Chapter 197: A Good Inn

Landfall, The ship slowly nestled into the dock of the Demon Lands Capitol. The contrast of movement all around from what I was used to was harsh. There were men and women of much more races than I thought existed in this world. I knew there were many, but I had yet to see the multicultural level of so many races living atop each other. This was different from my past world.

Here in the Demon Lands, I could see Succubus, Or Succubi in the plural form? There were Djinn and vampires. Incubi, which were their own race for some reason, and Gargoyles flying by instead of walking. They all talked and conversed civilly, and the Devils were trading with people. It was hard to understand how they call came together so simply in a world that I thought was much more divided by race.

As I stepped out with Stacy, Freya, Melony, Kitty, Kara, and my cute pet tigers off the ship, no one blinked an eye. The dockmaster was already inventorying what we brought from the Empire, and I was in a small bit of culture shock, as were the girls with me. Humans seemed to be race superior in this world, and coming out to a country where that was not the case was something hard to take in.

In the world I came from, I often had to battle for territory with the black community, which was pushed into a life of crime because of the economic policies of the past. But when there were other races to push down and fight against, humanity tended to keep its hands off itself. At least, that was what I had seen in this world so far. Sure, the Kingdom and the Empire had their differences, but it wasn't about their race, and both were, on the surface, not making it about race.

This was different, though. This was free movement, and I finally had to brake myself out of a trance as I realized this was my new Playground. I had gold to use and started setting roots here and could not allow myself to be a culture shock for a long time. The Necromancers could not hide themselves here for long, and I needed a base to call my own.

My toys were looking around similarly to myself, and I pulled a guard aside as they walked the streets, trying my luck. "Excuse me," I said with a smile, "Do you happen to know where an Inn is?" I asked the guard.

"Yes," The Guard said with a smile, looking me up and down, "Straight down this road and to the left. There is an Inn there for a moderate Cost. If you need cheaper, they will point it out for you. Enjoy your stay in the Demon Lands." The guard said before walking away, no longer caring about me.

That was fine by me, and I smiled, and we all started to walk down the street together and walking toward the Inn. Walking down the street, and saw a Succubus licking her lips, looking at me, and then Incubus who did the same. "Hello, Beautiful, Would you like to spend some of that sexual energy with an Incubus like me?" The incubus said as he approached me.

"You couldn't handle me, Incubus; I would have you on your knees begging for release. But if you are interested in becoming a pet to a Mistress, then find me later," I replied with a smile and turned away and continued walking with my toys. I felt the eyes of the Incubus on my ass as I walked away, and I remembered that I was quite light on clothing. I basically wore a bra and hot pants with a tool belt that showed that I was an adventurer. I let my tail swish back and forth as we continued to walk for the hell of it.

Moments later, we made the turn and Soon found a large five-floor Inn with a Tankard and Inn symbol on it. Restaurant and Ox Inn, Was the establishment's name, and I smiled as I walked forward and entered. As soon as we entered, a cute-looking woman with long, Shaggy hair and two shaved horns atop her head cried out, "Welcome to Restaurant and Ox Inn. Would you like to eat or a place to stay?" She carried two large tankards that were covered with a lid and smiled with a bright smile.

Roxy, Bring us those damn drinks before you get all business minded!" Two Men cried out, making me look over at them and Roxy. She glared at them with murder in her eyes.

The two men seemed to fear that stare and flinched a little, which was funny as they were a pair of devils scared of a Beast-kin, which was at least a type of Ox. "You will wait for when I damn well wish to drop your drinks off at your table, or I will make sure all of my employees know not to serve you first for the next month. Is that understood?" Roxy said her words loud enough for everyone to hear.

Roxy turned back to us, and I liked her more already as she smiled, "I am Roxy, and a part owner of this establishment. Sorry for the commotion, Some people don't know when to shut their mouths. Would you like to sit for dinner only, or would you like a room? Meals are not included in the price of the room, unfortunately. Also, with several ships docking in port, if you are looking for a place to sleep on sturdy ground, you better hurry," Roxy finished.

"Do you have a room for me and my pets?" I asked, motioning to my toys and my little cuties. She looked slightly surprised but smiled, "Yes, We get Slave trainers like you occasionally. The room costs five silver a night, but it is a large room with a master bedroom and a slave room. It has no training room, and we would ask you not to get physical with your slaves inside or at least clean up after yourself if you do." Roxy replied, her business smile bright.

"I will take that room then, Roxy," I replied with a smile of my own. "Also, dinner for my toys and myself would be wonderful. All of us will be fed, and I do not need a separate table for my slaves. Also, could I get some good meat for my Tigers? They deserve a good treat for their recent behavior," I finished and pulled out a pair of gold coins, and Roxy smiled.

"Right away, Ma'am," Roxy replied before heading off. "There is a table just there; why not take a seat? I will bring out today's dinner and some steaks we are planning for tomorrow. Nice and fresh high-grade meat," Roxy finished with a smile.

Roxy took off and dropped the tankards with the two devils that spoke up earlier, and I leaned back in my seat, thinking. This nation didn't seem to have the tension I saw in the Empire. It seemed that the people lived well around the docks, unlike in the Empire of that Border City. It was odd, but people here seemed happy and freer. The races seemed to mesh, and the capital looked prosperous so far. I knew this was a first impression, and I had yet to see the slums all cities seemed to get, but impressive nonetheless.

The docks attracted criminal behavior because ships meant wealth, and where else were you supposed to steal from? The nobles? That was a death sentence because of all their guards. I sighed and leaned back, and Freya and Stacy were looking around while Kitty was at the edge of the table looking up at me. I reached down and petted her head while Melony kept her mouth shut beside me.

After the weeks on the boat being played with by the sailors, she developed quite a tan and sensitivity. Her obedience reached a new level, and I knew in my previous world, she was starting to show the symptoms of what could only be called Stockholm syndrome. I would need to soon work on her more softly before her mind breaks entirely and she becomes useless.

I sighed and leaned back, stroking Kitty's head, who started to purr and put her head on my thigh. A Devil suddenly walked up and looked down at Kitty. "How much for the Cat-kin bitch?" The devil asked.

"Not for sale," I replied, my voice solid.

"Slave traders always have a price. Tell it to me," He asked.

"I am not selling my Kitty," I replied, "Get your fucking own with your own hands," I snapped back before feeling my power against his. He was a D-rank Devil, and his mana was weak. He was barely in the range of D rank and was earning power with something that strengthened his body. But it was so horribly weak that I felt like my spit, powered with energy, could kill him.

"Terrance! Leave the trader alone. If she is not selling her goods, then you don't get to pretend you have the gold for it. Look at the Cat-kin. She is in prime condition and would sell for much, much more in the Empire. Why even sell her here?" Roxy said, "Now, Back off," Roxy finished, and she brought us all drinks.

The Devil backed off cursing, but I could tell he had eyes for Kitty, which was funny because Kitty was getting to the place where she did not want to leave. "Where do you want me to place food for you," She paused, looking at the Cat-kin purring on my lap. "For your Kitty?" She finished.

"On the floor in a bowl. A proper place for a pet is by her master's feet. Right, Kitty?" I asked.

"Nyah!" Kitty meowed affirmation, and I felt her body shiver a little.

"Well, then, I will get something for her properly. Would you like that room I mentioned before too?" Roxy asked.

"Yes, Please, For five nights at least," I told her, giving myself some time here, "I will let you know when I want to leave. I will ensure that I can pay up too. Please, Have breakfast for all of us each morning, too," I finished, and Roxy smiled.

"That is perfect! I will prepare the room for you, and I noticed you didn't bring anything with you?" Roxy asked.

"It will come here when I order it to be here." I replied with a smile, and I turned to Freya, "Make sure it is here by tomorrow. You know what to do," I said before turning to Kara. "Sweety, please make sure the room is clean before we enter. I know you and Stacy are progressing well, but I would enjoy it if you did this for me," I said.

Both nodded, and Melony looked at me with wary eyes that were scared of everything I did. She was a project that was at the forefront of my mind. I needed to fix Melony after breaking her so far, and Kitty needed reinforcement and incentives. It would be fun finally turning her into the pawn that I wanted. She was now my pet, and soon I wanted her to be my battle pet like my tigers. She was full of agility, and her assassin's strength never entirely left her. It was stagnant but still there. Soon, Soon I would start bringing everything together.

"Perfect, I will do my best to have you enjoy your stay. We do not make lunches here at Restaurant and Ox Inn; You will have to seek food elsewhere. Our kitchen just needs adequate time to prepare dinner." Roxy informed me, and I nodded.

"Thank you so much, Roxy; I am looking forward to your food," I replied, and I turned inward, thinking about where I would find the criminal element in the area. I needed to find it sooner rather than later. The question was how should I go about doing that. Should I go the route I did in the Empire with a business and then move from there after securing an income source? Or go with a new route of establishing myself in the underworld and then make myself legitimate?

My thoughts wandered as the noise of the restaurant rolled over me. I made Kitty purr as I continued to pet her. My mind spinning with where I should act first.