Chapter :-38 Alcohol Does Wonders While Writing....

A/N:-Read this chapter at your own risk, I drank some alcohol while writing this. Even I don't know what the fuck did I do.

A/N:-May the force be with you, my readers...

Yoda:-After you read the chapter, snigger you will.


"Watch it, fucker!!! Murase family shiteaters!!!..."

"What did you say!!! You pipsqueak!!! Nurasi family manwhores!!!..."

Two adults wearing green and brown haori respectively held their fists near their chin as if any moment now...and they would strike.

Both of them had plain looks and average physique but superiority was oozing of their body as if they were trying to show that they are better than each other.

Both of them belonged to Gerard clan but were dressed as members of the Murase family and Nurasi family. Both of these families had a bad history between them and were always on odds with each other.

Henrik's goal was to create a commotion that would attract the Shrine's attention and the priest would leave the shrine so that Henrik and Kiyohime would be able to sneak inside the shrine and access the basement.

Freya would watch over the commotion and make sure nothing goes south (meaning 'wrong'). She wore purple-Yukata and had cast a [Presence-concelment] spell to make sure no one would see her.

Henrik and Freya were both foreigners, their face and complexion always attracted others. Both of the Mikaelson siblings very attractive and had great presence even when concealed. Freya knew that showing her face would do her no good but instead would attract unnecessary attention.

She had to make sure that nothing bad happens and the plan is carried out perfectly. She also cast a [Emotion-amplification] spell to amplify the negative emotions around the place so that it would speed up the plan by a little margin.

One of the two people who were arguing pushed the other one with his left palm causing the man to fall on the ground. The fallen man had an enraged expression on his face as he grabbed an exquisite looking glass rod and smashed it on the top of the man's head.

The sudden attack by the Nurasi family's member, lying on the floor caught the Murase family's member off-guard and he couldn't defend against the incoming rod.


The glass rod exploded into pieces as some small shards got embedded in his skin causing him to take a step back and growl in pain. Traces of blood could be seen over his green haori.

Somehow a similar-looking glass rod appeared near his side, his right hand took hold of it as he returned the favor with burning vigor. He too smashed the glass rod right on top of the Nurasi family's member's head.

The man lying on the ground had just stood up and couldn't block the descend of the glass rod. Once again the rod exploded into many shards, drawing blood from his body.


The green haori doner picked up a wooden rack full of chickens and smashed it into the brown one's chest. The power of chickens sends the man stumbling on the ground while he retaliated by smashing a rack of fresh fishes right into the chest of the other man.

The fresh fishes were too strong of the Murase family prick to handle, he was sent crashing into a stall that was selling tasty momos, the vendor was angry because of the loss he suffered due to the Murase family idiot and emptied a bottle full of hot sauce on his face.

The spicy taste sends an electrifying feeling throughout his body as he stood up with renewed vigor and rushed towards the Nurasi bastard.

After seeing the sorry state of the Murase bastard, he laughed and tried to shake off the previous damage on his head so he couldn't see the incoming attack and get speared by Goldberg *cough* *cough* I meant by Murase bastard.

The spear had enough power to carry both of them into another stall, selling different kinds of insects. The jars holding the insects broke apart after the two fools smashed into them. Due to their regained freedom, the insects were overly excited to thank the two fools.

They crawled into clothes as once again an electrifying feeling spread throughout their body, feeling that something or rather 'somethings' were crawling inside their clothes, they both came to a temporary truce and started stripping in the middle to the market.

Yes, they both were currently inside the market near the Shrine, the distance between the two places was non-existent while news about their 'fight' would also spread throughout the place.


"Boss!!! Those Murase family shiteaters!!! Have attacked one of our own. We need to remind them that we Nurasi family are not the ones who could be bullied so easily."

"Yes, you are right!!! Gather our men, we will strangle their asses in front of the whole market. Motherfuckers!!! Do they think that we Nurasi family can be bullied by those incompetent idiots."

"Let's go, boss!!!"



"Leader!!! I have just got the information that some of those Nurasi family members are assaulting our men in the middle of the Market. It is said that they smashed 30-glass rods on our family member's head."

"We mustn't take this beating!!! Gather the men, if I don't insert my spear up their Nurasi asses, then my name isn't Gozo Murase!!!...."

"Yes, leader let me gather the people, we will show them who are the real kings!!!..."


(A couple of minutes later)

"Today is the day when my spear will piece your asses and make you beg for forgiveness, Nurasi clan!!!....."

"My saber is blood-thirsty, I will stretch you apart until I can't anymore, Murase clan!!!....."

The two leaders stood tall and dominating others under their immense power, today was the day that would go down in history as the bloodied day of Japan.

One of the underlings of the Murase clan asked their leader with worry evident on his face.

"But this is the market, we can't use weapons here otherwise the emperor will go ape-shit on our asses!!!....."

Hearing his words had a visibly impact on the leader as he nodded his head and had a conflicted expression on his face. The Nurasi clan head also had a struggling expression on his face as he also considered the consequences of his actions.

ᒥ....Should I call off the attack?....ᒧ

The old woman wearing clothes befitting of an old woman suddenly appeared near them and spoke in a tone befitting of an old lady.

(A/N:-I am lazy, what are you gonna do about it!)

"Why don't you fight with bare hands!?..."

Hearing her words, the eyes of the two leaders shone with a brilliant light, the head of the Murase clan turned towards the old lady and bows deeply.

"Honorable Elder, on the behalf of my entire Murase clan I thank you for the divine-way you just provided us with..."

"Yes yes, honorable elder, we from the Nurasi clan also express our thanks for the brilliant idea you have provided us with..."


The old lady went on her way in the way befitting on that of an old lady.

The leaders turned to face each other while the people of the market evacuated the stalls from near them before surrounding them and setting a bidding stall.

"Ok, ok....who is bidding on the Murase clan's up!!!...."

"Hey, Momoshiki, who do you think will win?"

"I think that the Murase clan will win, Urashiki."

"Blah, I am sure that the Nurasi clan would win."

"Murase Murase Murase....!!!!"

"Nurasi Nurasi Nurasi....!!!!"

"Oh ho...look! Vegeta, they are going to fight."

"Quiet Kakarot!, this is the battle between two great warrior clans. Respect!!!..."

"Hehehe.... I wanna fight too!..."

"I will go first Kakarot..."

"No!...last time you went first, this time I will go!"

"That's it!!! we will decide who will go first by a battle..."

"Super Saiyan 2330 v.3...."


"Do you see it Mr.Potter?"

"What do you mean? Gandalf...."

"The fight is about to begin...."

"I can't stop it, is way above my payroll..."

"Your payroll is higher than you think Mr.Potter..."

"You just don't receive it!!!..."


"May the force be ever in your favor,.....





"Take this!!!, Big bang attack!!!....."


Both of the clans rushed towards each other with great speed and furiousity as if the other had fucked their wife in front of them.




The old woman who acted like an old woman entered a deserted alley and stood still, suddenly she started transforming, becoming younger by the second.

Silver-white hair, green eyes, glowing skin, and gorgeous body. Freya had transformed into an old woman to give the push that was required to start the fight.

"Well, that went easier than I thought, nevermind. Let's just hope that the priest takes the bait."

Two more men entered the alley behind her and knelt.

"We have done what you asked of us, Lady Freya...."

"Thank you for your help, the Gerard family is full of capable people. Let's leave before any trouble arrives...."

"Yes, ma'am..."


A/N:-Tho.... shant comment becoming of an ancient reader.....

Yoda:-Force with the author, it is...