Chapter 202: Alex's Leather Whip

It took the little blue Djinn only a short time to sign the deed of the building and the business, along with the permits, to my name. I had her over a gun barrel; she was willing to do anything. I wasn't sure what the legal system was like here, but I didn't notice anything to do with witnesses attesting to the signing on their legal forums. 

It was a question if they were willing to accept the paperwork that was going to propel me forward. The next thing I had to worry about was the little blue bitches 'Daddy.' I wasn't sure how he was going to act, and the girl was now a little broken from my mindless whipping while I was thinking. I didn't think much about her other than she had potential. 

Still, my mind was on her, 'Daddy', and the potential hazard that he might be. A fellow B ranker was not something that truly scared me after fighting in the Empire. It was A ranker and the Massive difference there was between the two powers. It was like being scared of the fellow frog in the well while humans were outside with frog stomping boots on outside. I was no longer worried about the other frog as much.

to make matters even better for me, I can get into contact with the Necromancer to tag team this 'Daddy.' It would be better to deal with this person on my own power, though, so I did not owe a favor to the man. I wasn't that worried, but there was the system I could use to shore up my power or maybe a new weapon. 

My mind shivered a little at the last thing I received from the System, and it was a harsh reality that I almost lost my mind. Still in the back of my head, centers of memories swirled with administrative and political knowledge on how to take a country over from the dark without bringing myself forward. The dark and sinister memories of plotting and deceit would have been welcome in my old world just as much as in this world. 

I did not feel that I needed them and that they were more of a burden than an asset, as they weighed heavily on me. I already knew how to be a shadow leader before those memories were forced upon me, and even if they were useful, the negatives I believed outweighed the positives. 

Still, it helped me reach B rank, and now was the time to look forward and use the System a bit more to see if it had a weapon, as I sorely lacked a proper whip. I bit the bullet, and I decided.


Name: Sally

Age: 16

Titles: Ex-Slave, Apprentice of Jack the Torturer, Martial Genius, War Provoker, Gang leader, Dominatrix, Slave Trainer, In Training Shadow Ruler

Race: Beastkin - Phantom Snow Tiger

Level: 4

XP: 97330/100000

System Points: 52500

Energy: 1360/1360

Strength: 138

Agility: 189

Vitality: 106

Toughness: 90

Charisma: 27

Instinct: 76

Intellect: 82

Wisdom: 78

Luck: 36

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - New Items Available;

Inventory - 0 Slots Available;

Lotto - No spins;


I had leveled once more and gained substantial experience. Honestly, I was so close to leveling up once again that I would not be surprised if killing this 'Daddy' would not tip me over. It was a good thing I decided to check it out now. I opened the shop, looking to see if it had something that I was looking for.


Item Shop


Perfectly Aged Mystery Leather - 10000 Points

Alex's Leather Whip - 15000 Points

Kidd's Leather Cap - 1500 Points

Gold Leaf - 500 points


With that, it was done, and I quickly purchased the Perfectly Aged Mystery Leather and Alex's Leather Whip. That decimated my points, but I wasn't going to regret it. I needed a reliable whip, and the Sadist's Chain whip was perfect for my use. It would definitely increase my chances of having two proper whips to use over the knife and the chain whip. 

I quickly brought up the description of the whip, and I smiled a little.


Alex's Leather whip

Alex was a whose Leather whip was feared by their enemies. Enchanted to allow mana to flow to the users will be even better. It is a Strong whip for advanced Whip users to bring fear into their enemy.


 It wasn't everything I wanted, but it seemed perfectly suited to what I wanted a whip to do. This shored up my strength a lot, and it made me smile. 


Perfectly Aged Mystery Leather.

Leather from a creature that has been perfectly aged. Whose Skin was this before, and who tanned it? That was lost to history because no one cares.


The last description did not help in the least, but that was this system. Maybe I could find someone to make a whip with it in the future or to appraise it. But now I got what I needed, and I looked at the updated Stats from my system, looking at the remarkably slow increase in the stats compared to when I was younger. Maybe there was a cap or something, or it was easier to increase when you were weaker versus stronger.

My eyes narrowed in thought for a bit as I brought up the system, looked at the points, and realized again that I needed to train some new slaves.


Name: Sally

Age: 16

Titles: Ex-Slave, Apprentice of Jack the Torturer, Martial Genius, War Provoker, Gang leader, Dominatrix, Slave Trainer, In Training Shadow Ruler

Race: Beastkin - Phantom Snow Tiger

Level: 4

XP: 97330/100000

System Points: 27500

Energy: 1360/1360

Strength: 138

Agility: 189

Vitality: 106

Toughness: 90

Charisma: 27

Instinct: 76

Intellect: 82

Wisdom: 78

Luck: 36

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - New Items Available;

Inventory - 0 Slots Available;

Lotto - No spins;


Yes, I could look through more of my stats and systems, but I would have to deal with that 'Daddy' sooner rather than later. If I had to kill him, I didn't want to hesitate if there were things in the other shop that I may have wanted. 

On the battlefield, hesitation meant death, and I could not have that. I would focus my mind and turn to the Djinn girl, who I forgot if I ever asked her name. "I think it is time to talk to you about meeting your 'Daddy,'" I told her, smiling, making her Shiver. 


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