Chapter 207: Stacy's reward part one

After a couple of days away from my toys, I finally brought them over to the brothel and got things started. I closed the place down temporarily for renovations and told the few who came that the place was under new management. 

This seemed to have a boost of morale for those who enjoyed this place in the past, and word seemed to be spreading around. The Djinn dumbass had done such a bad job at management that those around them learned about it. I even got some inquiries from those looking for a place to work and told them that I would have to finish renovations before considering hiring. 

I was banking a lot of gold on this, and I took apart the downstairs and completely started to redecorate it. First, I made it more subtle, and the decorations seemed to make the eye lazier. I wanted people to focus on the people around them and the background to turn into just that, the background. The Desk was the only furniture that was allowed to stand out to their eyes, while the doors were hidden in plain sight. Even the stairs seemed to blend into the background so that you would be guided into a tunnel upstairs where the pleasure would begin. 

Quickly, I turned a portion of the main floor into an apartment for us to sleep in and for the kitchen to be able to serve meals upstairs. I even made a small stair set upstairs in the kitchen for our people to move without people being spotted. I was going all out, starting on the rooms upstairs and working with Stacy, a very good all-around handywoman. 

She would get to a lot of work with proper incentives and do it very quickly. With the promise of a huge reward, I had her working hard. She was doing drapes and many small and large renovations in a week. It took only two weeks in total from the time I brought them over to the brothel.

Stacy was running all over the place and even made a small tailoring workshop downstairs. Honestly the whole place was large enough with a backyard that allowed us to do things in the heart of the Demon Land's capital. I also made it so there was a single play around outside with a small barn with nice high privacy fencing to ensure no one could hear inside. 

Unfortunately, my enchanting was not up to par to enchant the outside to deafen the sound, and the gold was running short. I would soon need to make some cuts into things and make a profit. I already got Gargoyle and Succubus to return, who enjoyed laying with me. But now it was time to fulfill promises and do things with my toys while hiring women who would make me look like a legitimate businesswoman while finding a couple of 'bouncers' who could work on some shadow things for me. 

There was so much to do, and the foundations to build an organization here in the Demon lands were going to take longer. I was setting up for the long haul, and the toys and women I would gather would be the base rock of it all. This is where I would start gathering my power base to make things even more fun. 

Now, though, was the time to reward Stacy after a long day, and I called her into my fun room that I had made just for me. Inside was an assortment of things that I had prepared for her, and when she walked in, I looked at the woman who had been salivating about, thinking what this reward was going to be. 

Now, it was time for me to reward someone who had been punished for so long. So tonight, I was going to make this woman scream in so many ways. She was going to orgasm and bleed for her Mistress and beg for mercy in the throes of the largest orgasms. I had plans for her, and I was wondering if I should make it a multiple-day marathon for the bitch.

"Stacy, You may come into your Mistress's quarters now," I announced, knowing she was outside my door.

Stacy opened the door a moment later, and her eyes widened as she laid her gaze upon her Mistress. Today, I was dressed in something that she would never have thought to see me in. It was completely out of Character and something she would see in her fantasies. In fact, I knew that she made this outfit for me, hid it among her things, and fantasized it while smelling it. She would picture me in it and grasp at the chastity cage and her breasts, thinking about me in it.

Stacy, this hardcore lesbian pervert, would do anything for the touch of a woman, and I stood there smiling at her fantasies and desires. This outfit would make me look like a courtesan, which was something that was perfectly fine, in my opinion. It had four small straps to hold up the rest of the material laced to a thick black color, which went down to my breasts, which were covered in an expensive lace bra that barely showed my breasts through the fabric. At the back of the bra, the fabric fell with a large hole to show off my perfectly scalped back and went over the hips to fall down the front, creating a loin cloth that went over my hips and down my front to cover my modesty while still showing off my flexible abs.

It showed everything, but my pussy, and you could see my legs and my ass from the side as the black cloth ran between my legs. Honestly, it was a stellar piece from Stacy, and it made me look like a classy Courtesan. I could see Stacy shuddering just looking at me, and I knew that she was trying to rust the chastity belt that I had equipped her with at this point. 

"M- Mistress?" Stacy said, barely able to get them out.

"You have been a good girl lately, Stacy; now a reward is in order. Strip," I ordered.

Stacy was out of her clothing so fast, with her bra taking the longest and standing with the locked Chastity belt left on her. I could see the juices already leaking on the side of the belt as she stood before me. "T- T- Thank you, M- Mistress," Stacy stammered out with excitement, and I could see her breathing harder with each moment. 

"Oh, my little Pain slut deserves it," I said with a slight smile, "I am going to make you scream in pain and pleasure all night tonight, Stacy. Maybe even follow up again because of how good of a girl you have been. Come, Greet my feet with your lips." 

My order rang out, and Stacy was at my feet as I sat in a chair and kissed my feet. I could feel the build-up of saliva with how desperate she was feeling at this moment. I felt her sniffing my feet, too, and her lips once again kissed my feet, "Greetings, Mistress; please accept this Slave," Stacy said, and I smiled.

She was always coming up with new things, and it was acceptable. "Very well, lift the veil of my pussy, and you may greet your Mistress's most intimate place by making me reach a light orgasm," I ordered, letting her get something for free from me. 

Stacy sharply looked up at the surprise on her face, and excitement built for it would be the first time in a while that she was close to a woman's sexual organ. I could see her excitement, and she bowed and kissed my foot once again, "Thank you, Mistress~!" She excitedly exclaimed and gently lifted the cloth and found a bare, slightly wet pussy. Her tongue went to action, and I spread my legs for her. 

Stacy instantly stuffed her face into my cunt, and I moaned as she got to work, licking my clit and sending a shiver of electrical pleasure up my spine as I sat back. I took it in relaxing as she got to work. This was a pleasure that I missed in my past life, and this thought came up often how I never did this in my past life. 

What had I been thinking?

I could have done so much making pleasure slaves and whores. 

Toys that would have done things for me and tossed themselves in front of bullets for me. 

The pleasure of her tongue diving into my honeypot made me moan, and I shivered a little. Stacy was good, and she was a seasoned lesbian seeking the places that she enjoyed licking and tasting the most. I could see her pussy gushing more and more as she sucked and licked my cunt. The pain slut was all over tasting her favorite thing in the world, and she could not get enough. She was all over it, and the pleasure tingled up my spine as she ate my pussy well, and I found myself quickly getting to a nice light orgasm. 

As she tasted me getting closer and closer, I could feel her need and want to make me orgasm. Stacy got back to my clit and was all over it and licking all over soon, making me reach my peak with her tongue as she started to suck my clit into her mouth and lick me even harder, sending a good electrical orgasm through me, and I moaned.

As quickly as I came through, it was over, and I reached down and pulled the pain slut from my cunt and made her look up at me. She had drool all over her face, and I could see the pleased expression of making a woman orgasm on her face. I smiled down at her and pointed to the table, "There is a key and a strap-on on the table; you may pick up the key and unlock your chastity cage, then bring over the strap-on and put it on your Mistress," I said, and I could see her start to jitter. Her hands started to shake with excitement, and I could tell what that announcement meant for her.

She got up off her knees and walked over. I stood slowly as she reached the counter and grabbed her key. I could see her shaking as she undid the chastity belt, which I was sure she started to question if she would ever be free from. Her hands shook, and when the belt came loose, I could hear her squeak in excitement and the juiciest wettest pussy I had seen in a long time. The smell filled the room, and she almost dropped the Chastity belt to the floor. Then she looked at me and remembered that it was my property. She slowly moved it onto the counter and placed it with respect.

Moments later, she was running over with a large strap-on that was meant for me to put on and fuck her. I could see the excitement, and I smiled. "You may assist me in putting it on," I told her, and she smiled. She quickly readied the straps, and I lightly lifted my feet, allowing her to slide them up my legs till they reached my core. The fabric was in the way, and she brushed it to the side so it would not get in the way. A moment later, the straps tightened, and it was firmly tied to my body, and I had a giant 9-inch cock to fuck her with.

She leaned back onto her feet with her knees on the ground as she looked up at me. "One chance, Slut, How do you want to get fucked before I enjoy myself with your body once again?" I asked her.

The excitement in her eyes reached a new peak, and I could see her quiver as she thought about it. "Three seconds," I suddenly warned her as I was ready to fuck her with my massive enchanted metal cock.

"I WANT YOU TO BEAT MY ASS WHILE YOU FUCK THIS TOY, MISTRESS~!" Stacy cried out, "I WANT TO BE TAKEN AS YOU SPANK MY ASS AND WHIP MY BACK WITH A FLOGGER TILL I CUM A DOZEN TIMES~!" Stacy cried out, and I could see her pussy dripping even more from the thought. I knew that she was borderline already cumming, and I smiled.

"Oh, a little greedy slut tonight," I said, my voice low and dark, making it sound as if I might get angry. "Very well, you have earned a reward," I told her and pointed to a pillory in the room that was in the corner, "Bring it to the middle of the room and put yourself in it. I will lock you tight, then reward my pain slut."

She didn't need to be told twice. She ran off, and I walked over to grab my things. I was going to enjoy the rest of my night with this pain slut. I couldn't help my smile, and my pussy grew a little more damp thinking about the night to come.


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Life of a Dominant Futanari

I Sissified My Step Bro

A Damaged Innocent Futanari

The Bullied Masochist Futanari

Galaxy Hunter Online