Chapter 167: Timing

Finding an inn and washing was easy, and I was ready. I hid under a cloak carrying all my gear. At this point in time, holding onto my sadist's whip was a liability I could not control until I had more gear. I needed new and powerful weapons if I wanted to change out. I would need to special order weapons from someone or find something better. Maybe I could find something better in the Demon lands, but there was no way at this moment I wasn't going to be holding onto the best weapon I had.

Now was starting to spark the end of my time here in the Empire for the foreseeable future. I would be in trouble if everything didn't at least go well. I needed to disappear with as much as possible, leaving only businesses behind to fund my operations when I returned. It would be spotty at best, and it was unfortunate that there were no banks in this world where I could easily store cash. The System would fix that for me, and I took a deep breath thinking about that as I didn't know how to handle it.

I jumped out of the room's window that I cleaned myself in. I easily landed on the ground and pulled my hood up, ensuring no one could see who I was. I kept my head down, joined the crowd of workers just switching shifts, and moved to the meeting point, hoping the meeting with the Necromancers Guild would be fruitful. If it wasn't, then I would be in the dark about when to depart. That was the thing I couldn't accept; I needed to be in the schedule of whatever these necromancers were planning.

I arrived at the warehouse without much problem, moved into it, and set up some enchantments in a corner. I didn't want to do something big, so I only enchanted that corner to make a bigger move and to make it a little more difficult for people to see me. I just waited in the corner relaxing while four robed figures showed up. I slowly got up and stood waiting for a moment when one of the people talked.

"The person isn't here yet?" A woman's voice asked.

"Shut up," A robed man quickly replied as he looked around, "She could be here already."

That was all, and they remained silent, and I got up and walked out of my corner. All four of them almost jumped as I walked in front of them without making a sound. "We are meeting here because I want to hear the Necromancer Guild's plans for this city and maybe work with you," I told them flatly, letting my voice fall down a pitch or two to make myself sound more gender-fluid.

I could tell my entrance scared them a little as they realized I could have attacked without them even noticing. Then someone spoke with an overly masculine voice, "We have told you that we have large plans in place, and you don't need to know them." He said.

I rolled my eyes, but they couldn't see that, and I spoke up, "I know that you have almost an army of undead probably in various parts of the City and I believe you are going to attack the City as a whole while the Army is still at the border. I have been noticing Gangs leaving the City, and I don't know if you have been talking to other gangs other than the Bloody Candies in hopes of something. But I do not know your goals, but I have some of my own, and they have changed to be more in line with yours." I told them, and I scoffed. "You can either accept my help or take my vengeance when I run counter to you if you don't take my help."

Silence quickly took over our talks, and they looked at each other. I knew I was coming out strong, and they didn't seem to take it seriously. Still, they turned to me and asked after several minutes of looking at each other. "We do have plans, but they have nothing to do with the major gang movements. Our focus is more on the noble district. What do you mean most of the other gangs have been leaving the City?"

"I mean that someone is making a move. If it isn't you, then either someone else knows what you have planned, or something big is going to happen." I told them. I didn't want to tell them, though, and I would keep it to myself because I was fairly sure that it was Sherry pulling the stops to capture me. I didn't like thinking things were about me, and I probably was a narcissist, but I also knew that the world didn't revolve around me. What I did know was that everything started when I captured Missa. I turned her into Melony, and that failed capture seemed to set off many things at once. The once not-so-peaceful City turned into a peaceful city like the calm before the storm.

"That is useful information," A woman's voice said, and they turned to each other again. More time passed as they discussed through mana messages, and I watched. "What do you think their objective is?" The woman asked, and I began to wonder if she was the leader. She wasn't the dumbass that first decided to talk anyways, and the man seemed to be deferring to her.

"I have little idea," I lied, "I cannot read minds, but I know that you are planning something huge. I want to help create a big distraction so that you can start. I want you to have some necromancers join me in the docks for a huge battle and have the guards come and try to protect the docks leaving the Noble district and everywhere else less shielded, allowing you to do what you need to do and disappear more easily." I told them.

Now with me showing my hand a little, they all looked at each other again, thinking they had a one-up on me. I wanted them to think that, and I frowned as they continued to talk for a bit. "What are your plans," The woman finally said, and I paused.

"I want you to provide a modest force of several necromancers in the docks area and their forces while I simultaneously attack four other places in the City to distract them. That will leave the guards alone and overwhelmed while you do your thing. Simple and to the point. I have my plans in place to move in six days, and you can do whatever while I complete my plans." I told them, and they began to message each other again. I couldn't help but wonder what their plans were and what they wanted to amass a necromantic legion. It didn't matter to me, though. I needed them as the main distraction while the boats floated down the river. I already had betrayal in my heart on these fools while they seemed to be taking my bait.

"Very well, I will tell you that we have a specific objective in the Noble district that has been taken from us." the woman said suddenly. "We have also made plans to leave the City, as I believe you will be doing once this is all over with. You say you will provide a distraction. May I ask some of the places that you will be providing a distraction other than the docks area?"

I wanted to sigh but didn't. "I will tell you I will also provide a nice distraction in the city lord's residence. I will also do one somewhere in the City. The last one," I smirked, although they couldn't see it, only feel it. "That is my own little going away present." I lied. The woman seemed satisfied or smart enough not to pry. We both knew that the other was using them, and that woman nodded finally.

"What benefits can you help us with for this week?" The woman asked.

"No more paying for corpses, although the delivery will be up to you. My gang will just so happen not to be able to see any of you coming and going from the mass graves." I told her, and I could see them standing upright. The very reason that people guarded the graves was because of necromancers, and the mass graves of the populace paid to have those guards. The fact that my gang, with Cassandra's backing, quickly bought out every guard and made them a bloody candy was surprising to them, it seemed. "The question is, how many necromancers can I bring to the docks?" I asked.

"I believe fifteen and their congregation will suffice. They will all be volunteers, and not all will be weak. We cannot have the distraction being a pushover," The woman said, and I knew that she was planning against some of her members. They were to be tossed out for the guards to roll over, and I nodded.

"Disposable?" I asked, and the three froze for only a moment.

"Although I do not appreciate being so frank. But yes, some of them have been," The woman seemed to be searching for a word when the man filled in for her, "They have been resistant to things coming up, and we don't exactly see eye to eye anymore." The man finished.

I couldn't help but rejoice at the man internally. Dirty laundry wasn't meant to be aired, so he willingly showed it to me. These Necromancers might be more useful than disposable, especially if I provide them with the only way to live.

"I see. Very well, I will do my best for the both of us in that regard. Now we need to speak of timings. What time of day are you starting so that I may time my things accordingly." I questioned, and they turned to each other.

"Just after dusk," The woman said.

"Very well," I told them and turned my back to them. "I will be attacking at dusk, and you should attack shortly afterward. I expect great things from all of this." As I began to walk away, I told them, "Also, have your necromancers meet at the Rainbow seas trading house. I want them there early as we will have a discussion on what to do before we do it. Understood?" I asked as I continued to walk away.

I almost reached a door leading out when I heard a tense, "Understood. Make sure you do your part." The woman replied, annoyed I ordered her like a subordinate.

"Don't worry about me," I replied and exited before heading away from the warehouse leaving behind the necromancers.

I wondered if they would look for my enchantments. I headed towards the gang's headquarters, slipping into the crowds ensuring I wasn't being followed as I moved.


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