Chapter 176: Cries for Mercy

Taking the dumb bitch into the shower was only the start of the day, and I looked forward to the plans I had in store for such a willing woman. I would increase the number of punishments to the max so that she would seek more of them in the future. Like the Marchioness, I would ingrain my body in her mind forever so that she would never forget. Even if it took me years to settle myself, she would be waiting for the day that my message came and would travel to me immediately once she learned where I was.

With that in mind, I watched as she washed with a cold gaze that would make people shiver. Nickey was not immune to my gaze, and as she washed in front of my cold gaze, the hot water did not stop her from shivering in fear. I could already tell this bitch was getting wet at the same time as she washed. It took some time, but she finished washing under my gaze, which was unrelenting.

"That is acceptable," I told her at last, "Dry your dirty body off, and we will go to the training room. We only have a day to ingrain your body with the proper etiquette of a dirty bitch like yourself."

Nickey blushed with shame and lust as I insulted her and her body. The towel dried her off quickly, and we walked out from the bathroom to the training room in a couple of strides. The room was impeccable from Freya's cleaning this morning, and I looked over the room. I looked at the restraints, thought of something fun, and ignored the restraints altogether for a long wooden crate I put in here for packing and an activity I thought of for Duchess Nickey. The box was two feet tall and for feet long, and the width was two feet. It was perfect for what I had in mind, and it was sturdy. Probably not as good as a metal box for my needs, but it was good enough.

I moved the box with a single kick into the clearing, carefully controlling my strength so it slid across the floor into a nice spot in the middle of the clearing. I looked at Nickey and smiled, "Stand on it," I ordered her.

Nickey looked at the box and then at me only for a second before standing up on the box. The box creaked a little, making Nickey blush as she stood tall. I looked at her with a cold glare. "To start, I have a fun little game for you. It is to see if you can follow simple orders, Nickey," I began. My smile turned bright and sadistic, making her shiver, but I knew she loved it. "Spread your legs apart and squat a little on the box. I want your feet to be near the box's edges without going off the edges of the box at all. Understood?"

Nickey nodded, her legs spread, and her legs trembled a little as she squatted. Her breasts hung enticingly, her pussy was now in the open, and her labia spread a little, showing how wet she was. "like this, Mistress?" She asked, and I stepped toward her, and I smiled.

"Arms above your head with your hands on your elbows," I ordered instead of replying.

Nickey, a second later, was completely vulnerable to me, and I couldn't help but smile as she stood slightly above me with her pussy and breasts open to be teased. There were no bindings, and my orders were the only thing stopping her from moving. I couldn't help but wonder how long she could hold this position.

"Now, you dumb slut, we shall start the first game. Maybe the only game. The longer you hold, the better the rewards. The shorter you hold, the worse the punishment." I lied with something arbitrary that couldn't be measured. I would do with her what I wanted, and if that were a punishment, it would be a punishment. If it was a reward, then I would reward her. Duchess Nickey was under my whims now as she spread her legs before me, and I looked at her as her breasts hung loose with her pussy slowly starting to get ready for the first drop of her juices to land on the box below her.

I squatted a little before her, and my fingers poked her labia, making her want to shift her position before she caught herself. I knew that her muscles could only hold this position for a certain period of time, but I was going to make her scream and cry soon. "Now, Slut, You may Scream. You may cry, and if you want. You may cum whenever you want, you dumb slut. But if you move or fall from this box, I will punish you severely, as I told you before. Until I order otherwise, these legs and the current position you are in will not change. Is that understood? If you want to move, you must beg for it."

"Y- Yes, mistress?" Nickey sounded confused, and I forgave the small transgression as I began to play with her clit. "Ah!" She cried out in surprise as the pleasure started, and I began playing with her clit and rubbing it with my fingers softly.

Like a cock I started to stroke the tip sending waves of pleasure into her, and her soft moans started to fill the training room. I continued, and I felt her pussy start to moisten, and the first drop of her pussy juices hit the box under her. It was the first drop of what would be many, and I continued stroking her clit as it started to swell. Her moans started to fill the room with a soft cry, "Oh, Mistress," She moaned out under her steadily heavier breathing.

Finally, I slowly started to play with her urethra hole a little making her squirm as the pleasure died down before I pushed into her vaginal canal, making her moan again. Her pussy started to gush a little more, and I didn't need any lube to probe deeper into her pussy. She moaned and cried out as I pushed in and started to feel up her insides with two fingers at a slow and steady pace. Not enough to make her cum, but she was still feeling pleasure as I continued to push in and pull my fingers out. Her moans filled the room, and I found some fun rougher spots inside her pussy that made her moan louder and louder.

With some more sensitive places located inside her pussy I started to increase the pace of my fingering her pussy, and her breasts started to bounce a little from my fingering. Nickey moaned louder and louder, and I felt her pussy grasp my fingers tightly as she started to spasm lightly in a small orgasm. I wasn't done with her, and my fingers sped up as she cried out from an orgasm.

"MISTRESS! I AM- I AM- I AM CUMMING!" Nickey started to cry out as I felt her pussy squeeze my fingers again, and I didn't say a thing in reply. All I did was press that sensitive spot inside her, poking and rubbing it quickly, and spread my fingers before dipping out and relentlessly poking that sweet spot again. I let my energy flow into my fingers and sped up the movement as she came all over my fingers. Her pussy was now gushing, and droplets of pussy juices fell onto the box as I continued to fuck her with my fingers.

Her Cries and screams were full of her lust and pleasure as she reached another orgasm while I fucked her pussy with my fingers and sped up even more as her legs trembled. Her arms remained in place, and her breasts jiggled and flopped around, lightly slapping her chest as I continued to fuck her with my fingers harder and harder.

"MISTRESS MERCY!" She screamed, "MY LEGS HURT! MISTRESS PLEASE! I NEED TO MOVE!" She cried out as her pussy gushed more fluids onto the box, and her pussy spasmed on my fingers more, making her scream out that she was cumming.

All those screams were ignored, and my fingers dove in and out like a machine gun hunting for the kill, and damn what it laid waste to. I turned it up one more notch by adding a third finger, and Nickey tilted her head up and screamed for mercy as my fingers fucked her pussy harder than ever, bringing her to squirt all over me. My fingers didn't stop, and her pussy began to spray me and everything around me as I continued to fuck her harder and harder. Her screams for mercy fell on ears that only were turned on by her cries for mercy, and my pussy moistened as she went from one massive orgasm to the next.

Her pussy squirted all over, and a tsunami of pussy juices splashed all over as her breasts bounced and she screamed. I continued without stopping as her legs started to give in, and we both lost track of time as she came again and again. She couldn't stop, and I refused to stop as she screamed out more and more, only staying in a spot because of my orders.

I knew that she couldn't hold it any longer as my fingers pushed in and out of her faster, making her squirt more and more. Her scream was feral and without any intelligible noise, as she could no longer even scream for mercy through the pleasure I was giving her. A second later, as her pussy gushed out, her legs gave out and slipped to the right side of the now-drenched box. She fell, and I quickly grabbed her, retracting my fingers from her pussy as I looked down at her as twitched. It had, at max, been an hour and a half, and she probably came over twenty times in that time.

With my fingers now outside of her, her body started to relax, and I could smell her pissing herself down onto the floor, and I sighed. Her body was loose, and I was holding her by the waist as her legs lay on the floor while she pissed herself. The urine joined the large puddle of female ejaculate, and I couldn't help but smile.

I was moist, and it was enjoyable to finger fuck her till she lost control of her body and bodily functions. I picked her up as she finished pissing herself and sat half in my arms and on the floor with eyes glazed in post-orgasm bliss. We had barely started, and I brought her over to the table while she was confused. Her body trembled with a sensitivity that the brain did not seem to pick up at this moment.

All was according to plan, and I put her on the table for now, putting shackles on her arms and legs before picking her up and sitting her down in a chair. First, I put cream on her back for what was to come before I began binding her with a rope around her breasts and making a harness for her around her breasts that, when pulled tight, would squeeze her breasts. I pulled the rope tight, squeezing those breasts, making her moan.

Nickey started to come back to herself with the rope binding, but too late to say anything as I helped her back up on shaky legs bringing her back to the puddles of female ejaculate and urine. I brought the chains down and hooked them into the shackles as Nickey finally asked, "Mistress, Am I being rewarded?"

"Did I order you to fall off the box?" I asked her with contempt dripping from my voice, lashing her like a whip as she flinched.

"y-Y-" Nickey began to say yes, only to look at me as I tied the rope up to a pulley and flinched. "No," She finally answered, and I grinned and pulled the chains with one hand and the rope with the other, sending her up towards the ceiling by her bindings in a large X. She cried out as the ropes tightened on her breasts, squeezing them hard, and she cried out. "MERCY, MISTRESS!"

"I haven't even begun your first punishment, you dumb bitch. Why are you asking for mercy now?" I asked.

Her whole body shivered, and she kicked the box under where her hips would be before lowering her whole body down horizontally until she was at my hips height. My pussy was moist, and I thought about fucking her but decided to have some fun with her first. I would need to feed this bitch as well, as she would need energy for later. It was still the morning, with a couple of hours before lunch. I could get my pleasure later. I grabbed a gag and shut her up as she moaned and groaned before I grabbed a long metal vibrator and shoved it in that pussy and sent energy into it. Moans filled the room, and I smiled.

I got a new Idea as I grabbed a whip and took out the gag. "Shut up," I told her as she was about to talk, "It is time you please your Mistress," I told her and walked to her face and forced it into my pussy, and started to take pleasure from her.

I had hours to go, and she only had a taste of what I had in store for her. Her tongue just got into action when the lick of the first whip hit her back, making her scream into my pussy.

Today was going to be a good day.


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I Sissified my Step Bro

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