"Are you okay?" Felix asked when Hannah is out of their sight.

"Yeah, I am, you?"

"Same as you"

Dwayne sighed and hung his head low.

"Hey, don't loose hope, I bet Mr. Meiresone will find us" Felix reassured his friend.

"But how? he doesn't kn---" His face lit up when he realized something, he tried to reached at his back pocket and he felt something on it, he grabbed it and he showed it to Felix and smirk.

"Or he can know" Felix stated.

Dwayne opened his GPS and search for Kaiden's number. His phone is close to shutting down so they must move quick.

After a few seconds Dwayne succeed at making a call. After a few rings the other line picks up.

"H-hello?" Dwayne quietly stated.

"Babe?!? Whe---"

Dwayne cut him off, "I don't know where I am but please help us" Dwayne said, he felt a sting in his eyes he is about to cry.

"Turn your GPS on" Kaiden replied.

"I already did"

"Hang on there my love, we're coming"

After that Dwayne end the call and look at his friend just to see a worried and fear look on his face.

"Don't be scared, I won't let them hurt you" Dwayne reassured his friend.

"But w-what if the---"

"They won't, I'll help you to explain your side"

"Thank you, Dwayne" Felix's tears flow again. "You're too kind even tho I did something wrong to you, you still try to understand me."

"Because I understand that you just did it because of your family."

After Kaiden received a call from Dwayne he abruptly tracked his lover's GPS. After tracking Dwayne he called his friends and also a cops.

They informed the cops where they need to go and after giving the address to the police they drive to the place where Dwayne is.

It's already dark when they arrived at the abandoned house, they can't see anyone at the outside, they was about to go in when the cops arrived and tell them not to.

"Why can't we?" Asked kaiden, he's growing frustrated, he needs to know if his baby was fine.

"Because we don't know what's waiting for us inside." the officer explained.

"But we need to save my baby, he's in there." Kaiden stated.

After a couple of minutes they get ready to go in.

Kaiden immediately went inside when the officer said they can go in.

He saw two men, he hide behind a tree quickly when the men are nowhere in sight he walk towards the door. When he opened the door he went inside and his friends are following them.

They hold their guns and pointed it to the men, that created a loud sound that catches the attention of the men inside.

Dwayne and Felix flinched when they heard a gun shot.

"They're here." Dwayne stated.

"Yeah they are, I told you Mr. Meiresone will going to find you." Felix said and smile.

They both startled at the sound of the door slammed open and they both saw Hannah with four men, the men who punched them.

"YOU!!" Hannah yelled and slapped Dwayne's face.

"Stop it Hannah!" Felix shouted.

"You don't tell me what to do." She said then looked behind her back, "You know what you need to do with this two shits."

That's the last words she said before leaving with guns in her both hands.

"We're going to have a lot of fun." One guy stated.

They all walk towards their direction and when they arrived they punched through their face and to their stomach until they both cough blood.

After punching them, the men untied them and they both fell at the floor can't help themselves to stand, after trying and trying multiple times they both got to stand on their feet just to fell on the ground again. The four men rush outside and left them behind.

They're both helpless, hopeless and pale because of loosing so much blood but they don't let unconsciousness win over. They're whimpering and groaning because of pain.

"A-are y-you *cough* o-okay?" Felix asked, half-lidded -eyes.

"Y-yeah, W-we h-hang *cough* o-on." Dwayne replied.

"T-they're n-near." Dwayne added.

"T-they s-should b-be b-before w-we s-swim o-on o-our o-own b-blood" Felix stated and they both slightly chuckle on that.

Dwayne rolled his eyes "Y-yeah s-sass."

Kaiden tell to his friends that they need to be apart to find Dwayne more quickly. He saw a stairs and when about to climb on it when he saw Hannah.

"Hi, hi, hi looking for your dumb boyfriend?" She said more that statement than question.

"Where did you hide him?" He asked calmly but inside he wants to kill this bitch.

"Oh, he must dead now" She stated.

Kaiden eyes went wide and points his gun to her.

She just laugh and look at him.

"Why don't you look for him instead of killing me?" She said while smirking.

He quickly run upstairs and went inside to every room he pass through. There is one more room left at the end of the hallway, he runs towards it and open the door.

He then found his lover laying helplessly on the floor with fresh and dried blood on his body and clothes.

He calls his friends to come to his location.

He walked towards Dwayne and he saw that he isn't alone he also saw Felix with same condition and position as Dwayne that made him confuse, he thought he kidnapped Dwayne. He looked at his lover again and he felt his tears are threatening to fall.

"Hey, baby it's me, you can open your eyes now." He stated and he saw Dwayne slowly opening his eyes.

"H-hi." He replied and smile weakly.

"I finally find you, my love"

"I'm glad you did" They both hugged each other.