After a couple of minutes Kaiden's friends arrived at the room. Kaiden carry Dwayne in a bridal style and Kyle carry Felix in a briday style as well.

When they all went outside they saw Hannah with a handcuff on his wrist.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!" She yelled at him when she saw them.

"No, you'll pay for everything you've done" He stated with a smirk planted on his face then leave.

When the ambulance arrived they quickly set the both helpless body on the stretcher. The both of them are alive but they are unconscious.

When they arrived at the hospital the doctors and nurses went inside the ICU, Kaiden insisted to be with them inside but the doctor resists.

Kaiden sits at the chair and put his face on his both hands.

"He's going to be fine." Paul reassured him.

"I know I just can't help to think, what if something bad happen?"

"Nothing bad will happen." William stated and pat his back.

Kaiden smile at his friends even tho they're annoying he can still count them in.

After a few hours the nurses and the doctors went outside.

"They're both fine now, if you didn't brought them here as quick as possible like you did they might lose a lot of blood." The doctor stated then patted his shoulder.

"They will be move on the other room, they're both still unconscious but they will wake up soon." The doctor added then walked away.

Kaiden sigh in relief when he found out that his lover is fine and will wake up soon.

Two days after they still both unconscious, fear slowly eating Kaiden but when he was about to move away he saw both of them moved Dwayne and Felix at the same room, Kaiden think that it's a best decision, he still need to know what happened to them.

He sat on the chair beside Dwayne's bed and slowly stroking the younger's hair. It's already midnight and Kaiden is still not sleepy. He doesn't want to sleep, he looked around at the room and his friends are all asleep, he sigh.

Dwayne felt like bus hit him on his head, he try to move but he can't, his chest is in pain. He tried to moved his feet but he still can't. He felt a hand on his hand, he tried to moved his hand to wake up the person beside him.

When the person didn't wake up he moved his hand again, until he felt the person let go of his hand.

"Babe, wake up." said by a familiar voice.

Dwayne slowly open his eyes and he saw Kaiden sitting beside him, his tears immediately run on his cheeks.

"Shh, don't cry baby, no one will hurt you, not again." Kaiden said then hugged him.

"W-what if *sniff* she c-came b-back?"

"She won't, she will put in jail and Felix as well, when he recover." He stated that made Dwayne pull away from the hug.

"No, don't put him in the jail."

"Why? He literally kidnapped you."

"Yes, but he have a reason and he helped me."

Kaiden sigh, "Let's talk about it tomorrow, take a rest for now."

Dwayne nooded and went back to sleep.

The sun is already rose when Dwayne wakes up again. He saw Kaiden still sitting beside him with his head on his hand and sleeping.

He smiles and gently brush his hair, he saw Kaiden open his eyes and smiles.

"Do you need anything?" Kaiden asked.

He shook his head and look at his friend, he saw his friend fully awake he give him a reassuring smile. He looks back at his lover.

"Can you wake your friends up?" He asked.

Kaiden nodded and wake his friends up. When they all fully awake he tried to sit down he then groan in pain.

"So? what do you want to know?" Dwayne asked then look at his friend then gives him a reassuring smile, Felix smiles back


"Who kidnapped you?" Kaiden asked.

"Him." He answered and pointed his friends, Felix hang his head low.

"But he have a reason doing that." He added.

"And what is that?" Chirs questioned.

"Hannah threatened him to hurt his family when he won't obey her commands." He explained.

"If he's an ally of Hannah then why would she hurt him?" Kyle asked.

Dwayne sigh. "He helped me to escape but unfortunately she caught us and made her men hurt us."

They all nodded their head. Kaiden looked at Felix.

"Are you the one who stole the money in my company?" Kaiden asked.

Felix nodded his head, "Y-yes" He answered stuttering.

"B-but I just did that because Hannah tell me to do it." He explained.

Kaiden sigh, "You know that I can send you to prison because you stole my money, right?"

Felix nodded then hung his head low and tears flow from his eyes.

"Kai----" Kaiden cut Dwayne's words.

"But I won't because you still help Dwayne to escape even tho your family is in danger." He added.

"T-thank you, Sir" Felix stated then he gives Dwayne smile and his friend smiles at him back.

Kaiden just nodded.

"So? is that all?" Dwayne asked.

"Yeah, that's all." Kaiden stated.

"Kai." Kaiden looked at Dwayne.

"Hmm? what is it?" He asked. Dwayne gesture to his lover to lower his head.

"Can Felix still work to the company?" Dwayne whispered.

"Why?" Kaiden silently asked.

"Because he needs an occupation, please."

Kaiden sighed, he looked at his lover and he knew he can't say no to him, he nodded his head. Dwayne thank him and gives him a sweet smile.

After a few hours, Kaiden and his friends get up.

"Baby, we need to go but I will be back later okay?" Kaiden stated and he kiss Dwayne's lips.

Dwayne blush at Kaiden's action and nodded his head. When Kaiden and his friend was gone, Dwayne faces Felix.

"You still can work to the company" He stated that made his friend cry.