Kaiden look back at Dwayne, "Why are you sad for his family?" he asked.

Dwayne look at Kaiden face to face, "Because they might be hungry and Felix said that he's the only peron in his family that have an occupation" he explained.

"Don't be sad okay? I'll will order a person to secretly give them a money to start a little business, how about that?"

"Are you sure?" Dwayne asked happily.

"Of course, just don't be sad"

"Thank you"

"You're so caring about others" Kaiden muttered and sigh.

He hugged Dwayne and the younger hugs him back.

"Can I start my work again tomorrow?" the younger asked as he look at his lover.


"I'm getting bored at doing nothing here" the younger stated and pout his lips.

Kaiden look at the person who love and smile, "Okay, if that's what you want" he uttered clearly not wanting to approve at Dwayne's statement. "But you will still staying here, okay?" he added and Dwayne nodded his head.

"Aren't you sleepy my love?" Kaiden asked.

"Nope, not yet i just woke up" Dwayne replied as he pout his lips.

Kaiden chuckles and gave his lover a kiss on his lips. After an hour Kaiden heard a soft snort and look at the younger beside him and he saw Dwayne sleeping peacefully. He put his arm around his waist and pull him closer to his body and close his eyes to sleep.

Dwayne woke up because of the sun rays hitting his cheeks, he felt something around his waist and look at it, he saw Kaiden's arm around his waist, he was about to lift the hand on his waist when Kaiden tightened his grip, not letting Dwayne go. Dwayne giggles and turned his face to Kaiden's.

"Kai, wake up it's time for us to work" He stated

"Later, give me ten minutes okay?" Kaiden replied without bothering to open his eyes.


Kaiden open his eyes then smile, "Okay, okay wash yourself first" he stated then place a kiss on Dwayne's forehead, "but we can shower together if you want to" he added then he wink.

Dwayne felt a heat coming to his face then look away and quickly stands up and went to the bathroom. Kaiden laugh at his reaction.

Dwayne stepped out from the bathroom with only towel and he saw kaiden smirking.

"Trying to seduce me, babe?" Kaiden teased.

Dwayne shakes his head, "I-i'm not" he stuttered and his face reddened.

Kaiden stands up and walk towards him and ruffles his hair then give him a peck on his lips then smile then step inside the bathroom to wash himself.

Dwayne left there standing and blushing.

After gaining his senses back he abruptly dress himself walk to the door of Kaiden's room.

"Kai, I'll go downstairs and help them set the table, get down after you finish dressing up"

"Okay, babe" after kaiden replied he walk out to the door and shut it behind him.

After they finished setting the table, kaiden went down the stairs and went to the dinning area and he saw his family seating there then he sat beside Dwayne.

After finishing their meals they went to the company.

Dwayne saw Felix looking kind of nervous, he was about to approach him but Kaiden hold his hand and shakes his head.

"Don't come near him" The older warns him.

"Why? he won't hurt me" The younger asked.


"Don't worry I can handle myself, okay? and besides he's a friend of mine." Dwayne cut him off and gave him a reassuring smile.

Kaiden let Dwayne's hand go and sigh, "Alright, don't go anywhere without telling me, okay?"

Dwayne hum then nodded his head and go to Felix.

Kaiden go to his office and start his works, a ring interrupted him and he saw someone calling him, he looked at the caller's ID but it's unknown, he then answer the phone.

"Who's this?" Kaiden asked but no one responded.

"Who the fuck is this? and what do you want?" He is starting to get angry but again he doesn't get a reply.

"DON'T CALL ME AGAIN!!" He shouted through the other line and hungs up the phone.

The knocks on his door caught his attention and shouted to the person to come in.

"Why are you here Paul?" He asked.

"D-dwayne" His friend stated panting.

"What happened to him?" He questioned in a concern tone.

"He....we can't find him" Kaiden's eyes widened in shock.

"Other said that they saw him with felix."

Kaiden slammed his hand on his desk and became furious.

"Does anyone saw them? where they went?" He asked, fury inside him.

"No one did, but the boys are still looking for him"

"Call them, we need to know who the fuck kidnapped my baby, I'm going to kill them" Kaiden stated with poison in his words.

Paul nodded his head and call their friends, after a few minutes their friends arrived at his office.

"We can't find him" Chirs stated.

"Maybe they aren't here anymore" Kyle said that made Kaiden's jaw tightened.

Harleigh and Harley went to their brother's office with tears on Harley's eyes.

"Where Uncle waynie?" Harley asked while wiping her tears.

"I don't know, baby, but we're going to find waynie, okay?" Kaiden reassured his little sister and kiss the top of her head.

Kaiden is busy comforting his little sister when he received a text from the unknown number who was calling him a while ago.

From: unknown

Searching for your Dwayne and for his friend?

This text made Kaiden furious and curious, who's friend?