Chapter 206:

Walking back into the room, it was time to start training this Djinn bitch. I wanted to make it seem like her Daddy was someone I was scared of. So when he came to get her, she was sufficiently full of herself around him but would never let go of him. That would make her more entitled to others but toward him. She would cling to him for life. All he would have to say was that he would leave her, and she would lose her entire footing and self-esteem. She would have her Self-esteem so tied to him that she would never be able to leave without entering an intense depression.

That was a trickier form of training. It was making her his slave without anything tying them together. It was something in my old world that the government had been working on stopping. Women without certain rights would just learn to cling to the men that they could never leave psychologically. That didn't mean that a lot of women did not make their man miserable in return for them making her miserable. In fact, if I remembered some historical facts correctly from my previous world, then men would take women they were married to and, with her permission, 'sell' the woman to a man looking for a woman. Usually, this ended up with both of them being happier.

Still, I needed to think more about how I would deal with this. I would have to act perfectly in order to do this, and I would need to act angry at her. I would have to follow up like I was scared and was lashing out at her. Something to make her feel smug, but the guards outside were the reason she was still in this situation. Something had to make sense for her to rely on her 'daddy' in the future entirely.

I sighed, and I decided to make some damn food for the bitch. I would have to play this very carefully. I took my time, and I explored the place a little and found a kitchen on the bottom floor behind an odd door that looked like it was trying to hide. It made sense; as a Brothel, it also made sense to have food here. As a front, I would have to recruit some women and make them work. It would simplify my life and give me legitimacy as a businessperson. Then, I could work with 'daddy' to make more gold under the table. 

Privacy, though, was something that would make me a lot of gold in a short amount of time, and I would have to invest it somewhere else. There was only going to be so long before it was not profitable. Or I should say not worth the risk as the country will snap down on it hard. There would be a time when we could work and make gold faster than most others, but it would take some time. In that short period of time, I would have to learn things and find out how best to spend the gold profit I make plus a battle chest.

My mind was focused now, and I cooked up some basic high-calorie meal from what was left in the kitchen, which was a little. I would have to buy food for the brothel and get started on things here. It was a lot to do and not much time to do it. With a deep breath, I went upstairs, and I went into the room, and I looked at the Djinn bitch that was such a damn nuisance.

She had tears in her eyes, and she was sleeping at this moment after a day of not being able to move. It was best if I let her down before I did permanent damage. I slowly walked up to her and released the restraints. She woke up tumbling to the floor, and she cried out. "Wha-?!" As she hit the ground and groaned, I saw her rubbing her arms that had been holding her up. I put the food on the ground in front of her and scoffed.

"Eat, Djinn bitch," I snapped with contempt in my voice, and she looked up at me, and I saw the fear in her expression. It was exactly what I was expecting, and I smiled, looking down at her. 

"Please, Don't hurt me," She cried, and I scoffed.

"I will do what I want, and if you don't start eating, then I will shove it down your throat, not caring about if you choke on it or not," I told her, and I made a show of looking annoyed on my face. I pushed my fur and started to show a nervous expression. I kicked something in the room, a small little pale. It was small things, but I turned and pulled out a chair as she flinched from my shows of annoyance. 

"Listen now, Djinn bitch, Tell me what you know about your Daddy," I said, my voice clear but marked with the slightest hint of annoyance. I needed her to think I was afraid of him. I needed a reason to torture her, too.

"I- I don't know anymore," The Djinn bitch coughed. I could hear the fear in her voice, and I pointed at the food. 

"Eat; you will need some calories for what will happen next," I warned her.

She shivered, and I could see her hands dig into the hot food slightly faster. I could see the drive to survive till her daddy saved her. She honestly thought that he was out there to save her and was taking the least amount of time possible to do so. I saw her eating, and I thought I would make up a story. 

"So, I have something fun for you to know," I began, "I met your daddy that other night, maybe tonight," I told her, and I saw her shiver. She looked at me, and I smiled, letting her see that smile that made her shiver more. "Interesting and strong man, A B ranker all the same with a strength that I must say hurts," I told her.

I could see the surprise on her face as I appeared to be unharmed in front of her. I bet every time she had seen someone who fought with them, and they were either dead or very injured. It was not even a hard guess, and then I realized. This was going to be easier than I thought. He had already laid the groundwork, and this story would finish it off.

"What you also fail to realize is that I am also a B ranker, Djinn bitch," I told her, my voice full of contempt and anger. "Your 'Daddy,'" I filled the word with as much contempt and anger as possible, "Maybe strong, but I can also fight. We had the guards called on us, and we both had to retreat," I said, my venom loud and clear, and i could see the hope rekindle in her eyes. 

That hope that said one line, "Daddy didn't abandon me, The guards made him retreat temporarily. He will be back soon!" I could see it in her eyes; if I were here to break her, I would destroy that hope. But now, to my distaste, I had to feed it. Feed the little chick hope while pretending to question her. 

"And I will kick his ass back again," I said, making my voice sound certain but with a little shiver as if I wasn't sure. I could see that hope build that she thought I was afraid of her 'Daddy.' But fuck, this was an attack on my own ego. 

My ego was worthless, though, for anything other than Self-esteem, and I didn't need self-esteem; I needed results. That meant degrading myself in front of this woman, even if she didn't think that was what I was doing. 

She coughed on some of the food, and I waited before deciding on the simplest solution. I waited for her to finish, and I grabbed her by the air and started to make her drink some water while tied down on a table. I also may have had a rag over her face as I forced her to drink and not have much time for breathing. I continued to ask the same pointless question about her 'Daddy' as I used the United States Enhanced Interrogation tactics that they used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. It was not very useful, just like in the war, but it made me smile as she cried.

To take a break from that, I whipped her breasts a bunch of times before moving back and enjoying myself. My pussy was even starting to get a little moist as I killed the hours waiting for her Daddy to show up. 

Finally, after torturing the woman for a while, her Daddy showed up, and I stepped out, leaving her hitching for breath in the room. Waterboarding with breaks of breast whipping really put her in a vulnerable position. But to be fair, the Djinn didn't break, and neither did her hope. When she heard her Daddy roar, I stepped outside and broke my nose, much to his surprise.

I could see his question, and I shook my head. I took out my whip and hit the walls a couple of times, and I broke a couple of floor boards. I could see the understanding in his eyes, and he smiled, shaking his head. I motioned for his arm to be out and used the Leather whip to leave a solid red mark. And finally, I opened the door and bit my cheek a little.

"fine, I keep the place, but you take your Djinn bitch out of here," I snapped, and he walked up to the door, "There she is, and you can fucking take her. I don't want the bitch around anymore. This is my business now, and if you want to continue to fight, it will be with the guards, and neither of us wants that," I snapped.

"I could kill you here and now and be done with it," Daddy said.

"And the Guards will be all over our asses because I will ensure they are," I spat out a large amount of blood in my mouth that the Djinn could see. "TAKE HER AND GO! We will discuss the terms for our business later," I snapped.

Daddy looked at me and stepped toward me, and I made a show of flinching before he turned and destroyed the leather binding the Djinn bitch to the table. Then picked her up and started to walk away. I could see the stars and love in her eyes as he took her away, and he said, stopping with his back to me at the stairs, "This isn't over," He said just loud enough I could hear.

"I know," I said before spitting, and then he walked down the stairs and out of the building. I waited, and I cursed a little, "At least that was dealt with," I commented to myself, and I winced, "Fucking ribs still are broken."

Now, it was time to clean up and get started. I would need to get into contact with the Lich and get the ball rolling. 


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Life of a Dominant Futanari

I Sissified My Step Bro

A Damaged Innocent Futanari

The Bullied Masochist Futanari

Galaxy Hunter Online