Chapter :-71 A New Dawn (Part-3)

"Just one more time before I go!..."

"I'll let you know!...."

"That all this time I've been afraid!...."

"Wouldn't let it show!...."

"Nobody can save me now, no!....."

"Nobody can save me now!....."

"Stars!.....are only visible in darkness!....."

"Fear!..... is ever-changing and evolving!....."

"And I, I can poison the skies!....."

"And I, I feel so alive!..."

"Nobody can save you now!....."

"King is crown, it's do or die!....."

"Nobody can save you now!....."

"The only sound!....."

"It's the battle cry!....."

"It's the battle cry!....."

"It's the battle cry!....."

"Nobody can save you now!....."

"It's do or die!....."

A white-haired man with ocean blue eyes, sharp features and a purple pendant hanging from the neck were sitting on a couch made from soft material.

In his hand, he held a feather with its tip dipped within the ink. He continued writing on a paper while words seemed to just appear within his mind.

"Music is really good entertainment..."

Henrik spends years planning and plotting but these weren't the only things he did all this time. Being at the limit of his powers, currently, he couldn't improve any further so he indulged in tea ceremony, painting and music.

Art fascinated him just like it did to Klaus, the tea ceremony was very calming and improved his patience whereas music became his passion, English music though.

Freya had gone to command the Gerard forces to attack Kanto provinces together with Sarutobi, Kiyohime, Tachibana and Nubi. While Sasaki was going to battle against Musashi.

Henrik had used an [Astral Projection] spell to project his avatar at the tournament which was being held at [Kyushu]. He couldn't leave the Mikaelson compound when the coffins of his siblings were unguarded.

Either Henrik or Freya would always be present to keep an eye on the coffins even though infiltrating the Mikaelson compound was nigh-impossible. One can never be too cautious.

"Well that I have completed this piece of heartbeat melody, I should check on the others."

He took a golden chalice in his hands and placed it on the table, taking an enchanted knife in his right hand he cut open a bleeding wound over his palm and allowed the blood to flow within the chalice.

"Hemosa hdvuni advani….."

Witchcraft incantation left his mouth as the blood within the chalice started to rotate at fast speed. The blood-level rose sharply and exceeded the height of the chalice. It flowed out of it and spread throughout on the table.

Just as the blood covered the whole table, the opaqueness of the blood lessened as figures appeared over the red surface.

(At Kanto province)


The lock on the door was twisted open as four figures entered the prison which was located under the castle. Due to the anti-magic wards, they couldn't enter the castle premises without being noticed thus they decided to use the prison as a way to enter the castle without being noticed.

After disguising themselves as guards, Tachibana, Sarutobi, Kiyohime and Nubi entered the prison and started moving towards [Cell-187], which was constructed just under the royal treasury.

Within the castle, the treasury was the only place which wasn't flocked with guards, entering the castle without permission was nigh impossible thus Ieyasu didn't put much attention towards the treasury, only assigning a squad of 5-soldiers to oversee its safety.

"So how do we get past the enchanted base of the castle?"

Kiyohime stepped forward and placed the tip of Honjo Masamune over the centre of the enchanted base. Her hold on the handle of Katana tightened, her muscles bulged, her eyes turned sharper, with force she thurst her weapon perpendicularly upwards.


A sharp flash and a gaping hole were torn open within the enchanted base of the castle. No sound, no debris, no nothing…..not even single evidence of the attack was perceived after her strike.

"Impressive!…." (Sarutobi)

"Sasaki-san taught me this trick…" (Kiyohime)

"Well, that's Sasaki for you…." (Tachibana)

"Let's go!…" (Nobunaga)

Quietly they entered the treasury within the castle after using an artefact to hide [Cell-187] from others.

Heaps and mountains of gold and jewellery greeted them upon their entry but they just ignored it and moved towards the gate which was the final barrier within them and the interior of the castle.

Nubi tiptoed forward and placed her ear over the gate, 5-soldiers were standing guard. She communicated using hand signs and informed the others about the soldiers.

Sarutobi Sasuke quietly twisted open the door and threw a sleeping-bomb near the soldiers who didn't see it coming due to the fact that their backs were facing the door.

The sleeping-bomb exploded causing an intense odour to fill the area, after inhaling it in, their heart rate dropped and their blood vessels widened, resulting in low blood pressure, finally knocking them unconscious. After a few minutes, the odour suddenly disappeared.

"Let's go!…" (Sarutobi)

Quickly they pulled the unconscious guards inside the treasury and disguised themselves as guards after confiscating their attire, they tied the soldiers using an extremely thin wire which would tighten even more if they struggled.

After disguising them as soldiers they moved towards the garden, on their way Kiyohime was able to compel a soldier into revealing all the information about the day-to-day routine within the castle.

According to the information they obtained, Tokuwaga Ieyasu was currently in the garden together with Honda Tadakatsu, tending to the flowers and exotic plants.

They quietly neared the garden and compelled the guards into not allowing anyone to enter inside.

(Meanwhile at Kyushu)

Sasaki Kojiro entered the stadium while an eerie silence took over the stands, his mere presence silenced the entire place, wielding a nodachi, and used one he called Monohoshi Zao, he stood tall with the centre of the stadium which Henrik himself supervised during its construction.

His opponent, a talented dual-sword user, a talented warrior, a talented woman but most importantly, a worthy opponent.

Everything from her brilliantly detailed kimono and scabbards to her bare skin peeking through gaps in her outfit contributes to the exquisite overall detail of her figure.

She had an easy-going and confident expression on her face while her gorgeous hair has been sculpted using translucent parts.

She wielded two Katana and had a sharp sword-intent surrounding her body causing Sasaki to unconscious scoff. He straightens his posture and narrows his eyes at Musashi.

ᒥ....Let's see your worth….ᒧ