Chapter 177: Last Days

The screams died down after a long play session, and Duchess Nickey was more than satisfied after a day of play. I took pleasure from her even as I gave her more than she could handle. Her body trembled even in sleep and when she woke up. When her Carriage arrived, I sent her off with some food in her stomach and a pat on a red ass that made her yelp.

With her gone, it was time to pack. My precious little tigers were starting to get impatient as they noticed us clearing the apartment out of my stuff. We were leaving furniture that we couldn't handle, and Stacy worked training the new Sales slave and Zee to the best of her ability. Freya was working now on making some dried foods and jerky for the road. Kitty, on the other hand, I took for a walk with my tigers to help them release some energy before bringing them back to the apartment.

People frowned, looking at Kitty this time, but I still treated her as a pet, which she grew slowly more fond of. She took naps and wasn't responsible for things. Under the surface, though, she was still an assassin that attempted to kill me. Her Muscle mass reduced a little, but she still had a form of mana running in her body.

Kitty was a resource that, when I finished training, would be another resource to exploit in battle. She was still weak, and she was now weaker from acting like a cat for this long. She would only get weaker in the coming days, but that was alright. Her form of mana would still be there, and the cage would stop her from practicing it. It wouldn't be until I think she completely converted to my slave that I would allow her to restart practicing it.

Kitty was a long-term project, and she would be a cute, lovable cat slave that I could enjoy. Eventually, I would allow her to speak as a human once she was trained into a pet completely. She would need to want to be that pet and want to cuddle and the petting that came with being a pet. I looked forward to watching her transform slowly, but it would take time.

For now, it was finally time. Everything in this city would change only two more days before the final plan. I could feel it in the silence as I gathered our things and put them in boxes. We would be leaving furniture and unnecessary things for Zee and her family to survive here. I would continue using funds from the shop to educate her and make her a loyal worker under me. This apartment was one of those things that would allow the workers like this place was there to protect.

However, Stacy was working on their training and liked their tailoring work. There might be a drop off in skill without Stacy around, but it wouldn't be enough to lose the momentum this place achieved in catering to the nobility. If I had waited longer to leave, making a place for myself in the Nobility district wouldn't have been hard.

That was progressing in a direction that I didn't need, and eventually, Zee would be in charge of it. I would have to rely on her and the slaves that I was leaving behind to do that. I shook my head just as Freya showed her face in a nice teal dress that Stacy had made for her. "Mistress, The Carriage is here to start transporting our things," Freya said, and I nodded.

It was time, and I could no longer sit idle. I started to move our things and transported the drugged Melony onto the carriage and various other things onto the carriage that a Gang member from the Bloody Candies, which Cassandra trusted, rode. After an hour of moving our stuff, I rode with him to the docks leaving Freya and Stacy at the apartment.

I didn't know if it was, to my dismay or relief, that no one attacked us as we reached the ship and loaded the cargo onto it. I wore a cloak to hide my identity, but anyone who followed us would know we were moving, and I decided to search the area as the carriage returned to the apartment. I slowly moved back, tracking the carriage to see if it was followed back to the apartment.

Again much to my dismay or relief, I found no one following the carriage as we reached the apartment, and Freya and Stacy loaded our things this time, including Kitty and I gathered my tigers and had them jump on with the cargo. It was time to move into the ship and hide there, disappearing from eyes temporarily until we hit the City Lord's mansion, and the city would change forever.

This was all the quiet before the storm, and my instincts were like a low buzz slowly gnawing at me as the date got closer warning me of the troubles coming our way. I gave Cassandra the way to enter the warehouse after packing our stuff into the ship, and we readied our slave for the final meeting with Sherry. I couldn't wait for that moment as I looked at him.

This slave that Freya made was a bit of a failure, and I could see it. He showed hostility openly towards me and more fear towards Freya than the person who controlled his tormentor. He was in a cute little dress, and when ordered, he looked like a woman in the dress but didn't have the demeanor when outside those orders.

I would need to start training her in the art of training slaves in the future. I remember her torturing that maid when we were younger, and she would always have that sadistic side to her. There was no way that would ever disappear without me forcefully evicting it, and in the future, I would need someone else also to train slaves. Why would I ever rid such an interesting thing from my most Loyal slave?

Still, I was busy between moving onto the ship and leaving the boy so that he would never know where we were going in case things went wrong. I was making sure that nobody learned where we were. I moved around and continued to check along with several other gang members that were in the know that something was important about this ship.

Honestly, I was surprised by Cassandra and her ability to control the Bloody Candies within such a short time frame. They seemed to be in control with a delicate balance of fear and respect. I was intrigued by how she did it in a short time frame. I also knew I contributed to it with the brutal attack on territories in a blitzkrieg that this world has never seen in the underworld.

Still, the day passed, and the move was completed as we left that little boy in the apartment locked up in for the next day. The more important thing that happened was how I found myself in a warehouse which I seemed to enjoy doing my business in, instead of the clubs that I used in my past life.

I leaned back against a box full of preserved food with a cloak over me and a group of people that ranged from D rank to B rank. The person in the front's mana was intriguing, to say the least, and I felt a form of Life radiating off them in droves. It was like the person was the complete opposite of a necromancer but was still a necromancer. It was interesting as the power was in the B ranks instead of the C ranks like the rest, but when you compared their mana radiation, I could feel they were filled with death as they were filled with life.

It was a contrast that was only highlighted even more as they showed up from the shadows in the twilight of the night before the show was about to begin. "Are you the person we are supposed to meet for delaying?" A voice asked from one of the C rankers. The voice was clearly a man's voice, but it was slightly pitched to be a woman's.

I turned to them and replied, covering up my voice a little, "Ah, you are the group the Necromancers have sent for their part of the deal." I said slowly, stating the self-obvious. "Good, You can get familiar with the docks tonight and tomorrow. Trust me when I say we will have a lot happening then, and you will need to follow a lead. I even have a ship prepared for you to retreat in since I doubt anything less than the docks being closed off. They cannot close off the River, so we can flee deeper into the Empire disguised as merchants."

"Won't the Empire's Military just stop us down the river at the next Cities?" Another Necromancer piped up.

"Nope, They will be too busy here to worry about us. Plus, I have backup plans for that situation." I told them with a smile, "You think these are the only ships that we commandeered?" I lied as I asked with amusement. "Plus, we can always get off the ships and start walking." I finished with a grin that they could not see. "I have thought about this longer than you have. Go out, Learn the surroundings, and prepare for the festivities the day after tomorrow. Things are going to get deadly quickly. Understood?" I asked them at the end.

A soft voice from the person brimming with life finally spoke, and I couldn't tell if it was male or female as it talked and said, "Understood. You even prepared a backup ship in case we were trapped. Mind if I put my things on that ship just in case?"

That necromancer knew that we were riding a suicide mission if we stayed. The others didn't seem to think the same as they turned to that Necromancer, but I nodded with my cloak bobbing a little. "Yes, The Mary Sue is the ship the Sailors will forget you exist on. Take it and prepare well Necromancer. I expect good things from you all." I finished stepping out.

Only thirteen Necromancers, though. That was less than I had hoped, but it was time for me to get rest. Tomorrow night was when everything was going to get started. I already sent a message to Sherry about that dumb bitch for her slave. I wonder if she caught on that I know about her or suspect her?