Chapter 185

The world around me lit up with Mana, and a variety of spells started to shoot off. Ice started to shoot, and the white storm around me turned the white world into a storm with me in the center. I could not stand in the middle of it, and I moved with Ice shields too weak to stop me as the B ranker brought up a powerful spell and tried to do something significant.

I blasted through the shields, and my whip went out into the ranks of those shield warriors in the unit protecting the wizards behind them. My whip lashed against their shields and easily cut through even as I launched myself towards the fat Wizard with a grimace on his face.

I ignored the kills I got as I found myself before the still wizard and launched an attack bringing back up my bloody whip coated in his recent subordinates. The Wizard stood there, something gathering when my instincts flared hard yet again. My whip was coming up, and I felt that cold mana was coming from somewhere else. Still, at this point, there was nothing I could do. I was in the air, and my whip was already moving. Momentum was a thing, and my mind was spinning as I covered myself in energy, trying to defend myself just as my whip touched the fat man standing there, uselessly gathering mana.

As soon as my whip touched the fat wizard, the world blacked out for a moment. Cold blasted my body, and I felt my body slow down as I was shot away. My body hit something else and hit another thing as my body scraped the ground. My body flipped a couple of times, and the roar of the dead go loader. The taste of blood entered my mouth, and I coughed more blood from my mouth as my eyes struggled to open for a moment before my energy circulated again. I leaped back up to my feet as pain tore through my head, but I looked at my surroundings. I was surrounded by the dead, and the Necromancer was covering me.

My body was cut and scraped up, and I dodged another icicle aimed at me. Coughing more, I found that severe damage had been done to me and realized my mistake. The Wizard replaced himself with a giant ice mana bomb. If I had kept my distance from him and hit it with my whip, I would have been fine, but I closed the distance to reduce his reaction time. He remotely cast some spells and tricked me into his ice mana bomb that looked exactly like him. His lack of movement should have tipped me off, and he probably replaced himself while I was dealing with the Commander.

My respect for the fat wizard went up several notches as I assessed my current condition Scrapes all over and several cuts and one puncture wound in the gut. I had no plans of pulling out that shard of ice, but I would have to treat it soon. My body looked worse than it was as I had a lot of superficial wounds from hitting the road. My cloak was half destroyed, but the hood was intact. They would know that I am a woman with fur, so I am not a human with Snow white hair. That was a blunder, but it was what it was.

I stretched for only a moment and realized that despite the pain, I still had a full range of motion even as I dodged another ice spell. They started to come faster and faster despite the dead around me clashing with the leftover of the steel armored unit. Spells clashed into the dead ranks, and I could see them thinning out, and I felt we were losing with at least another hour needed to fight.

It seemed we were at the twilight of the night, and I had been battling the entire night away. I checked my mana levels and frowned as the Wizard did a real number on my energy in that last defense against his bomb. Now wasn't the time to back away, though, and I moved just as another white flare hit the sky above us, and my frown turned to a scowl. It was bad; another unit at this time would end us.

Instead of immediately jumping into the fight, I decided now I needed to chat with that Necromancer. I moved back while the undead zombies and skeletons flowed forward toward the ranks of the living. It took me only a moment, and I felt the life energy flowing off this Necromancer.

"Necromancer, How many undead do you have left?" I asked, my voice level.

"Not, Much. I sent a mana message to the other Necromancers." The Life Necromancer said, "They have been in small skirmishes against smaller units without high-ranking defenders. That Ice Wizard seems to be planning something, and all these wizards are sending Ice spells against my dead. It might not be killing them, but it is slowing them down enough to let the previous unit kill or finish off my undead minions. I have been finishing as many as possible, but commanding the zombies and skeletons while casting is difficult." The Necromancer said and launched another series of Green orbs while others floated beside them.

The Feminine voice of the Necromancer told me she was probably a woman, but I wasn't sure. It didn't matter at this point either, as I asked an important question. "Did you finish off the first unit commander?"

"No, The Commander was launched into the unit, and an ice spell stopped her from being shot into my hands. The Wizard there prioritized her rescue, it seems. When you got shot back from that replica, I saw him retrieve her. I don't know where he went." The Necromancer said and killed some more of the steel unit.

"I think we need to retreat," I told the Necromancer, "The military reacted faster than all of us thought, and I think I would change fucking up in the rivers than being here,' I told the Necromancer seriously.

"Where do we go?" The Necromancer asked.

"The ships, We all take ships and fuck off," I told the Necromancer, who looked at me. They nodded, and we turned back. The sound of more steel boots sounded in the distance, and I started to feel mana build up with a cold twist, and suddenly snow started to speckle the sky.

"I believe retreat with the dead is advisable." The Necromancer said and turned before running down the street. The undead turned, and I quickly turned too, as the Snow started to turn to ice and the wind picked up speed.

Together as a group, the undead ran, and that small area started to experience hail driving down into the ranks of the undead. The snow killed many of the dead, and I found myself moving quickly to get out of the mana storm of ice shards that slashed down in a storm. It tore apart buildings, and the screams of the living joined those of the cheers of the military.

I cursed as the Wizard cared little for the additional causalities he was creating in the docks. It wasn't something I calculated based on the attitude of my previous world. This was something that I wouldn't do again. Then I noticed, much to my horror, that the Commander was moving again to block off our retreat. Her headstrong tactics as she sped toward us were shown easily.

Blood leaked down her armor, and the Necromancer looked afraid as I shouted, "Turn your dead around and fight the unit. Keep that fucking wizard off me; I will take care of this Bitch," I commanded.

The storm continued to attack, and the Soldiers stood away from the storm as more shards tore into the dead. I dodged another as the commander launched herself at me with rage in her eyes. But she Controlled the rage as she brought her sword towards me with mana fueling it. There was no trickery, and the ice shard was still inside me. Pulling it out would make me leak more blood. I brought my sword up, feigning like I was about to parry, and the commander smiled as she brought the sword down. I ran to meet her, and just before our swords met, I wanted to scoff in triumph.

This damn woman didn't learn, and the pain was still destroying her ability to think clearly.

I turned my body again at the last moment with the dwindling pool of energy mana I had left and struck her through a chink in her armor. Her eyes widened, and my bladed whip acted like a sword, piercing her body almost to where her heart should be. My blade followed my body, and her sword continued into the ground, followed by her body as I was sprayed with blood.

"FUCK YOU!" A raged filled voice sounded through the streets, and the snow intensified, and mana turned colder. I turned to the source and the Wizard looked enraged. The blizzard picked up, but something changed. I felt his Mana going out of control.

A blast of snow erupted before me and her body was instantly covered in snow. My mind blanked for a moment as the speed of the cast was faster than I had ever seen and from him. Suddenly an icicle looking like a snowflake appeared before me, and I barely had time to react. I launched myself toward an alleyway, and the Ice snowflake exploded.

The building took the brunt of the damage and people who were bunkering down screamed in buildings nearby. I leaped up and saw the blizzard suddenly end. The Wizard was across the street, now moving towards their commander, but the world around me was much scarier than to worry about that.

Ice snowflakes like the one I had just seen started to show and condense ready to explode, and my instincts screamed. After this casting, the wizard was low on mana, but the spell was just about to go. I took out Sophia's knife and threw it at the commander before leaping toward the back of the building.

The world erupted, and ice shards blasted the world apart in a show of Ice mana. I never saw it used this way and the results were staggering as my body was hit five times as I fell onto the streets taking further abuse. My legs had three this and my arms had two gashes across them. Now was the moment to strike back as I heard a powerful man's scream join the civilians caught in his spell. I ran back towards the street, blood making a trail, and I found the man pulling Sophia's knife out of his hand.

Without thought, I brought my whip down just as a glowing orb of green mana struck him. Both struck different parts, and the man died instantly. Then another green orb stuck the ice covering the commander three times, and one finally hit the woman. I looked up at the necromancer looking in bad shape like me.

Our clothes were covered in our and other people's blood. Both B rankers were dead, and the undead turned to attack the unit. The Necromancer moved towards me. "What should we do?" The soft voice asked.

"Retreat to the ships," I told the Life-filled Necromancer. "More reinforcements are on the way, and I cannot hold on much longer. Call back all the Necromancers and have them flee with us. The gang will cover our retreat before disappearing into the streets."

The Necromancer looked back before turning to me and nodding. "Let's go," That soft voice said, and we ran toward the ships.