Chapter 214: To the Cutting Board

With a new prostitute in the brothel, we started to attract some of the old clientele back to the brothel, which started to show signs of life. Freya was cooking, and Stacy was in her element, making clothes for our whores to bring in more clients with amazing outfits. The problem was that there were no clients for myself, which I wished to take on. 

Randoms were different from what I was looking for, and I wanted higher-class people. Actually, I wanted people who were a good use of my time and could influence people or strengthen my organization. So, instead, I chose to worry more about getting those warehouses and people I needed. Without a general location of landing and placement, though, I could only go for the carriages, which I would rent for a period of time in order to satisfy my contract with the Lich.

Which meant that I needed one more thing to look toward, and I had no idea where to start here. Should I look for a place to purchase slaves? I needed to make an alchemy store and knew almost nothing about it. I knew the basics of herbology from the Academy, but that was almost worthless in this aspect, which meant that I needed something more. Someone who knew what to do and wanted to get into business for it. They needed to have a clear image in mind and be willing for me to be a behind-the-scenes investor.

That also was easier said than done. It was something of a problem to find someone who would be the weakest link in investments. The amount of power I would be handing off to this person would be immense, and they could do a lot of damage to me. This wasn't something I could just hand off to anybody.

"Mistress," I heard a voice suddenly say.

My feet tapped away while I was sitting on Stacy, contemplating how I should move forward. I looked up toward the door, and I saw Freya there in a maid outfit that she liked, and I raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" I asked.

"We have a powerful man downstairs looking for you. He told me that you personally told him that he should seek you out. He is a Devil and is quite insistent." Freya told me.

It took me but a moment to remember what Devil would know to ask for me when I remembered the B ranker the other day. I frowned but, after a moment, smiled; if he was into me sexually, I was sure I could do something useful with him. Maybe even replace the Lich if I have to. Although having a lover or something like that connected to who I was underground might not be a good idea.

I wasn't sure about this Devil, but I motioned for Freya to come in for a moment, "What do you think of him?" I asked.

"Arrogant, a man who thinks highly of himself and others around him, is not much from our short interaction." Freya said, then shrugged, "Then again, he only seemed interested in talking to you."

"Then bring him here," I said, and I leaned back, placing my back flat against Stacy as my legs were in the air. Freya nodded, and I tapped Stacy. "Move around bitch; I want you to have done a lap of the room before my guest arrives," I told her.

I lay on my back while staring at the ceiling, thinking about the cute devil that I was about to see again. The best part about all of this was that I gave him a chance, and although I knew I was scarce, he could always travel to the beast-kin nation if he wanted. That is what people did in my past life. Wanted a woman who was demure and conservative instead of a feminist? Well, you could always go to third-world countries where women were still raised that way. 

Was it a little creepy doing so? Sure, but you wanted what you wanted, and that was a place where you were more likely to find what you were looking for. I remember one of my guys got himself a Filipino woman as a mail-order bride, and she was an amazing cook. But damn, this was one of the same types of guys. 

Does he want a muscular Tiger-kin? Probably going to the Beast-kin Nation was your best bet. Go to where the Tiger-kin tribes are and find a lover there if you want something so damn specific. But here I was, crossing his path, and he was hyper-focusing, which was to my benefit.

I had many things on the go at the moment, and this was now another one. Frankly, it was the meeting with the Lich that I still was most worried about. Once I knew the location, then I could get a warehouse or empty one temporarily, even if it was a massacre there. That would be the worst-case scenario, but I couldn't leave these goods out for long. I would have to transport them to my fence and turn them into goods for the Necromancers.

Sighing, I felt Stacy move a little incorrectly under me as she moved around the room. "Do you want to spill me onto the floor, Pain Slut?" I asked, my voice strict and filled with warning.

"My apologies, Mistress," Stacy replied with the right amount of fear in her voice as she labored as my roaming chair. I could hear her perverted breathing as she enjoyed being my furniture. I could even hear the occasional drip of her cunt gushing dripping onto the floor. 

Then I heard a knock on the door once again as I went back to my thoughts, thinking about how to move forward. "Mistress, A devil named Avery is here to see you," Freya said before opening the door.

I turned my head, and I saw the Muscular Devil with powerful Mana surging within him. He was a powerful person and probably had more mana in whatever form than me. But I could also see the desire in his eyes as he looked at me. This man was looking slowly at every inch of me as I slowly traveled around the room.

"Hello," Avery said, the devil bowing a little in the doorway.

"Hello, I see you have made at least part of the decision while only thinking with your cock," I replied, making my voice sound entertained. "Tell me, Avery, what's it like thinking only with the head of your cock instead of your brain?" I asked.

Avery blushed, and I could see that he was now actually looking at me, and there was a slight bit of anger there now. "I do not think with my dick," He replied in a calm voice. "You are a Strong, Tiger-kin Woman who is a business owner, I believe; I would like to take you out to dinner and see if we could be compatible mates." 

"Did you hear the words that came out of my mouth when you first asked?" I asked my question as I looked at him while sitting on Stacy.

He blushed and nodded. "Then we can discuss more," I said, grinning sadistically, "Are you ready to try and please this Mistress?"

"If that is what it takes to be your Mate, I will do what I must. May I please have your name?" Avery requested, and I smiled.

"I am Mistress Sally. You have earned at least that so far; let us see if you can take what it means to please me." I replied with a smile. I saw Freya and felt Stacy shiver.

Meanwhile, Avery was looking ready to prove his worth.

How should I train him?


I have released a new short story on Amazon, Kindle Unlimited.

The Story is called Stories of a Futanari S ranked Adventurer and it is an Erotica Short story. Please enjoy if you are so inclined.


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