Chapter 168: Baroness's Information

I arrived back at the headquarters and sat down in the room. I didn't have to wait long for Cassandra to join me, and she sat down quickly.

"Things are going to start moving quickly, as we both know," I told her as she sat down, "You know it, and I know it, so I will not bore you with some of the smaller details. I need you to have a couple of the gang members create a diversion in another part of the City. Use ones that are expendable and hopefully in need of punishment. If they die, it is fine, but they cannot be captured so that they know it was you." I told her, "I have something planned for the City Lords manor as a distraction in the coming days and to finish things off there. That will create some serious trouble in the noble district and allow them to do whatever it is that they are looking for. Also, before I forget, make sure we are giving the corpses away for free from now on." I told her as I stretched out my claws and looked at them.

"I see; what did you receive in exchange?" Cassandra asked politely, but I could hear curiosity,

"Two things, and honestly," I said with a wicked grin, "They are the only two things that matter to us. Timing and minions," I told her. I could see her confusion and continued, "I will get Necromancers with me at the docks that I plan to tell that they have been abandoned and hopefully take with me. Whatever the Necromancer guild is doing, something is going to come of it. With the number of Corpses, we have sold them, and now we are also seeing gangs moving outside the City. No one has told us anything, so that means they either have their own information source or they are being paid to waiting for something." Cassandra nodded then her eyes narrowed.

"Your thinking that the military is going to respond faster than normal?" Cassandra asked, and I shrugged.

"Maybe," I replied, "But there is something else going on, and I think this city is about to explode." Then I chuckled, "You know what is a little funny, Cassandra?" I said, looking at her, "I don't even know the name of this stupid City. I am here fighting in it and, at one point, to take it over, and I don't even know the name of this City."

Cassandra chuckled lightly, "Not many use the name of the City." Cassandra replied and leaned back, "It is simpler than you think, too, since it is called River town, and the City lord has never technically changed it. So people think it throws people don't really call it River town. Instead, they just call it the City, and most people tend to forget the name. I learned it in one of the books I used to read on the area's history. Still, it is one of those facts that I bet most children and people born here might die before ever learning."

That was a surprising little piece of history, and I looked at her a little dumbfounded for the reason. Instead, I shook my head and stood. "It is time for me to go. Noon will be the timing of their attack on the noble district, so we must act an hour ahead of them. When we strike, it will be to bring as many guards to those locations as possible. I now need to ensure my gift to the dumbass who started this mess is suitably large enough for her ego." I finished with a large Sadistic smile, and Cassandra looked at me with a smile of her own.

"Mistress," Cassandra said, standing up and bowing her fluffy brown ears, flopping a little as she did so. "Bring death to our enemies and make them fear us. We will leave this conflict the largest winners."

Her tone made it a statement, and I shook my head. "We will not be the winners in this battle, Cassandra, in any way, shape, or form. We are spending our limited resources so that we may gather more in the future. When I come back after all of this is over, I expect to see the Bloody Candies owning at least half, if not more, of this City." I told her and saw the determination in her gaze as I told her this. "I expect a lot from a sociopath like yourself with the ability to act as well as you do. Sometimes I even find myself almost believing you. So do your best and make sure that the Empire's underground becomes ours."

I walked out of the room and out of the headquarters with a hood over my head, making sure no one knew who I was. I disappeared and headed back to the apartment with thoughts filling my head. The meeting with the Necromancers also went more smoothly than I expected as well. I couldn't help but wonder why they were also that easy to persuade.

My smile turned bright as I realized why they wanted me to act. First, free corpses would free up their economy. Second, they wanted to punish some of their members that probably were not listening to the top. Last, they wanted me to be the scapegoat when they fled into the underground. I had no idea what they were expecting to do or run away to, but with the gangs surrounding the City, they would need to leave. I was taking the boats and had my plans on them to escape and had already put my fingers into the pie there. So they couldn't escape by boats, so they had to either fly, which would be stupid or on land, which would be risky. I had no idea what they were thinking but could only see the worst possible options. Pin the blame on someone else, aka myself and the Necromancers I was taking, or go underground and hide, which would start a witch hunt.

I shook my head and no longer put thought into it. They had their own plans and maybe had an A ranker to negotiate with. I wasn't even sure of the power of the Necromancers I talked to, but they seemed to be in charge.

My thoughts slammed to a halt as I saw the crest on the carriage outside my tailoring shop, and I grinned as I knew it was the Baroness. I wonder why she brought herself to me today, and I jumped onto the roof before leaping over the wall, falling into the backyard, and dumping my cloak before walking up the stairs to enter my apartment. Stepping in, I saw the Baroness with firey red hair in a dress that was down to her knees, sitting looking annoyed.

Her eyes met mine, and instead of a fire of anger, I saw it turn to one of excitement. I could see the need and desire in her expression as she gazed upon me. I could see the Masochistic slut that needed a strong hand to guide her to pleasure, and that fire erupted with growing need when it saw that strong hand arrive. I looked at her with a cool gaze and let it turn contemptuous, "What are you doing here, Baroness? If you have no business with me, I will send you home." I told her and saw the surprise in her expression. Then something of a determination from her.

"Oh, But I have information that you would love to hear, Mistress," The Baroness replied, her tone coy and sly. "It is even related to you, so I do have a business." I could see her expression waver as I glared at her.

"Oh?" I said, stepping in and looking around. My lovely Tigers were watching the intruder, ready to pounce as the Baroness stood, her lovely dress flowing down to her ankles.

"Yes, Mistress Sally. I have an important word, and I would love a reward for coming to you as soon as I could with the information." The Baroness said, and I could see the hope light in her eyes.

I didn't respond at first and instead walked to her and sidestepped before sitting down on the couch and yawning. I took my whip out and put it to the side, and turned to her with an expression of mild curiosity. "Fine," I said slowly in a disinterested Drawl. "I would have played with you a bit since you were here presenting yourself to Mistress," I lied to her, but the smile on her face confirmed that I would play with her. "The reward will match the information you give, though. So Out with it," I told her, then with a sadistic smile, added, "Better not waste my time or I will punish based on how useless I think it is," I finished.

The Baroness looked excited, and I could see that there wasn't a trace of apprehension that I couldn't find the information useless, and now I found myself getting excited about it. The Baroness grinned and replied, "Mistress, Although it isn't good news with forewarning, I am sure you can at least escape. It seems that someone in the City Lord's house has called the Military from the border of the Beast-kin nation. A large detachment is making its way here now and should be here in nine days if the weather holds up! This type of movement is only done if the City lord feels that there is something dangerous in the City!"

I froze in surprise as Baronness told me something so important. My mind spun rapidly as I realized the shit storm was coming. The nobility was completely different than the Military. I didn't know the exact power of the Military, but the Empire was larger than the Kingdom of Arlin, and they were only smaller than the Demon lands in landmass on the continent. That meant that one of the most powerful Militaries was coming to take control of the City. That means martial law and making it much harder to leave the City. There was no way that this was related to me. It must be for something else, and I could only think of the Necromancer guild.

I quickly returned control of my mind and looked at the Baroness. I could see her smiling knowing she had given me the information that I wanted. I stared at her, and I smiled slowly, making her smile brighten with hope. I knew this slut didn't need much. I was a fair Mistress, though, and I would make her scream for hours in pleasure for this.

"What a good slut," I said, "The Marquis was right to bring you here. I will reward you tonight," I got up from the couch, and I walked over to the training room, and opened the door. Instantly I was greeted with a muffled cry of pain and pleasure that I knew too well, with Freya standing over a boy that had tears streaming down his eyes. A sadistic look of glee painted Freya's face.

I knocked lightly, and Freya turned, her Sadistic smile disappearing and changing to one of happiness as she saw me. "Mistress?" She asked, knowing she was doing her task and looking for further orders.

"Finish up and clean up. I need to reward a good pet for the night. If you need to continue training, bring what you need with you. I will give you a maximum of an hour before I need the room." I told her my voice was absolute.

"Yes, Mistress," Freya said, turning down to look at the boy on her table, her hand reaching out and grabbing his cock. "Looks like a little sissy bitch like you needs some training outside to know your place as well. I am sure when I am done with you, your Mistress will love torturing you in front of others." Freya said, her Sadistic smile returning, and I closed the door to let her continue her training.

I stepped back out, and the Baroness, which I had to admit I forgot the name of, was smiling in excitement as I slowly pulled my bra off. "Go downstairs and tell your coach to head home. You have an important meeting here tonight, and your reward will be given to you until you pass out. Then I will wake you up and ensure you feel rewarded all over again until I think you are rewarded sufficiently," My smile was bright and sadistic. To a normal person, my words were a threat, but to the Baroness, her smile was bright, and her excitement reached a peak.

"YES, MISTRESS!" She exclaimed happily and moved to the apartment door.

I watched her go only for a moment before she left my apartment, and I sat back. My mind spun on the best way to report what was essentially a traitorous report that would have her killed if anyone ever knew she did it. It would have to be one that she remembered very fondly, and my mind spun as she sent her coach home for the night.


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