Chapter 208: Stacy's Reward Part 2

Stacy did not take long to move the pillory into the middle of the room. Her pussy was absolutely dripping, and her body moved with the purpose of getting fucked as fast as possible. When she opened the Pillory, Stacy quickly put her head and wrists into the holes, and I walked over, feeling the fabric between my legs hitting my metal cock. I moved slowly and deliberately and saw the dripping cunt of my pain slut. I could see her asscheeks trembling in anticipation of what was to come.

I stopped slowly beside her, grabbed the pillory, brought it down on her neck and wrists, walked over, and locked it tight. The simple lock did not even need a key, for she was now helpless to reach it. I smiled, and I walked toward her face and smiled at her. I could see the excitement on her face and watched her lick her lips. Her trembling increased, and I squatted down toward her face and showed her my smile. 

"So Beautiful," I complimented with that smile on my face, "So trapped in my bindings, forever a slave to my treatment.

"I would be nothing without you, Mistress," Stacy replied, shivering in anticipation even harder.

"You would be in the same restraints with some guard contemplating you for touching a noble or a child," I mocked the perverted woman. Stacy would have touched any woman if not for my touch. She was a project that, if Karama were real, would bring me positive karma for controlling her urges. She did not care for age or anything as long as there was a womb inside the woman or breasts.

I shook my head, stood, and saw her look up as much as she could, and my hand came against her cheek with strength. "Let us begin, Pain slut," I told her, "Reward or not, It is always for me to enjoy myself."

With that, I slowly walked behind her, my nails extended and slowly scraping along her back, and I could feel her shiver as it scraped just the lightest amount of skin off. My claws were razor-sharp with my breed of Beast-kin, and I was slow and deliberate in my movement. It was glacial, and I heard her moan with the slight pain I was dealing with as I moved. Her Reward was so simple, but I could do so many things with it. Her body tried to move away from my claws on instinct alone, but that did not happen as I continued to follow and anticipate her movements with superior reflexes.

I moved to the small of her back, and I heard her moan louder as my nails reached that sensitive spot just above her spine, and to my delight, she almost froze. Her skin goosebumps and my other hand reached out and spanked her ass hard with a resounding slapping noise in the room.

"YEEP~!" Stacy jolted up in surprise from the sudden pain, which almost skewered her spine, and I saw her pussy squirt as she realized how close she had just been to paralyzing herself as my nails retracted the moment she tried to jump into them.

"You still useful to me, Pain slut," I commented, my voice dry with contempt, "Try not to disable yourself with Mistresses nails," I warned her, and I felt her shiver as I looked at the sign of how much that would actually pleasure her at this point. 

Stacy was hopeless in so many ways but useful to me, and my hand came down upon her ass just as hard as before, this time with my hand there pressing on her back. Her ass rippled, and her cry filled the room, and my hand came down once again and again. She cried out with pain as my hand instantly turned the white skin on her ass red. The handprint was showing quickly, and my pussy moistened, listening to her cries.

"Mistress," Stacy suddenly begged, "More, Please~! More, my pussy and ass are on fire; it is burning for my Mistress; please, Hurt me, hit me, bruise me~!" 

Stacy begged, and my hand came down once again on her ass, and I stepped away slowly. 

"PLEASE~! MISTRESS~! I am so close," She whined as she pressed against the restraints. I stepped over and grabbed a flogger, and watched as her pussy dripped juices to the floor. Her thighs were covered in her own juices, and I smiled. I wondered what it would taste like to her and how close she was. 

I saw her toes work up and down as she wagged her ass and tried to entice me. "PLEASE~! MISTRESS~! I AM CLOSE~!" She screamed, and I knew that she was more than desperate. The Chastity had done a real number on her, and she wanted, no needed more.

I licked my lips, and I watched her ass dance and jiggle around for a minute and heard her cry. I walked up and heard her groan as she came down from the edge of an orgasm, and I lined my cock up to her pussy as it dripped, and I stepped forward and thrust into her before she even understood what was going on.


I fueled the cock at my hips with my energy, and it burst to life, and my hands came down with slaps of thunder in the room, bruising those asscheeks.


Her cries filled the room, and my cock and my hands did not stop. Bongo Drums were less beat than her ass as I started to slap her ass as my cock went into overdrive, as I sent energy into it hard. My pussy was being hit hard, and my clit was being vibrated hard, sending shivers of pleasure as I dominated the pain slut under me. Her pussy erupted, and my hips her pussy didn't stop as it super-soaked my hips.

"CUMMING~! OH GOD~! CUMMING MISTRESS~! THANK YOU MISTRESS~! MISTRESS~! THANK YOU THANK YOU~!" She continued to scream as I fucked her cunt hard as I worked toward my own. My hands coming down on her ass. 

Then I pulled the flogger off my shoulder that had remained still as I whipped her with my perfect balance. I then started to whip her back as her bruised ass was slapped hard by my hips against her ass. She pussy spraying all over like a broken hose. "MISTRESS~! MERCY~!" She screamed as the pleasure started to turn into too much pleasure and messed with her brain as the pain assaulted her.

My pussy and mind were in the zone, and the whip lashed down on her body, sending her screaming, and I loved it. 


This is what I have been missing!

I was punishing Stacy, and my sadistic side enjoyed that.

But I was also punishing myself.

Her screams were fuel, and my ears loved it. God, did I love it.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" That scream of pleasured pain made my ears twitch, and the world focused on it, and I felt an orgasm rip through me like nothing. From the tips of my toes to the top of my head, I shuddered as my hips thrust in and out of her. My mercy neither came as the pleasure whipped through my body. Instead, my whip became more cruel, my smile became beastly, and my energy moved. I felt it flowing, and my metal cock surged with my energy and felt as if it was my own.

"TAKE IT SLUT~!" I snapped without even noticing as my cock vibrated harder, and my whip cut into the skin as I whipped her back with the flogger. It cut in, and her screams got louder, and she spasmed and orgasmed, and I smelled urine as she squirted, losing control of her bladder, and I shuddered even more. "PISSING ON YOUR MISTRESS~!" I screamed, not angry at all, as she lost control of her body. 

Energy moved through me more and more rapidly and grew denser as I whipped her. The pleasure, the love, the excitement as I whipped my pain slut and fucked her harder and harder was euphotic, and the world was right in this moment. Her screams hit my ears, and I orgasmed once again.

I lost myself in the whipping and orgasms as mine chained with hers. The screams and blood started to flow. I lost myself as my energy and being mixed with the objects in my hands and on my hips. I felt like I orgasmed through my vibrating metal cock, and for a time, I was lost. Lost in the pleasure I was taking from Stacy's euphoric pain.

When I found myself breathing heavily behind her a time later, her body shuddered, and she could no longer stand. My clothing and legs were covered in piss and cum. But, my energy went up a level. I was stronger, and my smile was bright, and I looked at Stacy, and my smile was bright. I made more time for her, and I walked up to the Pillory, unlocked it, and allowed her to drop to the floor as she could no longer hold herself up. The whips ruined her back, but I already prepared her for that. 

"Did you love that pain slut," I asked, my voice coming out with just as much excitement and pleasure that she had shown before we started? My cock and pussy throbbed as the metal cock vibrated with energy that refused to stop cycling through it.

"Yeash, Meashtrasssh, I Wuved it," Stacy shuddered and twitched as she barely mumbled out. Her body was drenched in her own fluids.

I looked at her ruined body, and I wanted more; I wanted to ruin her more. I wanted to cut her, I wanted to whip her, I wanted to torture her till she was on the edge and bring her back. I wanted to do so much, but I took a deep breath. I was in the moment, and Stacy was too damaged at this moment, and she already was looking dehydrated, and her back needed to heal. She wasn't an enemy; I cannot treat her as one. I wanted to play with this toy later. Maybe if she was a B ranker or an A ranker, I could go even farther, and I shuddered in desire as I thought of that.

"Become a B ranker for me, Pain slut, Then an A ranker. I want you to reach these peaks with me so I can bring you even greater pain and pleasure slut. Do it for Mistress," I told her and took another deep breath to calm myself.

"Yeah, Meastarassh," She barely got out, then shuddered and was about to pass out from the pain. 

"Time to get you fixed up," I scoffed, walking over to the creme for her back. I may have gone too far today and lost myself. I would have to monitor her condition.


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Life of a Dominant Futanari

I Sissified My Step Bro

A Damaged Innocent Futanari

The Bullied Masochist Futanari

Galaxy Hunter Online