Chapter :-58 Oda Nobunaga (Part-2)

Oda Nobunaga led her forces into the heart of the city, noticing foreign individuals entering their city, people turned towards the "police". Three middle-aged policemen walked towards the foreign army with everyday expressions over their faces.

Their uniform consists of black clothing, a grey flak jacket, metal arm guards and gloves, ninja sandals with spikes for travelling into mountainous regions, three ninja pouches on their back-waist and a signature spiral tattoo on their shoulder. High-level police officers wear black cloaks over their standard uniforms, and squad leaders may wear white cloaks. Most of them carry two Katana, which is usually strapped to their backs.

One of them stepped forward and asked in a polite tone.

"May I ask the identity and intention of respectable Warriors?"

Even though the three policemen held a high rank within the system, their humble origin restrained them from acting arrogantly. Under the leadership of the Gerard family, many ordinary pleasant was able to join the police force and even attain high ranks due to their hard work and merits.

The new system allowed one from humble beginnings to ascend the ranks of clan-members and even surpass them with enough hard work and willpower.

Nobunaga nodded to herself after seeing the humble behaviour of the man and motioned one of her men to step forward and submit the letter of the alliance to the man standing in front of them.

"Here, I think this shall answer all of your questions?…."

"Thank you…."

The man took the letter within his hands and unfolded it, he started reading the content within the message with a neutral expression on his face, and after some time he nodded towards his fellow policemen.

"Please follow me…."

Under the guidance of the "police", they reached the [Shogunate pavilion]. They submitted the letter of the alliance to the Gerard family elite, who had been waiting for them at the foot of the [Shogunate pavilion].

The Gerard family elite had an amiably smile over his face; he wore a red robe with white flames over the edges, the symbol ᒥ M ᒧ in black colour glowed on his back. He bowed a little towards Nobunaga to show respect and said with a smile.

"I hope Oda-dono liked our beautiful city, Kiyohime-sama had been waiting to invite you to this city for a long time due to your interest in western weaponry and battle-tactics but had been very busy all this time."

Though it could be considered a great disrespect towards the Oda clan as the Head of the Gerard family didn't welcome them personally but knowing the straightforwardness of the Gerard family, it was evident that the Oda family had to prove themselves to earn their respect.

Inviting them into the city was already a notable thing as it has been about 200-hundred year's since any non-native clan entered the town. Also, Nobunaga was much more interested in the western-culture than mere formalities.

"Please follow me inside the mansion; we will arrange placement for your troops."

Saying, so he motioned towards the guards standing near the mansion to prepare a place for the troops and keep them well-fed, rested and entertained. He started walking straight inside the mansion while Oda Nobunaga and Oda Nuhigehe followed behind them.

On the way, they looked all around, the beautiful work of western architecture which earned Oda's awe and fascination was all over the place; soon they passed by a well guarded and well-maintained area which was surrounded by many pillars with the symbol ᒥ M ᒧ written over them.

As if understanding something, Oda Nuhigehe kept quiet and followed behind the Gerard family elite.

Oda Nobunaga noticed this strange behaviour of her Uncle and asked him in a low yet curious tone.

"What happened Uncle? those pillars seemed to make you feel uncomfortable…."

Before Nuhigehe could open his mouth to speak, the Gerard family elder guiding them suddenly spoke up, interrupting the Oda Clan-head.

"There lives the Mikaelson family, the main branch….but unfortunately that area is off-limits to most people, even within the Gerard family, only a few Elites and the Clan-head herself are allowed to enter that place."

Listening to his words, realisation suddenly hit Nobunaga, if it were the Mikaelson family that asked her Uncle to take her here, in Kyoto and sign the alliance between the Gerard family and her Oda family, then that would mean that the Mikaelson family were actually watching the whole event as it went, putting enormous pressure on her Uncle's shoulders as the clans of such level were all dangerous and ruthless, her Uncle couldn't afford to fail at the task given by the Alliance, or the Mikaelson family might decide to dispose of him including her.

Nobody knew what the Mikaelson family really wanted, but one thing was for sure if she refused to ally then it would spell the end of not only her but probably her entire clan.

She knew it was dangerous to enter Kyoto without her full army, though it wouldn't have made a difference considering the situation, she chose to gamble on the 200-years of friendship between the two clans.

In reality, Kiyohime was ordered to capture Oda Nobunaga if she refused to ally with the Gerard family, there were many ways to make her agree without her having any recollection of being forced into any kind of circumstances.

Henrik plan had a high success rate, but even he couldn't control every single factor affecting her decision.

He didn't like uncertainty; thus, he decided to take extreme measures to get the job done; he only cared about the result the process didn't matter at all.

Soon they were led inside a golden hall where Kiyohime stood waiting, wearing a light battle armour she motioned Nobunaga and Nuhigehe to sit down on the western-styled seats which surrounded a round table.

Her crimson eyes upon their figures as she excluded an aura of self-confidence and power. Like an undercurrent, dangerous and unpredictable she was. [Honjo Masamune] and the long-barrelled flintlock stayed by her side at all times.

"Welcome, Oda Nobunaga, I have wanting to meet you for a long time after your victory over Imagawa Yoshimoto."

"Finally, we got the chance to meet…."

"First of all, I thank Kiyohime-san for having me. It was really a great experience to witness such a diverse culture and ordered the functioning of the former most unstable city. The western influence within the city is relatively high, but the conservatives seem to be okay with it."

"The architecture and design of the buildings and various vehicles are also fascinating along with that long-barrelled weapon wielded by the "police". "

"But my real question is, why do you want to ally with our Oda clan in the war?"

"I don't know?"


"The Gerard family was asked to join our forces with the Oda family in this war by the Mikaelson family. The details and reason weren't given to us, but we were informed that the Oda clan has a capable leader under who's banner can the whole country be united."

"The Gerard family will fully support you with our forces and help you defeat the various warlords, together we will unite the country under one banner."

"Why did the Mikaelson Family choose me?"

"Well, the family is currently lead by a single person, and he finds your talent worth grooming, your openness about the western culture along with the deployment of your fascinating tactics has managed to impress him."

"He wants to use you as a medium and unite the country so that we can win the upcoming war…"

"Upcoming war!?"

"According to our forces, China is amassing soldiers to invade our country and take control. The alliance had already stopped all the shipments to China, so they want to attack and plunder the resources of our country."

"In a few decades, they will surely attack Japan, and if till that time, the country isn't united, then we wouldn't be able to resist them."

"As the integration of weaponry and technology in that country far outshines our own as of yet."

Hearing her words, Nobunaga went into deep thoughts.

ᒥ....If I ally with the Gerard family forces, our victory will be practically decided. Other warlords will not stand a chance against our combined forces.…ᒧ

ᒥ....The other 3-clans of the alliance are also not participating in this war and have allowed the Oda-clan to rise above the other and entering the realm of Peak-clans alongside the other big 3, who rule the country….ᒧ

ᒥ....In a few decades, there are chances that China will invade our country in search of resources and wealth. If the land is united, then they wouldn't be able to cause any damage….ᒧ

ᒥ....I should agree, my clan is getting a lot of benefits from doing so….ᒧ

Finally, after a few minutes, she accepted to ally with the Gerard family.

"I accept to sign the pact of an alliance between our two clans."

"Very well, let get on with the formalities shall we?…"

Afterwards, they signed a pact and specific conditions and prepared their forces for conquering the land and uniting the country. Most importantly, go down in history as one of the significant figures throughout the Sengoku period.