Chapter 236: Return

Passing between two mountains and the gate in the center made me happy. It was going to have been a real issue if I had been caught. I looked back at the surrounding mountains and the City on the inside. This City would be almost impossible to take even with modern technology from my past world. You would have to storm in from the sea as the mountains surrounded everything else. That would make this city impervious to artillery fire or most forms of indirect fire. You had one entrance that could not be expanded to fit more than four carriages. You would have to have complete military superiority of massive levels to cut through the small opening. 

The one opening was the ocean and the lack of a navy. Or a real fighting force on the sea. I did not know much about sailing history in my past world, but I knew that Galleys went out of fashion more than a Thousand years before I was born. It was slow, rowers sucked, and there were even better ways to do it than that with humans. You could create propellers under the water and have them twisted by humans pushing things around inside the ship. You could do the same with animals, and it would work even better with longer stamina. However, that is if you count out Mana. I am sure that you could enchant something to make it run better, at least for a period of time.

These contemplations were not something I would act upon at this time. They were something to consider down the road if I wanted to expand my business into the shipbuilding industry, which at this point was stagnant. So, I was good to wait until I had more floating capital to do.

Being a businesswoman was not what I most wanted to do. But for now, I would live with it. I had taken on the identity and would simply have to deal with it until I no longer needed it. 

No, I was following the Dream I had in my past life. I was going to continue to bring another organization to bring me to the shadow ruler of this world. I did not need some enlightenment from a system to become one. I would just have myself a blast.

This was the last time I would be alive anyway. The devil already said this was my last reincarnation, and there was no reason to lie to me. He seemed to hate whatever game of the gods this was. I had to wonder what was happening with others that God selected. Did we all have the same starting spot?

Were others in a better position? Maybe a child of a ruler? Noble? Or maybe just freemen? Almost anything was better than the position I was in. I was the child of a stable boy and a maid. My parents' fate was supposedly better than theirs after I scared my master with my personality.

I looked upon this world with a smile on my face. This was a wonderful world, and when I got back, I decided. This bitch in the back was going to be put on ice. She could wait and slowly go crazy, waiting to see what I was going to do to her. She could wait.

No, I had others to train.

Kara was cute, and I looked forward to having her attach herself to me more.

Melony needed training, and she could be useful. She was even close to breaking through into B rank. I took my carriage down the road, and finally, I reached the brothel and pulled up. To my surprise, I saw a customer coming in, and I brought the carriage to the front. I jumped out and grabbed my new bitch, using my energy to pick up her box. 

I walked in with the box and saw Kara talking to the customer at the front. "Yes, she is available in just a short bit. Do you mind if I tell her so she can be at her freshest when you go up? She wants you to be ready to whip her into place," Kara told the young Devil, and I saw the devil smile. 

He was here for Medusa, whose name was escaping me at the moment. 

Kara noticed me, and I put my fingers to my lips, and she nodded. I could see the excitement on her face, and she nodded. She went upstairs. Instead of watching around, I brought this new bitch into the back and put her inside before leaving.

I needed to clean up this carriage and maybe even get rid of it, but I wasn't sure if I needed to if I was being honest. Did this world have some form of bar codes? Many of the carriages looked the same, so I was unsure. Should I scrap this carriage? I took it from a now-dead man. It would be compromised if someone started to look for it.

"Fuck it," I said as I rode down the road mixing with the traffic. "I will dump this damn carriage. Better safe than sorry," I told myself as I got closer and closer to the warehouse. But I planned to just sell this to 'Daddy' if he wanted it. Or I would just dump it in the ocean.

When I arrived at the warehouse, I dumped the warehouse, brought the horses out, and slowly walked back with the horses. When I returned, I brought the horses to the back, then found my cute tigers and grinned. "Let's play!" I announced, and I started to play with my beasts.

It was time to start doing some serious training.


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(The Reason for the unclearness of this is that it is a new system, and it does not quite tell me if it is working or not..... Fun! PM me if it wasn't and you joined)