those outside and in a much better age range. I looked all of them over and turned to the man, "Next group if you have any more," I said, and the man flushed, turning to the tube.

Three groups went by, and the man tried to sell me a couple of the slaves. Each of the women was from the ages of fourteen to early twenties, while the boys were from twelve to eighteen. I watched, and I finally chose a girl that looked intelligent. "I will pick the black-haired girl for the fourth group that appeared to be eighteen," I told the man.

"Ah, the second on the left?" He asked, wringing his hands, "Sure, she will come to twenty-five gold coins." He told me with a smile.

I frowned, knowing that it was a little overpriced, but I took the slight hit. I didn't want to be around someone longer that was actively thinking of ways to capture me. If I had time, I would come back and kill this man later. For now, I will take my new slave and leave. "That will be acceptable. I want the girl in front of me at the store's entrance in ten minutes. Get the paperwork now," I told him, keeping my attitude towards the man cold.

I could feel his frown, and it wasn't like he was trying to hide it either. It seemed that this man had something planned if I stuck around for much longer. I turned to him and asked bluntly, "Is there a problem with that?"

The man's expression changed, and he shook his head, and we moved out of the room. In the front, I pulled out a small bag of coins from my belt, counted out twenty-five gold coins, and kept them in my hand. When the man went to reach for it, I shook my head, "No gold until I have the slave in my possession or at least the contract signed." I told him, my annoyance already rising.

I would have killed this man if I wasn't in a hurry to train Missa and get the information I needed. The man almost snarled at me before taking out some paperwork. I looked it over and waited till he brought out the right slave.

After five minutes, though, I turned to him, "Where is she?" I asked, and the man turned to me.

"If she is fighting, sometimes it takes a little longer," He said, his face showing contempt while his voice did not.

"If I do not have that slave in my hands in five minutes, I will leave, and you will lose a sale," I told him.

The man almost sneered at me, but I noticed him hit something, and Dan came out seconds later. The Young woman that came behind him looked afraid until she saw me. Her demeanor changed when she noticed a woman purchased her and became much more cooperative.

"Good," I said, pointing to her collar, "Hand over rights, and we will sign and never see each other again."

The man gave me the rights, and I signed the paperwork taking ownership of the young woman. "Follow me," I said to the woman, tossing the gold coins onto the floor.

"Fuck you, Beast," The man snarled, knowing I wouldn't be a repeat customer as I left.

I walked out the door, but the girl lagged behind. I stopped, picked her up by the waist, and threw her over my shoulder. "I don't have time for you to be slow," I half snarled as my instincts started to flare.

"Ah!" My new slave cried out, and I moved away from the store. The farther I got, the less my instincts warned me, and I signed in relief. I should have just left that store and not bought a slave. I did not want to waste time, though, and I put it in my heart that if I had the opportunity, I would flay that man alive and use his skin as a carpet for some time.

I left the market quickly while the woman in my arms lay limp. She seemed to be well behaved, but I believe that was just her being naive to think that she wouldn't have to do anything sexual. Thinking on it more, though, I didn't have much use for her. I might give her to Zee to help with the store later.

It didn't matter; the question was if she was a good enough diversion for me. After leaving the market area, I headed to the warehouse ignoring the questions that started coming from the young woman in my arms.

"Wow, you are strong!" She exclaimed a couple of times as I moved through the streets till I finally ordered her to be silent.

With a now quiet slave, I made good time to the warehouse where I opened the warehouse of enchantments. I felt no one was looking, but I wasn't positive. I opened the secret compartment, but I left a couple of traps in the enchantments for someone who might try to attack. With that, I entered and moved into the warehouse, feeling giddy about the training I could unleash upon Missa.

I wonder what she would think about her boss leaving her here?

A sadistic smile crossed my face at the last thought. I then tossed my new silent slave into a cell and tossed some leftover food at her along with some water before heading to the training room.

I had some information to extract.