Chapter 199: Services Test

It took more than a day to finally find the perfect place. It was almost a mansion with multiple floors and plenty of rooms. It looked like it was even a brothel already, and I headed inside without worry. The business did not seem to be thriving, but I know that there was more than met the eye with places like this.

Opening the door to the brothel in the early afternoon, I could not help but smile as it was a little dusty. I couldn't believe the owner of the place would leave it like this. Not even the woman at that front, who didn't even smile as I entered, might be the problem. This place was supposed to be a paradise where you leave your worries at the door. As I walked up, I felt like I might get an infection if the beds were anything like the front lobby.

"Hello. Do you have an appointment?" A bored-looking Djinn asked, pulling out a book from under the counter.

"Nope, I am a walk-in," I replied, sounding pleasant. I wanted more information before I struck; this was only the start.

"We only have two women that are willing to do Walk-ins. Would you like to book Ullessa? Or Bethany?" The Bored Djinn asked.

I looked over the Djinn before me. Despite her true strength, her blue skin and relatively strong mana were surprising. She had so much latent and untapped potential, but I could tell that she wasn't even a C ranker; her personality was obviously bad. "Well, Who is Ullessa, and who is Bethany? Do I have to choose randomly? Or can I at least find out their features and what they are good at?" I asked like a proper customer.

The Djinn sighed heavily and looked up at me with a resenting look. How dare I bother her from her inner turmoil and thoughts? "Bethany is pretty good at giving some tongue action. She is a Succubus and knows how to suck you good of your extra sexual energy. Ullessa is a Gargoyle who loves receiving your attention; Pick," The Djinn said, and I knew that I was not going to get more information.

I thought about it for a bit and wished to speak to the owner of this establishment. I could tell they were suffering in business with such a receptionist. I saw little foot traffic, but with proper facilities, you could always make this place full. I would need to train new staff, but it would also have a nice place where I could build below and start up some things in the dark.

For now, I would try one of their services and see how this place is still open. "Fine, I will try your Succubus; I have never been with a sex demon before," I replied finally with a smile on my face.

"Upstairs, Second door on your left. The price is ten gold as a deposit, plus services rendered. Please, Enjoy your stay with us," The bored Djinn said, completely uncaring as she looked down.

I wanted this woman and to teach her proper services now. It would be interesting to play with her and make her scream. I placed ten gold coins on the counter and walked upstairs as I heard the Djinn put the gold coins with other coins. It did seem as if there were others here as my sensitive ears picked up the noise of two others enjoying themselves.

Walking to the room, I knocked and entered, and a Succubus was sitting there on the bed with a soft smile. "Ah, A wonderful customer," She said as I looked her over. Her lovely black hair curled lovingly around her face, making her look seductive. Her small round face and matching black eyes made her look ready to seduce with charming red ruby lips. Her neck had some scales but only a couple, and it seemed they just started to grow there. Her body was in a wonderful black negligee that showed most of her white skin and the scales on her sides while hiding those breasts from sight just barely. It left you wanting to see more while making you think you could see if you just looked closer. Her legs were long and white, clear of any hair, and she wore black panties as she moved her legs around, teasing me as she smiled. "Like what you see, Tiger?" She asked as she looked me over, "You are strong and very powerful. I can feel sexual energy from you, but," the Succubus's eyes narrowed. "It feels weird. Interesting," She finished.

"You learn a lot from feeling people's mana," I replied, feeling out hers softly, and I felt barely any resistance from hers. She was weak, probably around the D rank, but she also had another energy in her that I wasn't used to. It was full of lust, and I realized this must be the Sexual energy that she felt. It was so muted compared to normal mana and almost more in her stomach and blood flow. Like she used it as food almost, and I realized what that meant and smiled.

Of course, The Succubus needed sexual energy from others to survive, and everyone had it, just not as necessary to them as it was for the Succubi. That being said, it was an interesting thing in this world, and I wondered how she would get sexual energy from me. 

"Well, I am Bethany, and I am wondering what you would like to enjoy me with?" Bethany asked.

"I am the more sadist type, but I enjoy playing around once in a while. What services do you offer?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh, a trainer," Bethany said, looking me up and down, "I am surprised you are here for my services. I can tell that you are more used to your way. How about I just let you relax with my services? I will massage you and make sure you orgasm at least once." Bethany promised. "I love sucking on women downstairs," She finished with a grin.

It was interesting, and I decided that I could relax and test her services. I smiled, and I slowly took off my armor and weapons. I walked towards her on the bed, and I could see her smile grow, "Wow, you are a good-looking beast-kin. Snow white hair looks beautiful, by the way. Super natural looking, too." Bethany said as she got up before pointing at the center of her bed. "Please, Relax, lay on the bed, and let me do the rest."

It was interesting not to be in charge for once, and I wasn't sure if I would like it. This was something that happened in my previous world, too, but I was never one to take advantage of those services. Then again, I was never sexually open in my previous world, so it made sense that I didn't. 

I got on the bed naked, my breasts pressing against the sheets, and the Succubus giggled a little, "Damn, you look good; I am really looking forward to you enjoying my services." Bethany said as I heard her picking up some things. Then I heard clothing fall to the floor, "God, I am looking forward to this," She said, "Women don't come often. May I tie up your hair to keep it dry? I don't want the oils getting in it and ruining it."

"Go ahead," I replied, and I felt her move slowly beside me and start to touch my hair. I felt her slowly take my long, flowing hair and bind it with something soft before she started to coil it, bring it up to the top of my head, and bind it again in something soft.

"It feels wrong to bind such free-flowing hair. But please, Let me take care of you for the evening," Bethany said, and I continued to be quiet. "Please, Spread your legs a bit more and relax. Soon, I will start and ensure that you feel good." She said.

I did as she said, spreading my legs, and less than a minute later, I felt her move behind me. She slowly touched my back and, with warm oil, started to move up and down my back. Not without force as she started to knead my muscles and massage me. I let her do her work as she started to put more and more pressure on knots and places that were tight under her hand. "Wow, you are remarkably light on knots so far," Bethany said, "Your muscles are so limber and strong," She continued, "So sexy," she said as she worked my back. I felt her body dip, and her breasts caress my back, with her nipples sticking out strong as she moved, gliding those nipples against me. "Relax and enjoy," She said, and I tried to do that.

Her hands lovingly stroked my back up and down, and I found her work not to be bad. She was even finding places around my neck that were tight. Her body and hands glided on my body as she worked the oil in, and I felt her hands feeling me up, ensuring that I knew this was more than just a massage. I enjoyed it a little as she brought her hands back down, slowly leaving my back, and started on my ass. Her hands were slow and sensual, and she started to knead my ass, sending slight shivers of pleasure as she worked on my legs now. I knew she purposefully dodged my pussy and my asshole as she steered clear of it only with teasing motions toward it. 

After my legs, she moved up towards my pussy again, "Please, Mistress, flip over, and I can continue," Bethany almost moaned. I heeded her wish and slowly flipped over, spreading my legs as she moved out of the way and looked at me. I could see the desire in her own eyes as she looked me over, "Do you mind if I call you Mistress? It just seems to fit you," Bethany asked.

"I am very familiar with the term, and I do not mind," I said with a smile, looking at her. Yet another one I found. She didn't seem to be a Masochist, though. Just enjoy being a bottom or a giver? I didn't know, but she was good with her hands.

"Mistress, it is then," She said as she used a small box, dipping her hand in a little and coming out more oily. "Please, Relax and enjoy, Mistress; I know I will," Bethany said, licking her lips, and I knew this woman was about to get serious. I laid back, and I felt her hands on my legs, slowly kneading them, relaxing them, and trying to pleasure them. Little tingles of pleasure moved through me, and she worked up my legs, passing by my fur and working towards my thighs, and went past my pussy. 

Bethany's legs spread, and I felt her heat on my tight as she found my upper body, and I felt a different wetness from her pussy as she started to rub her own on my leg. Her hands found my breast, and she kneaded and massaged them delightfully, sending fresh shivers of pleasure as she worked her body all over mine. The experience was quite novel and enjoyable as something different. 

Her hands found my abs and kneaded them, and suddenly I felt her breasts caress me as her hands moved while my pussy moistened slightly. She took my nipple into her mouth as her breasts pressed against my stomach, and her hands moved down and started to massage around my vagina without touching it. The teasing was good, and the pleasure was amazing. I could feel her attention to detail and enjoyment of everything she was doing. 

"Mmmm, Mistress, You taste so good in my mouth," Bethany moaned on my breast as she started to massage around my cunt more and more pressing points that sent shivers up my spine and started to tease my asshole. "Mistress, Mistress, I want to taste you in my mouth," She moaned.

"Then taste me," I ordered her while giving her permission, and she looked at me, her eyes soft. 

"Yes, Mistress," Bethany said, gliding down to my cunt. A second later, her hands moved up, but her mouth found my clit and sucked hard. I moaned, and my pussy was damp and needy from her attention as her hands found my breasts. She kneaded them, and her mouth sucked and teased while licking my clit. I moaned, and my body enjoyed the luxury of her pleasuring me. My back arched a little, and her hands moved back down and found themselves with her mouth.

A second later, she penetrated me with her fingers coming in and started to fuck my pussy, and I moaned. Loudly as I enjoyed her version of giving me pleasure, I moaned louder as her other hand poked a naughty finger into my asshole, and my mind blanked for a single moment as I rode the high of her work. She continued to fuck me and suck me off, and I rode it hard, not caring about the time of day as she brought me closer and closer to the edge.

"Mistress, Please, this slave begs of you, Squirt for me!" Bethany begged, and I realized something. Suppose all the girls were this good. My mind blanked again for a moment, and I orgasmed lightly, squirting into the Succubus's mouth as my back arched and she sucked up all the liquid, even as I felt her pussy squirt a little over my leg.

At the moment of my height, I could not help but think.

Why the fuck was this place not busier?


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Life of a Dominant Futanari

I Sissified My Step Bro

A Damaged Innocent Futanari

The Bullied Masochist Futanari