Dwayne went to Felix's desk, he still don't want to believe that he is behind the stealing thingy in the company.

Felix was smiling to him and greeted him.

"How are you? long time no see."

"I'm fine, how about you?"

"I'm fine too, kind of tired because i need to stay up late to finish work."

Dwayne smiled because of Felix's hardwork for his family.

"Do you want to go outside?" Felix asked.

"Is it okay? You're still working, aren't you?" Dwayne stated.

"It's alright, I can finish it later" Felix weakly smile.

Dwayne saw how weak Felix smile is.

"Are you alright?"

"A-ahh yeah, I'm fine, let's go?"

They both stepped out from the building and went to the nearest cafe.

"How's your family doing?" Dwayne questioned.

"They're doing well."

Dwayne feels that something is bothering his friend but he doesn't want to ask and just nodded his head.

He hummed and they both order their own food.

"You? How's your family?" Felix asked.

"They're fine, I guess?" He answered with a shrugged.

"You can't still reach them?"

"Yeah, but atleast they don't bother me anymore."

They both start eating their food, occasionally asking each other a question.

When they both finished their food they got out from the cafe and starts walking back to the company.

The road isn't that busy, there's isn't so much people walking by as well as vehicles.

Felix stop walking and grabbed Dwayne's hand and pulling him to the dark corner where other can't see them.

"What are y---"

Dwayne didn't finished his words when he suddenly felt sleepy but he heard Felix says 'sorry' before darkness ate him.

Dwayne wake up with him sitting on a chair and his arms tied behind the chair. He wants to shout for help but he can't because there's something on his mouth.

He heard the door creaked opened and he saw Felix with a food in his hand and had a sorry look.

Dwayne begun to cry.

"I'm sorry but I have to do it" Felix stated and starts approach him.

Felix released the thing on his mouth.

"W-why?" The only words that came out on Dwayne's mouth.

He can't understand why his friend betrayed him.

"I really am sorry, I need to do this, because if i don't my family will suffer" Felix stated sobbing.

"A-are you the one who was stealing a money from the company?" Dwayne asked and Felix slowly nodded his head.

"W-why did you do that?"

"I-i don't have any option Dwayne" His friend stated while kneeling and crying.

"Y-you can ask me to help you, I, we are willing to help you"

Felix sigh and wiped the tears that flows on his cheeks. He untied him and give him the food.

"Eat it and I'll help you out"

Dwayne smiled, he knew that his friend won't betray him again.

"Thank you, Felix"

After a few minutes Dwayne finished his food and they were about to go out when someone enter.

"H-Hannah" Dwayne stated.

"W-what are you d-doing h-here?" he asked stuttering.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just here to stop you both from uhmmm...." She held her chin like she's thinking. "Escaping."

Then four masculine men enter the room.

"Tie them both and make it sure that they won't escape, understood?" She said and walk away.

The four men walk towards us, the two men held me while the other two held Felix.

"Let us go, you bitch!!" Felix shouted but get punch at his stomach that made him cough.

"Hey, don't hurt him, stupid!" Dwayne yelled then got punch at his stomach and cough.

The four men punch them to their face, stomach and kick them to their ribs that make them hard to breathe.

After being punched several times they found themselves sitting on the chair and their arms tied behind them.

"I-i'm *cough* s-sorry i c-can't *cough* h-help you now" Felix stated and slightly chuckles


"I-it's alright" Dwayne stated.

Two days later they're still tied at the chair and as time goes by they both losing hope.

The door creaked open and they saw Hannah smirking while walking towards them.

Hannah approached Dwayne and grab a fistful of his hair. Dwayne groaned at the pain.

"How are you both doing?"

"Let him go, bitch" Felix stated while glaring at her.

"Oh dear, I thought we settle this down" She said.

"I command you to kidnapped this little shit and make him feel hell but what did you do?" She stated while approaching Felix. "You want to help this little bitch here to escape."

"He's my frie--"

"But you were the one who caught him and bring here" She cut him off.

Felix looks at Dwayne with a sorry look at his face.

"Atleast he tried to help me to get out here" Dwayne stated and look back at his friend while smiling, reassuring that he forgive him.

Hannah didn't seem to like the answer of Dwayne, she slapped him until Dwayne felt a hot liquid on his lips.

"We're not done yet" She stated then walk away from them.