Chapter 205:

Reflecting on oneself was good to do only for so long after telling myself how reckless I was. Instead, I told the Succubus and the Gargoyle to go home and I fell asleep instead. Before I even knew it, night had fallen, and I got up. It was quiet in the place, and the twilight was already starting to creep up. My wounds were still sore, and the fight, if it happened tonight, would be bad.

No, tonight was going to be bad or good for me and I was not sure which. This 'Daddy' needed to be solved tonight, one way or another. Either I would kill him or there would be a peaceful resolution. My mind was focused, and I had cooled my mind.

I had my weapons and was ready to play my position and bargain if I had to. My decisions were going to be made clear and I would work as the head of the Demon Lands division for now. I would have to for the start. Later, I would clear myself up, but I would go the avenue now of an illegitimate business dealer instead of a gangster. I would have to build my forces in the dark, unlike in the Empire and in the Kingdom of Arlin. 

The demon lands were a different place.

I watched out the window, and at the same time as last night, I saw the man known to me as 'daddy' start to enter the building. I walked down the stairs and met him at the door, unlocking it and letting him into the front. I could see the surprise on his face as I walked normally without showing any damage from the night before. 

Although I was in pain, this was a bluff that I needed to keep up, and I smiled at him. "Well, Hello, 'Daddy,'" I said with a grin as if mocking him.

"Hello, Kitty," He replied slowly, and his eyes were narrowed. "What are you doing waiting for me here?" He asked, his smile dark.

"Waiting for you, Daddy," I said with a sneer, "But Before we try to kill each other, I think we have things the other might like even if we don't like each other."

"Oh, You have my little Abby, so I think you do have something I want. But what do I have that you want?" He asked with a sneer.

"Connections and networks," I told him flatly and saw his eyes narrow.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I am a businesswoman from out of town looking to start a business. I already have a business partner," I coughed a little to tell him that the person was legal, "Whom is looking to offload goods to me, and I need a place where I can sell and buy those goods without the local authorities paying attention. Maybe even line their pockets a little so that they forget where it came from, and I heard from a bird that you might be someone with such connections." 

I could see the anger on his face. He looked around and sighed, "She is a little braggart, but she isn't wrong. It was my fault for telling her." He sighed.

"Well, I got a deal for you, and I wonder if you are interested in it." I began, and I could see I had his attention now. "I have your little thing tied up and crying. In a real vulnerable spot. How about you give me a day with her, and I can make her even more entitled and crumble even more to your touch? To the point of being perfectly obedient to you," I said, and I could see his eyes light up.

"Even more entitled and even more like a kitten for daddy?" He asked, and I could even see the devil's cock start to harden in his pants thinking about it. I could see him thinking with his cock already, and so I smiled.

"That is before we even talk business," I said with a grin, "Think of it as an apology, although I will be keeping this place," I said, pointing at the floor. I sneered for a moment, showing my emotions, "That is between me and that little Djinn," I continued as I saw him pay attention. "I will keep this place, and I will do something for you, and I will explain it now. You can become her little rescuer. I will play with her a bit and abuse her, and you will come in, and I will concede her to you without a hassle. I will make it look like I am afraid of you and that you could kill me if you want," I said, and I knew I had his attention.

"What do you get out of this?" He asked.

"Easy. A friend in the business?" I said, my voice making it sound like a question, and he heard the connection. "I will have only proxy talk to you, and you can continue to act like the ruling party while we discuss things like equals in the background. We will meet silently for all business moving forward, but you seem to have a new SUBSERVIENT B ranker. That boosts your reputation and," I let my voice trail off, and I could see him smiling even more broadly.

"It makes you underestimated. Makes me look even stronger, and you have my protection too," He said, "You are sinister," He commented, and I could see his brain engaging. "How hot will the goods be?" He asked now.

"Hot," I told him, "I will need a wide and under-the-table distribution network, but the goods leaving can also be hot. They care, not their origin. A good way to hustle fenced goods to my associates." 

"Any heat level as long as they want them?" He asked.

"They could be pure lava, and they would take them," I told him.

"What type of goods mostly?" He asked.

"Research supplies and sailing supplies to upkeep boats," I replied.

"Pirates!?" he asked, "There not that many of them, and most know not to," I could see him thinking as he cut himself off.

"Wizards and boats?" He asked.

"You're thinking too much on this," I told him flatly, and he nodded.

"I see what you mean; the maritime trade is growing here," He said, and I could hear him sigh. "Hurting that will have consequences," He said.

"In the long term, but neither of us are on the boats, are we?" I asked.

"You're a cruel woman,' he said, "I like it in my business partners. Fine, We will discuss the details later," He said. "I will be back, and you can keep calling me Daddy," He finished with a grin and started to walk out. He paused at the door and turned to me, "What do I call you?" he asked.

"Call me, Mistress, and leave it at that. I will get to work upstairs. What time do you want to meet tomorrow?" I asked.

"Afternoon, I miss having her around to act entitled. I will keep her closer to me after this, though." He said.

"She will be very clingy to her big strong man, That I can promise," I replied with a smile, and his face reflected a smile back.

He walked out the door, and there was no fight between us. Just business now, and I could tell that he did not give a fuck about the Djinn's business, just her pussy. She had such raw potential but was wasted with her personality. I was thinking of keeping her around, but I think this deal was worth more. Plus, fighting here in the Demon Lands was much different than in the Empire. I needed to learn the customs.

I sighed and locked the door, and quickly cursed as the pain from my broken ribs made itself known. It was a fucking good thing we didn't have to fight. I was in a lot of pain, and that man was not slow. The slightest mistake would have killed me. How did such a peaceful nation like the Demon Lands have someone so skilled? He attacked me at my weakest and almost killed me in one strike with just his body. That took a lot of battle experience.

I needed to learn more about this nation, and I needed to learn quickly. But first, I took another nap before I got ready for my performance tomorrow.