Chapter :-39 Entering the Underground Cave

"What is the commotion outside?..."

A young man wearing white Shozoku and a blindfold over his eyes were standing in front of a huge sculpture of Susanoo. Brown beads hung from his neck white his black hair was cut short till his shoulders.

The calming aura emitted from his body and covered the whole Shrine, bringing peace and belonging thoughts in the mind but you shouldn't be fooled by this seemingly harmless priest.

His aura covered the whole place, just like [En], an advanced technique from the [Force]. Every single thing happening inside the area around the shrine was being perceived by him. [En] is a technique that drains a lot of force and stacks mental fatigue on the users.

But the priest didn't even sweat while maintaining a similar technique all day long. Henrik was actually impressed by the potential and power this young man possessed but alas he had a mission, he couldn't afford to get side-tracked.

"The Murase clan and Nurasi clan are fighting in the middle of the market and a lot of property is destroyed due to their conflict along with the harmony around the Shrine."

A bald man wearing similar white robes replied, brown beads coiled against his wrists and neck. The bulky body contained power and momentum, opposite to that of the young priest meditating near the statue of his God.

"Sigh...Why do they always disturb others!?..."

"You need to be a little strict while scolding them this time..."

"I agree, even though I don't like to act all strict but they are disturbing the harmony around the Shrine."

"Should I send some and call the two leaders to have a chat with them?"

"No, l myself will go. Only then will they understand the gravity of the situation..."

"You are right..."

Both of them exited the main hall of the shrine and instructed a few of the monks to keep an eye for any disturbance near the Shrine.


"Master, the priest had left the shrine along with his second in command. Should we sneak inside now?"

A young woman with well-developed curves, white-hair, and crimson eyes stood behind a huge tree, she was wearing a red kimono with a black band holding her hear together.

Behind her stood a young man with short white-hair and ocean blue eyes. He wore a black Haori with the letter ᒥ M ᒧ printed on it's back. His right hand was wrapped with white bandages, covering till his knuckles.

Henrik was looking towards the shrine which seemed totally unguarded. This discovery made him frown as he thought to himself.

ᒥ....This is a trap, this place is just too quiet and unguarded while no one expects a shrine to be heavily armed, this is just too simple....ᒧ

Henrik made an "ok" sign with his right palm and brought it near his eye. [Force] converged within his "ok" sign causing his vision to suddenly zoom in as he kept looking through the sign.


Henrik converged a bit of [Force] within his eyes and continued to observe the shrine. A little blue-covered sphere surrounded the whole shrine, this was the priest's technique. An alarm which would inform the priest that some unwanted people have entered the shrine.

After examining the barrier for a few seconds, he came to a decision.

ᒥ....I can use Amaterasu's divine power to bypass the barrier as the priest borrows his power from the Shrine and the shrine belongs to Susanoo....ᒧ

Henrik looked at Kiyohime and ordered her to remove the cloth near her heart. She blushed a bit but complied after seeing Henrik's emotionless expression.

She knows very well that her master doesn't have any interest in indulging in the pleasures of flesh.....yet. He is too busy planning and plotting for his family to even consider the thought. Well, they are vampires, her master has all the time for these things but he has his priorities sorted out.

She removed her red kimono just a little above her heart, she used her palms to prevent it from falling down and showing her master the thing which nearly every fanfiction reader is obsessed with including the author, truth be told.

Henrik placed his palm over her heart and channels a tiny portion of Amaterasu's powers into her body, establishing a connection between the two.

The kanji "寸" appeared over her chest, written in red color. Since she was a normal vampire with a destructible body, only a portion of a God's power could be contained in her body.

"With this, you will be able to harness the power of Amaterasu to an impressive degree. Get ready...."

Kiyohime quickly adjusted her clothes with a slight blush and took a deep breath to come down her thumping heart. She regained her composure quite quickly as both of them rushed towards the shrine.

With the help of Amaterasu's divine power, they were able to infiltrate the shrine pretty easily without triggering the alarm and quietly approached the main room.

The whole room was empty, the only thing inside was a huge sculpture of Susanoo, The God of Storms and Waves. Just as Kiyohime was about to take a step forward, a hand firmly grabbed her left arm and pulled back.

She stopped and retreated a few steps back while looking towards her master who was silently gazing at the eyes of the sculpture.

ᒥ....That crafty priest, he stored a part of his consciousness inside the sculpture. If we step within a certain range then the consciousness would certainly attack us. It would be able to mobilize the power of the shrine due to being a part of the priest....ᒧ

ᒥ....Unfortunately for him, I just needed to reach inside this room....ᒧ

"[Side-Along Apparition]...."

Henrik along with Kiyohime wrapped at a point and teleported away from the main room before appearing inside a huge hollow cave, located beneath the Yasaka shrine.

This was the first time Kiyohime experienced [Apparition], previously Freya used a basic teleportation spell to teleport them near Henrik using the Esther bloodline as a link.

Kiyohime felt Henrik's arm that held her twist away from her, the next thing she knew everything went black; she was pressed very hard from all directions; she could not breathe, there were iron bands tightening around her chest; her eyeballs were being forced back into her head; her ear-drums were being pushed deeper into her skull.

If not for her superior physique, she very well would have vomited after the first time.

A bright yellow light covered her body as she took a few deep breaths to calm down herself. The passive ability of Amaterasu kicked in as Kiyohime felt her mind clear and her thought process instantly multiple many times over.

[Calm mind:- Passive ability provided to those in possession of Amaterasu's divine power. It clears one's mind and multiples their thought process many times over to make the most appropriate decisions in all kinds of situations.]

Amaterasu who had been quiet all this time finally decided to speak up.

ᒥ....Please stop, I beg of you....ᒧ

ᒥ....Oh!!! look who has decided to speak after all this time....ᒧ

ᒥ....You know that your actions will only bring destruction....ᒧ

ᒥ....If everything goes according to the plan then there will be no casualties but if it doesn't, well, a few sacrifices mean nothing to me....ᒧ

ᒥ....Please don't....ᒧ

ᒥ....Don't worry too much, just watch....ᒧ