Chapter :-22 The Tomb (Part-1)

"Surround her don't let her esc—"


Kiyohime flicked her Katana, cleaning the blood covering its edge. She wore a red kimono with a bird pattern all over it. The two sticks held together her white-hair.

Her red-eyes were burning with vengeance, blood all over her mouth thanks to the "feast" her master presented her with. Bodies of many soldiers lay lifeless, bloodless, soulless near her feet.

A small army of armored soldiers surrounded her while the enemy mages stood behind, ready to cast destructive spells to finish the last surviving member of the Corona clan.

She gazed at them with narrowed eyes, a light barrier surrounded her body while a large incantation appeared all over her Flintlock.

Seeing this, their eyes widened as they desperately bombarded the barrier around her to interrupt her spell. Many different spells, many different cold weapons, many different curses, all bombarded the barrier but none could pass through.

The incantation was complete and a bright yellow orb appeared at the tip of her Flintlock. The orb transformed into the 'Kanji' word 'Aguni' for 'Agni'.

"Keep attacking the barrier we must not let her finish casting that spell, keep up the assault."

Kiyohime looked towards them with lifeless eyes, no emotion seemed inside those beautiful red orbs. She raised her hand towards the leader of the faction, the one responsible for slaughtering her family.


She screamed at the top of her lungs and launched the 'Kanji' character towards the sinners. She watched them turning to ash, along with them turned to ash was the hate and pain inside her.

She looked around and observed the destruction she caused. The mangled bodies, separated heads, severed limbs, and the unending blood which painted the ground crimson.

She left no remorse, no hate, no pain only her loyalty and devotion towards her master. The 'Kanji' character started burning everything outside her barrier which protected her from the assault of many enemy mages.

The ground melted, blood evaporated, limbs disintegrated along with every other trace of her enemies.

She undid the barrier as the terrible heat assaulted her body. The 'Kanji' characters were something mortals or immortals alike couldn't control.

They were the manifestation of the concepts they represented. The boost from her master allowed her to borrow power from the concept and burn her enemies.

Kiyohime rushed towards her master's location, her wounds had already healed after draining the enemies of their blood. She wanted nothing more than to return to her master's side.


Henrik looked towards the place where he had sealed the sinners inside the boundary, he clearly left the burning mana that bought destruction upon the enemies. The intense heat impacted the boundary again and again but couldn't break through until after a few more tries it extinguished, leaving behind a crater filled with molten rocks.

"She really is a useful servant. Not only is she a satisfying "food" but also a strong and capable subordinate. Well, let's focus on getting that "thing" out from the ground."

Henrik utilized his [Telekinesis] and split the earth open, he couldn't see inside the seemingly unending cliff but he could definitely feel the presence of "that" thing.

Henrik ignited a small flame in his palm using the basic [Agni] spell. He jumped inside the separation. After using [Telekinesis] on his body, he gently floated down towards the point where he left "it's" presence.

The flame illuminated the area around him, revealing an ancient passage in front of him. Without wasting another second he entered through the passage. It dispelled his [Telekinesis] and traveled on foot.

After what seemed like an eternity, he finally saw light coming from the end of the passage which was a few steps away from his current position.

He moved forwards and entered across the bright light before entering a regal looking room decorated with various kinds of gems and crystals.

The whole place looked like a tomb, strange pictures were depicted all over the walls of the tomb. Henrik outright ignored everything and focused on searching the "thing" which could absorb his [Force].

He walked forward and saw something which made him raise an eyebrow. A regal, shining skeleton with a crown made of pure gold and diamond resting over his head sat on a black-throne.

The design of the throne was very irregular and strange like someone had welded together many swords to create a throne from it.

It held a black colored Grimoire in his skeleton palm. Chains bound the ancient spellbook while a picture of a huge [Black Kirin] could be seen over the cover.

Henrik recognized the symbol as the Corona clan's symbol, Kiyohime always wore a bracelet with strange patterns and a [Black Kirin] embedded over it, on her right wrist.

But what really caught Henrik's eye were the 7 small and 1 large crystal embedded on the wall behind the throne. He moved towards the wall and placed his palm over the small crystals.


This power allowed the user to view events as if they were there, including the sights, sounds, and feelings, both emotional and physical, that the wielder of the object experienced.

[Kyber crystals] were Force-attuned crystals that grew rarely but throughout the galaxy, with some areas having a greater abundance than others.

The crystals concentrated energy in a unique manner through the [Force], resonating with it.

The crystals exhibited a sort of "collective consciousness," verging on sentience and could non-verbally communicate with both one another and living beings. Some theorized that the permutations in the kyber lattice were comparable to emotional shifts in a sentient being.

Internally, [kyber crystals] were composed of both organic and inorganic matter. They were stable at temperatures and pressures found in the cores of large stars, and were thus impervious to fire and resistant to hammering, and noted for their intricate patterns.

[Kyber crystals] were sturdy enough to survive the violent explosion of a lightsaber's power grid, such as those caused by accidentally inverting the emitter matrix during the weapon's assembly.

[Kyber crystals] would not warm a sheath or a towel or any inanimate object, responding only to life, including plant life. If an individual were to wrap their hand around a crystal, the crystal would warm, but no change in temperature.

The crystals grew in an organized way, adding to their prismatic structure one piece at a time. They had no discernible lifespan and thus could be found from sizes as small as a fingernail to gigantic proportions. All kybers were attuned to the [Force] regardless of their size. Incorrectly pumping laser energy into the crystals weakened their lattices in the same way living cells were affected by radiation.

"What the hell—"

Henrik was shocked by all the emotions and experiences transmitted into his mind. The origin of these crystals was slowly being explained in his mind along with the use of this crystal. The weapons, especially the [Lightsabers] which couldn't be blocked by normal means.

Henrik had always considered [Force] to be his most versatile power but after receiving this information from the crystals, he knew he had severely underestimated its power and capability.

Only he and if he was right, then his siblings could use this power, now with these crystals, if he could replicate the [Lightsabers] he saw in his vision. Then he could make a weapon exclusive to his family. This combined with [Force] would give them enough strength to fight against anyone with any problem.

But making these weapons in this era was impossible, the technology required to make these weapons were only available in the 20th century and even then he must actively participate in the evolution of humanity to speed up the process.

He decided to think of this problem on a later date and plucked the crystals from the walls before putting it inside his [Purple pendant].

He then moved towards the larger crystal and once again used [Psychometry] to find the origin of thing big boy. He could feel the tremendous amount of [Force] energy flowing through the huge crystal.

Although the Force exists everywhere and within all living things, certain artifacts have demonstrated the ability to augment it.

The Kaiburr crystal was an ancient Force relic, the crystal increased a Force-sensitive's power one thousand times over.

Among its magnification of abilities was the ability to heal, to further augment a Force-user's connection to the Force, to project Force lightning by those typically unable, and to empower and energize a tired being close in proximity to the crystal.

The Kaiburr crystal was a deep-crimson-colored crystal that glowed with a faint inner light. Another variant was completely transparent, with no red coloration. When in the presence of a Force-sensitive the crystal shone brighter.

The crystal felt much like it looked: a cool, glowing piece of glass. However, when held by a Force-sensitive, this feeling was enhanced by a sensation much like touching a live electrical current; this was due not to any inherent chemical properties of the crystal itself, but instead its connection to the Force.


Henrik took a deep breath to calm down his breathing and thumping heart. He was totally blown away by this new information and was even sweating due to the enormous stress placed on the body and mind after using Psychometry.

"No metal and solid material can handle the tremendously strong [Force] released by this crystal meaning that I can't make a container that can utilize its power and in turn, turn this crystal into a weapon like the [Lightsabers] from the memories, through normal means."

"I can use it to boost my [Force] power with it but carrying around such a big crystal will only attract unnecessary attention and trouble."

"There must be a way to use it otherwise why would [Force] lead me to this place?"

Henrik closed his eyes and utilized his connection with the force. He soon found himself in the middle of an unending and eternal ocean. The waves impacted his spirit but didn't hurt him at all.

ᒥ....Show me the way....ᒧ

ᒥ....How can I use it?....ᒧ

ᒥ....Guide me....ᒧ

Henrik felt his body becoming lighter by the second as the [Force] strengthened his mind and rejuvenated his spirit, removing the exhaustion caused by the constant use of [Psychometry].


Henrik felt some information being transferred in his mind. It felt calming and smooth, just like a loving mother educating her child. Soon images started to form inside his head.

ᒥ....Sword of Rupture, Ea....ᒧ

The huge crystal could only be used to act as a power source of something as monstrous as itself. The sword of creation and destruction held the title of being unmatched by any other weapon in the whole universe.

Only something with the title [Unmatched] could have this infinite source of [Force] power as it's core.

[....The sword itself has an abnormal shape that doesn't match what would normally be classified as something specialized like a sword....ᒧ

ᒥ....It is something that was born before the appearance of the concept that the world calls a "sword", so it is not something that can truly be called a sword or have the shape of any known blade....ᒧ

ᒥ....While it has a grip, handguard, and is the same length as a longsword, the section that should contain a blade deviates from the normal form of an edged weapon. The "blade" itself and the tip of the sword, spun in a spiral shape, are dull....ᒧ

ᒥ....It has the shape of a cylindrical, drill-shaped pillar made up of three independently rotating segments engraved with crimson cuneiform lettering that spin slowly in alternating direction like querns, the middle segment spinning clockwise and the top and bottom segments spinning counterclockwise....ᒧ

ᒥ....The drill design was modeled after bedrock excavators used to drill underwater tunnels. While Ea is categorized as a sword, its way of being is closer to a wand. Its three sections respectively represent the heavens, the earth, and the underworld....ᒧ

ᒥ....It exemplifies the world's way of being by having each one of them rotate in opposite directions. The "cosmos" is thus represented by matching all three of these representations. Everything together represents the universe....ᒧ

ᒥ....But to make such a thing, something of equal value would be required. A part of an immortal soul as the conscious of the weapon and Gold dipped in immortal blood as it's body....ᒧ

Henrik opened his eyes which glowed with blue light before gradually dimming down. He plucked the huge crystal and placed it inside his pendant before moving towards the skeleton holding the Grimoire.