Chapter 213: Welcome to the Club

I looked at the Medusa before me, and I was questioning what I should do with her. Her hair was looking at me with a wanting look. Something told me that this woman was pent up, and that was one of the reasons that she was here. 

She had long blue scales that went down her legs, and her snakes made her look exotic. I could tell that she was looking forward to playing with me. She was a horny Medusa looking to be played with. She was a hot woman, and I looked her over and saw her clothes as a hindrance, and I smiled, "Strip."

The order was absolute, and the woman stripped her clothing, showing me her light blue and scaled skin. Her nipples were a light blue, almost purple, and she blushed in that same purple tone of her nipples. I could see the desire as she lost her clothing, and I watched silently. Now was the time for action, and I moved toward her in a moment, grabbed her by the neck, and lifted her body.

Hissing came from her hair, and I smiled, "Well, this is the first time I had hair be aggressive to me," I commented, and Cleo was gripping the hand that was holding her in the air. I knew I could be rougher with this woman as she was a C ranker, and I moved with energy in my body, fueling me toward the rack, and slammed her down as I let go of her neck.

Cleo gasped the air, leaving her as I moved and restrained her body in simple movements, and she coughed. By the time she probably even understood what had just happened, I was restraining the last leg in the rack. I locked it all up and looked down on the light blue scales of the Medusa and her body. It was interesting dealing with scales, I thought, and my hand trailed over them. I could feel her shudder, and I knew they were connected to the nerves like normal skin.

It made me think about beast-kin and every other species I have seen. It was like everyone, but monsters all came from humans. Dwarves were just shorter, stockier humans. Beasts-kin were basically humans with beast parts and a little more fur. Medusa was probably the most unique, but still humans, but they had scales on their skin and snakes for hair instead. It was almost like a perverted fantasy changing Humans to other species and eventually to what it was now.

I shook my head as I looked her over, and my hand reached her scaley breast. The scales were light and felt good underhand with how soft and smooth they were. Cleo almost turned purple as I gazed down at her nipples and watched as they hardened to the point of steel. She was a needy masochist and would be of great use to those looking to be a dominant partner at night.

"You have such nice skin, Cleo," I mention as I softly touch her breasts, and I allow my claws up, making her hold her breath. Sharp claws danced sharply on her skin, and I moved, looking over her body. She was already breathing heavily but freezing to try and hold herself still as sharp B-ranked claws touched her skin. "Should I cut it?" I asked rhetorically, and I looked down at her pussy dripping a little.

"Mistress, I like both hard and soft, but I am more in the mood for soft play. Your claws, though," Cleo shivered, and my claws scratched her skin softly up to her nipple, where I threatened to pierce her nipple. "They are making me so horny," She confessed a moment later with the snakes of her head hissing at me.

I smiled, "Then I think these nipples need some jewelry to mark your new whore life," I told her.

The Medusa didn't understand what I just said for a second, but my hands or claws moved, making her understand. Cleo suddenly screamed and gasped as my claws cut through her nipples, piercing them at the same time with force. My claws drove right through them without any numbing while she was sensitive and horny. Her light blue pussy suddenly squirted a little, and blood trickled down her breasts as she gasped.

"AH~! HURTS~!" She gasped, and I retracted my claws and moved away from the table as she struggled to breathe and get ahold of herself, as I had just pierced her nipples without warning. 

I walked over to my table and picked out some jewelry that I never used on Freya or Stacy. These were two nipple rings that were a bit thick and had two large holes for things to clip into. It was perfect for a masochist, and they were both enchanted to react to any mana if the person used mana. I grabbed both and some disinfectant while I smiled that I finally had a use for them and walked back over.

Showing her a smile as she looked down at her bleeding nipples, I smiled and poured the disinfectant on her nipples. "EEEEEEEP~! AHHHH~! BURNS~!" Cleo screamed as I made sure she wouldn't get sick. Then I rammed the nipple rings through her nipples, and she gasped as the cold steel filled her wounds.

"New Jewelry for my new slut," I told her, and I turned and grabbed her face making her look at me instead of her breasts while one hand went down to her nipples, and I hooked a finger through both barely. The pain showed on her face, and I sadistically smiled at her, "You are mine to work at this brothel. While you work here, these are a little gift from me to you. They are expensive slut. Channel mana through them, and they activate," I notified her and pushed my energy into them, and she gasped as the piercings jumped to life, sending a mixture of sensitive pleasure and pain through her, and I released her. 

I stood tall again and let the mana in the rings continue to buzz on her, watching only for a moment before I walked away. I picked up a new toy, and I brought over a dildo; before Cleo could understand what was happening, I was beside her again and started to make the dildo vibrate with my energy.

"M- Mistress?" She shook as she watched me stand above her.

"You will be our new Masochist here to take client's orders. So, you will learn how to take pleasure from pain even though you already do, just more professionally," I told her, and I brought the vibrator to her cunt, and I shoved it up inside her without giving her time to prepare.

Her back lifted off the rack as she gasped and moaned a moment later, and I watched as her body danced for me on the table. She moved side to side up and down as much as she could. I could see the vibrator being pushed out a little, and I would shove the metal device right back inside her and make her gasp and jump off the table again.

"Mistress~!" She cried out suddenly, and I shook my head.

"I see you are enjoying it. Cum, Slut, Whenever you want," I told her, and she moaned and groaned, trying to escape the vibrator inside her. She continued to push it out, and I shoved it right back in with a punishment slap against her clit.

She cried out and screamed as she squirted a little, and it was time to move on to the next part. "Small orgasm only, not good enough, Cleo," I told her, and she gasped.

"Mistress, Please, My Vagina~! It, It feels weird~! My nipples feel weird ~!" Cleo complained, and I grabbed a whip and the cream away from her sight and I walked back. 

"This should be enough to entice another orgasm," I told her as I walked back. By the time I arrived, the vibrator was half out again, and I shoved it back in a while, inducing it with even more energy, making it vibrate harder.

Her body jumped off the table, and that sparked the start of me taking the cream, and I started to slather it all over her body. The sudden touch, along with the sensations of her pussy and nipples as I roughly coated her body with cream, made her cum once again. I watched as she cried out and screamed as a liquid shot out from her onto the table and a little on the wall a distance away, with the vibrator being pushed out once again.

My hand helpfully shoved it back in, and Cleo cried out, and I continued to slather her body with the cream. All so I could keep her beautiful after what was to come, and she gasped and writhed under the vibrators on her nipples and cunt. The Vibrator almost jumped out again as she writhed, and I shoved it deep once again before spreading the cream on her legs, and she cried out. "MISTRESSH~! IT, ITS CUMMING~!" She screamed, and suddenly she started to let loose and even pissed herself, and I watched the fluids let loose.

"AHHH~! FUCK~!" Cleo screamed, her legs shaking and trembling as her pussy was orgasming hard. I watched her hips thrust into the air again and again, shooting more and more. I could smell the urine mixed with her orgasm this time as she was losing control of her bladder. I didn't stop there; now was the time, and I stepped back and grabbed my bullwhip.

With her back in the air and her body in the midst of orgasm, the heavy leather whip whistled in the air and with the carefully controlled strength of a person who knows what they are doing with a whip. I cracked it against her stomach as it arched in the air.

The sudden sharp pain must have been a shot in the dark, and the scream that eclipsed them all was followed up by her pissing herself and squirting more. The whip cracked down on her breasts, this time leaving a harsh red mark against her bleeding breasts, and her scream made me moist. It was never done with a bitch like this, and I wanted to hear her sing for me more.

"SING FOR ME SLUT~!" I moaned and snapped the bullwhip down again and again on her body as she shot up and down from the table. The vibrators mixed the pain and pleasure of her reality as they snapped on her again and again. I was bringing her to the brink of reality and mixing the two.

"MISTERSS MISTERESS~!" She screamed when she could as she trembled and orgasmed again and again. Her body took comfort and solace in that pleasure, and her hair was limp and blushing like the rest of her body as she collapsed onto the table the moment I stopped whipping her. The vibrator shot out, and I grinned. I walked up to the table and looked over at her.

"How was a little whipping session, Cleo," I asked with a bullwhip in my hand.

Her eyes were half-lidded, and her snakes no longer hissed at me. "A- Amazing, My nipples and pussy will never be the same," Cleo replied, and I grabbed the second cream.

"Welcome to the club, Cleo."


I will soon be Dropping some new short stories on Amazon in the next couple of weeks or they are completed on my Patreon.

Be on the look out for:

Stories of a Futanari S ranked Adventurer

The Rich Girls Futanari Maid is a Masochist

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Or you can find various books on Amazon Such as:

Life of a Dominant Futanari

I Sissified My Step Bro

A Damaged Innocent Futanari

The Bullied Masochist Futanari

Galaxy Hunter Online