"Why do you try so hard?"
"All you think about is your family; your actions are always connected to their well being. I don't think you are under some kind of spell or bond that to try so hard…"
Henrik stood at the ceiling on [Shogunate pavilion], watching the twinkling stars in the calm night. Beside him stood a beautiful woman, seemingly floated in the air.
She wore a [Pine-colored Yukata] with an [Red-Obi] around her waist. The lower portion of the [Yukata] was grey coloured with maroon colour over the ends. The beautiful dress didn't cover her shoulders and collarbone, highlighting her cleavage.
She had smooth black hair, the black eye with a white pupil, pale white skin like jade, her left hand held a [Red-Wagasa] with its inner side pure neon while a yellow lantern chained to a small stick held in her palm glowed in the darkness.
She appeared to be sitting on yellowish-clouds with little light green coloured skulls floating around her. A brownish snake coiled against her back along with a white moon shining over her head.
Henrik continued to watch the stars in the sky and answered without turning towards her.
"You don't understand, I am not under someone's control, but it is my wish to reunite with my family, under safe haven. I decided to create a beautiful city where my family and I would live; I do what I do to achieve the one thing that I was deprived of, my family….."
"My family has endured a lot over the years, and I intend to make a home that would shelter us all from harm. I don't want my family to waste their immortal lives by indulging in nefarious things like they previously did….."
He looked towards the Gerard family members, standing guard of the Mikaelson mansion inside the [Shogunate pavilion] and spoke in a…..happy tone.
"All of these people would look after my siblings, protect them, and fight for them in the blink of an eye. They have proven themselves more than once. And isn't that what the Mikaelson family does? We are not the best at either expressing or dealing with our feelings, but if there is something we know how to do, is take care of each other."
"The thing which matters most about being a Mikaelson, however, is not being accepted or viewed as such. It's making a choice to be one. Consciously or not, I have made that choice several times."
"One thing is inherent to every single Mikaelson: we are warriors. When things get tough, we fight back; we pull ourselves together and go into battle, whatever the personal cost. It has been this way for a thousand years for the Original siblings."
"Though a lot of my actions have cruel consequences, my basic modus operandi is to protect my family. As a result, I have gotten mixed up in a lot of truly evil activities, like betraying people and killing innocents. However, at my heart, I want peace for my family. All of my actions, even the ones with horrible consequences, are ultimately contributing to those goals."
Izanami looked at the handsome young man standing next to her, watching the eventless sky, white-hair, ocean-blue eyes, stoic expression. Indeed an attractive being yet so heartless to those other than family.
ᒥ….He will go to any lengths to accomplish his goal, whatever it may be. Heartless he is, yet no one feels love more than he does…..just who are his siblings, inside those coffins. That woman named Freya is supposed to be his Eldest sister meaning that he has more siblings but why are they in the coffins?….ᒧ
Questions plagued her mind yet she knew that waiting was the only choice if Henrik does intend to do what he claims to be doing, and then she would surely meet his siblings and understand the reason behind his behaviour.
ᒥ….Family doesn't always work out, it didn't work for me, but I would surely like to witness the reason behind his obsession with family….ᒧ
They stood in silence before Henrik suddenly asked her a question.
"Do you regret the moment you pushed Izanagi inside the [Yomi] or sealing [Susanoo] inside Rebekah's pendant?"
Izanami stayed silent for a few moments while Henrik continued looking at the stars.
"I do regret…. I would have preferred if things went down differently, but I don't feel guilty over that fact."
"Do you….?"
For the first time since the conversation started did, he looked towards her. He spoke in an unfeeling tone that held no compassion, no emotion, no guilt and lastly….no regret.
"No…not even I even for a single moment. What I do is what I deem to be right. I don't care about other factors nor the others, but I do care about a few people, other than family….."
Izanami's obsidian black eyes went wide for a moment, though Henrik had returned to watching the stars she could still see a hint of a smile over his lips. Still, Henrik had a stone for a heart. Few centuries of familial love by Freya did work like a charm.
He had indeed grown a bit soft over the course of years; subconsciously, he had started to care more about the clan he created, about the people he cultivated, about the servants who served him.
The usual indifference was there but the fact that it all belonged to him, that it was all HIS property which made him care.
Henrik turned to look at the meeting, Nobunaga and Kiyohime had agreed, and the alliance has been officially established.
"As much I hate to admit it, nothing in the world is perfect not even this paradise that I created, that I built. There will always be a few rats here, and there no matter how many times I make them disappear."
A massive army of armed warriors could be seen standing near the city gate, well equipped and numbering in a few 100-thousands. Someone had leaked the information about the alliance between the Gerard family and the Oda family even before the Clan heads finalised the pact.
A few [Shogunate] combined their forces to attack the city in hopes to kill both Kiyohime and Nobunaga by catching them off-guard with the element of surprise. An excellent strategy indeed, unfortunately, they ignored the presence on mysteries Mikaelson clan who lorded the city that they decided to attack.
Henrik started levitating in the air and continued to climb higher and higher, Izanami also floated beside him on her yellow cloud. His eyes turning colder by the second as the last shred of humanity disappeared from within him, temporarily.
"A war is beyond the horizon, this city has been peaceful for many centuries, and I intend to keep it that way, forever…."
A massive amount of [Force] burst forth his body, and the monstrous, black-coloured aura rapidly covered the whole sky. The stars in the sky went off like a bulb. It took the shape of a black dragon before heading towards the vast army. Henrik was using his [Hatsu] to massacre the incoming forces in one strike.
"W-What i-is that t-thing!?…."
"A Western dragon…!?…."
"H-How did a black-dragon suddenly appeared out of nowhere….and W-Why is it heading towards us!?…."
"M-Mage squad, Cast your strongest barrier to cover the area of it's descend."
The massive army didn't panic; veteran warriors weren't scared even in the face of certain death. Also, the fact that the Mage-squad were already ready to cast a barrier at whatever area the dragon descended.
The people of [Kyoto] weren't able to see a huge black-dragon flying over then due to the dense clouds covering the city. Being outside the city, the dragon was quite clear to every single warrior who had gathered here to attack the capital.
Henrik had moulded his [Force] into a type of Aura-construct and controlled the dragon to descend towards the enemy.
A big aura black-dragon shattered into a myriad of smaller dragons which then rained down from the sky upon the enemy forces.
"Deploy the protective barrier!!!!….."
The leading figures of the opposing enemy immediately reacted and ordered the Mages to protect the main-occupants of the war first and then save as many soldiers as they could.
"[Brahma's Mandala]….."
A vast yellow coloured mandala appeared on top of the army and expanded as quickly as possible. With the combined might of dozens of Elite-sorcerors, the shield actually held up against the out slaughter of the [Dragon-dive].
But it's ever expanding speed still couldn't protect everyone.
"Wh-hat th-e Fu—….."
"Save me!!!…."
"Honour to the dead!!!!…..arhhh!!!!…"
The smaller dragons pierced a large number of soldiers, directly bypassing their armour and inscriptions and swiftly killing them. About a few 1000-soldiers were stabbed to death by Henrik's [Hatsu-technique].