Chapter 235: Reentry

The cart ride was boring as hell. Once and a while, I would feed the bitch in the back by forcing some food down her throat. I could tell that the woman was hoping for someone to pull my cart over and inspect the boxes inside. That was about her only hope.

As I went from inn to inn along the path, her hope disappeared, and I had to admit to myself. It was fantastic to watch. The Capital was coming up close, though, after a week of riding this damn thing. I could have run faster, but that was not the issue. I needed the trader cover as I got closer and closer. As I rode by, more and more guards of various species were around and looking very pissed off.

On the third day, I happily passed by a Bandit camp being routed as I was coming up to it. The Guards waved me by without much care, although they watched to see what I would do. So I did what any merchant would do without guards: I put on a suitably nervous face and rode on by.

It was a bit conspicuous that I was by myself, but with the sheer number of guards now patrolling the roads, the Merchants would be happy. Seriously, I could completely forgo protection, and the number of guards made it feel like I had not. Any merchant or trader who learned of this would do the same as I do.

As I approached the capital, I noticed other carriages leaving without guards, and I grinned. I was looking good as I approached the city gates. There was a long line, and I pulled myself up into the back of it and tried to look as relaxed as possible. The carts were moving slowly, and I noticed that some of the carts were searched while others were not. It seemed almost random, and the guards were trying to move the line forward quickly. 

Then I saw Guards as I moved up the line, starting to get ahead while other guards searched some of the carts. It seemed that they were probably going through and searching the ones that people were suspicious of. So, I took a deep breath and made sure that I was completely in the open. I wanted to look as disarming as possible, and I waited.

Over an hour went by, and I finally pulled up to the first two guards that were prescreening people. "Name, and where are you headed."

"Ah, I am Sally; I am going to make a delivery to a brothel. Apparently, they needed some," I paused, "Special things in a hurry," I said, making my face feel hot.

The guards were looking at me, and I could see comprehension in one. "Ah, what is your merchandise?"

"Um, it is particularly toys for those with a harder mindset and who like pain. And, um, there are lots of things for the ladies and gentlemen to ensure proper insertion," I said.

The guard chuckled and looked down, "I noticed you do not have any protection and are making a light delivery for the size of your cart."

"Well, I got a payment for a rush order for a couple of towns down. They needed the supplies quickly and did not tell me the reason. I showed up to where I was supposed to and packed things up. I heard before I left that there were lots of guards on the roads for some reason, and I thought I could move faster without extra protection if that was true. I can make more coins and get a bonus for arriving early." I smiled, "I was lucky to take the hint a friend gave me and got here early because of it. As long as I can make it by tonight, I get a nice little bonus, the contract says."

"Well, you are lucky," the guard said, looking over my cart and me one more time. "What do you think?" the guard asked the other.

"Seems clean, nothing out of the ordinary, and frankly, I really don't want to be embarrassed going through Brothel supplies. You know the boys behind us will hate that."

"Okay, you are clear," The guard said.

I grinned, "Thank you. If I see you in the city at some point, allow me to buy you a round of mead. You just made me enough for it." I said, flicking a coin into their hand that they were not expecting. "Actually, just buy yourself one in my name."

I moved forward, and the guards waved me through. I moved forward slowly, entering the city while I smiled. None of them realized that one of their B rankers was smuggled back into the city in bindings. I was going to train her as soon as I got back. Well, after I play with Kara and Stacy. Melony has been let off the hook for too long, as well. Maybe I would make her sweat for a while instead.

I smiled, heading down the road, and I grinned as I passed the final thresh hold and grinned.

At this point, I wanted to let my captive know that she was fucked.

But that fun would come later.


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