Chapter 201: Winning a Lottery

"Wakey, Wakey~!" I sing songed out as I prepared my tools. "We have so much to go over and so little time to do so," I noted as I grabbed something to use on the helpless brat before me.

The Djinn was more attractive than I originally thought. She had long black hair that was tied back into a braid that went down the length of her back, looking pretty. Her body had about C-cup breasts, and her ass was nice and shapely. Perfect for molding with your hand and rubbing. It was a woman with a nice figure who could show it well. Her mana was unrestrained, and her face was angular and cold. Breaking that facade and uncovering the scared girl underneath would be nice. 

I had broken many sugar babies in my day. This was just a daughter doted on by Daddy without him truly caring about how she was doing. Those who were truly cared for tended to want to make their fathers proud, not just live off their money. This was one of those daughters whose father was disappointed in them and gave them responsibility, or they wouldn't get it for themselves. 

Her eyes were shut, and she had not woken up yet after I had stripped her naked, and I wondered more how I would go about molding her for the future. I could not kill her; wealth meant some form of power in this world. That meant I could go a couple of ways about doing this. I could make her a better person, which would be the hardest because I would have to balance that with ensuring security. 

Not knowing who was backing this girl was going to be a pain in the ass. As long as it was not someone too big in the local area, I would be fine. I looked at the attractive young woman more, and I decided she had slept enough.

Much to my delight, there was a leather whip inside the brothel just for these types of things. I grinned, and to bring the morning pep in her step, I brought the whip down straight onto her nipple with not a shred of mercy on my face.

"AH!" her scream suddenly brought her to the waking world as pain lacerated her conscious mind. "FUCK THAT HURT!" She crassly cursed, and I smiled.

How long had it been since I heard people cursing normally? My slaves would never disrespect me, and I still kind of missed some of their actions, though. Still, I needed to start moving and investigating the situation I found myself in. I was moving faster than I probably should be with this little Djinn bitch. My hand moved with my body lightly, and the whip cracked again at her, snapping and whipping her other breast.

"AHHHHH!" Her scream echoed lightly in the room, making my pussy a little moist as I watched as her body jumped in her restraints, and I figured now was a good time to start talking. 

"Awake now~?" I asked, making my voice light and fun. I needed to sound a little loose in the head for her.

"Y- You are that tiger bitch," The Djinn groaned out as she tried to look down at her breasts which had two lines down her breasts and a little on her soft stomach as she breathed harshly from the pain, trying to control it.

My body moved, and I put a little more muscle behind the movement this time, but not too much. The whip whistled a little in the air, and it snapped and properly cracked against her body, lashing her breasts, this time in a horizontal movement across both breasts just above her nipples.

"AHHH FUCK!" The Djinn screamed, and I turned around a little and smiled.

"Correct~!" I sang out, "I am that Tiger bitch, and you are a Disrespectful cunt," I told her. "How about we talk~?"

"My daddy will kill you bitch! He is a Powerful B ranker in this area of the City!" She screamed at me, and my first flood of relief hit my body. It is interesting that she freely gave such information to me. I barely even started to get to work on her, and she was already telling me the things that I wanted to know. 

"Oh really? I never heard of this powerful daddy," I said, my voice filled with mockery as if I was struggling not to laugh. My body moved, and the whip cracked across her breasts once again, making her scream as pain lacerated her head, making it harder for the stupid girl to think.


Shock ran through me, and I looked at her with equal shock. I couldn't be this lucky, could I? Could I really get this Lucky? No, I couldn't be this lucky! It was like hitting the lottery with max bonuses with your first lottery ticket. It simply was such long odds that it was disgustingly stupid to ever assume it would happen.

"Oh?" I said, trying to cover up my shock.


"Well, I am just so scared of you now," I mocked and brought the whip down again, hearing it crack beside her. "You know what, I need to think; how about you sing for me with that lovely voice while I think, and you can think about how you start answering my questions," I said, and this time I brought back the whip, letting it hit her again. I didn't stop with once, though, and I started to whip her again and again, making her scream.

"AH! STOP! THAT HURTS!" She screamed, "STOP IT! DADDY WILL KILL YOU! AHHHHH! AHHHHH! STOP IT! PLEASE!" She continued to scream.




My whip hit her again and again, and I thought about what to do with this girl as the purple lines turned dark. Crisscross patterns appeared on her skin, and she cried out in pain with each and every hit. Her screams were like music to my ears, and I thought about the situation.

First, she was the daughter of someone important in the crime section of this city. She said that he was a B ranker and her dad. I quickly realized I played a little too fast and loose with the person that I chose and did not investigate properly. I should have asked that Succubus more about this girl and why she could afford to do what she was doing. Brothels tended to be places where bad actors such as myself in society tended to congregate, but I assumed because of literal sex demons who need sexual energy are a thing in this world, it would not be true. 

Maybe I was wrong about thinking that, but I was already here, and the girl was screaming and begging me to stop. I hit her again and again, cracking the whip against her skin, not even thinking about her. Taking this girl and finding out who her daddy was was like hitting the lottery if it was true. The question was if she was his real daughter or a slut he liked to feel the insides of. I couldn't get a true answer from her, but how she talked made me think she was not his daughter now that I thought about it. She called him Daddy and emphasized how much he loved her. Something a daughter would not do. 

Interesting, and I couldn't help but wonder if this Djinn woman was a slut that daddy purchased the place for a sugar baby to make money outside him. Maybe makes her even happier and output more than normal. I heard it happened a lot in my last world, especially if they were getting a little too hooked on Daddy's money.

That would be the least worrying, and with my thoughts cleared, I smiled as I looked at the now blue-torn mess of a Djinn woman before me. "Are you ready to talk to me?" I asked.

"Please, Stop whipping me," She cried, tears dripping down her face. Dark blue lines on her body were turning dark purple, "Please, Tell me why you are doing this," She started to sob, "I just wanted to earn a little gold before I sold the place," She started to cry hard. " p- please, I m- mean it."

"Answer my questions, and you will be let go depending on the answers. If you lie then," I grinned, and I let the whip crack beside her. I saw the fear of pain in her expression and walked forward. "Good. You understand what is happening now. You pissed off the wrong woman. I am like that daddy you have behind you; I am a B ranker who can fight with my power base. Now, Talk, First question," I paused, "What is your name?" I asked.

"Abby," She sobbed.

"Last name?" I asked.

"Dreamwalker," Abby sobbed out.

"Good now. I will be taking time to confirm things before I let you go. This is your chance to fess up if you lied. If I learned you lied, I will kill you and leave your corpse to rot in shit," I told her. I squatted before her and looked at her little blue pussy, "Well, that is after I torture you thoroughly for my own entertainment. After a trip to the sea, I found that I could use more screams in my life. they are so delicious." I finished with a smile.

"My name is Abby, Dreamwalker, but I am a part of the Branch family; please, Don't kill me," Abby sobbed, getting the words out with clarity.

"Okay, Then we will move forward from here," I said, pulling out Sophia's knife and using the tip to trace a line without cutting her thigh. "Now, don't move, or I might cut you without meaning to." I told her, and I looked up, seeing the real fear in her eyes, and I loved it. It had been a while since I saw that look, and I smiled at her, "Next question, Real name of your 'daddy,'" I asked her.

The fear grew and I could see her look up and around and not at me, and she sobbed, "H- H- He is an Incubus named Vylysh. I don't know his last name," She cried, "H- he likes my- my Sexual energy. S-So after o- our sessions, I- I need a lot of rest," She sobbed out with fat rolling tears, "H- He bought this place for me because of it," She got out without pausing and started to cry, "Please, Don't kill me, I do not want to die," She cried out, and I nodded, and I stood up. 

I believed her, which was something of an interesting conundrum. This Vylysh fellow might be an into the underworld or a fight. She was just a lover and not an actual child of this man. Still, you never know with people like this. The fact that I couldn't find a criminal element in the city and just happened upon the lover of someone powerful in the underground meant a lot.

I tapped my foot and looked at the woman with whip marks all over her, and now I had another problem. I didn't know the laws around here and had a tied-up woman covered in whips and bruises. It would be bad to let her go without making sure she was quiet. That meant she was a liability. There was another thought that came to my head, and I could make reparations to him. Give him this little bitch in return.

Dammit, I moved too fast. I wanted to move quickly, and I needed to be more methodical. Was it the long time on the boat that made me move too fast? I wanted to curse as I must have been annoyed by my lack of progress, and I was tight on funds. I would need to do something soon to rectify things, and if I didn't, I would be in a bad position. I sighed, looking at the tied-up woman. There were several avenues to go down; and some were bad, and others were worse.

I grabbed a stool and looked at the sobbing woman without looking at her as I thought about it. This stupid little Djinn might be more useful to me than I thought, but I would have to play a long game here instead of a short one. I still needed this place, too, so that complicated the matter, and I looked at the woman, my glare scaring the girl.

She was either a nuke now or my lottery ticket to the position that I wanted in this country. Do I gamble, or do I kill her and try somewhere else? I didn't have a lot of chances, and if this Vylysh asked Bethany what she knew, then I doubted there were many phantom tiger-kin in the city.

Too Gamble or not to gamble.

Then I remembered something and realized I could stack the deck in my favor. I grinned sadistically, and I looked at the woman before me. She might be that lottery ticket. I needed to get some things done, and I stood up, "You are going to sign the deed of this business over to me, Abby," I told her, "Then we are going to meet your Daddy," I told her with a smile that sent shivers down her spine.

I had plenty of work ahead, but the road was clearer than I thought. 



New short Story in a Couple of days will be appearing on Amazon and I will be posting a link when it is up on Discord. It is a Squeal to A Damaged Innocent Futanari called,

A Damaged Innocent Futanari Book 2: The Movies

It will be released soon and will be on Kindle unlimited. Otherwise Enjoy~!